Edit: Also wanted to say that I had just gotten back from seeing this and thought it was awesome. Good good fun, great script, awesome effects (Asgard yo, so sweet, I want a Rainbow Bridge) great acting, good laughs. Just a great time. Reminded me of the fun i had seeing Iron Man for the first time.
I agree tho. She reminds me of this goth chick who sat behind me in class. Only had that one face. Even when she smiled she still looked pissed off. I hated that bitch.
Kat Dennings was funny in Thor and 30 Year Old Vergin tho so she gets a pass.
Just got back from seeing it.
I saw it with my friends gf who isnt a comic nerd, but we both enjoyed it.
+Costumes, SFX, Music were all great and fit the Thor style.
Hiddleston as Loki , prolly the best MArvel villain in performance, Equal to Ian Mckellen as Magneto. A sympathetic villain with believable motives is always better than a snidely whiplash type.
The jokes were funny but not gross/juvenile. Michael Bay should take notes from the Thor team.
Helmsworth was very likeable and his transition to a true hero was believable IMO
Warriors three/Sif were cool
Hardly any campiness.I was afraid with all the fantasy elements , that it oculd have been cheesy, but it wasnt.
-The ending battle seemed a bit too short.
-The helmet was only in like one scene ( I know why, but I wish it had been used more)
Frigga felt like a cameo. I wish she had more to do.
I wish the Warriors Three had more screentime/fighting.
ya know sumtin bout loki bugged me. like for anyone who doesnt know loki, he came off too innocent in the beginning. he didnt come off as the tricker he’s known to be. like they barely talked bout how he wanted to fuck up his brothers day. i felt he shoulda did more mischievious stuff before he went straight into super villain mode.
I think the script could have been written alot better. As maxx noted, loki just flips out of nowhere and it wasn’t a smooth transition it jarring and weird. Also,I dont think the love story was believable it seemed like she fell for him just because he was thor and good looking and all of the sudden they are “in love.” The scenes between them that were written werent convincing enough.
But id still say it was pretty entertaining. great costume design, art direction, action sequences, and effects. And Thor was portrayed fairly well and his interactions with the humans was pretty funny.
nah he’s 100% frost giant. in comics odin steals him because well loki(from the future) went back in time and made sure he was adopted by odin. lol its wacky time travel shenanigans.
It’s pretty easy to deviate from Norse Myth since a good deal of it contradicts itself and we really only have what can be argued as half of it. A good deal of it is still missing, probably to never be found.