-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

Anything during or after credits? I’ll be watching it late tonight so I wanna see if I need to stay after the credits since most of the other recent Marvel movies had stuff at the end.


yes, stay after the credits. and during the credits you get music by the foo fighters.



1.i totally forgot bout hawkeye…and yes me and my friend geeked the fuck out. im mad they didnt announce him as hawkeye.
2.i missed the infinity gauntlet but now we know how the war gets started…loki has to have let it leak and thanos gets the glove.
3.OHHHHH ITS THE FUCKIN COSMIC CUBE…im like i know i should know wtf that thing is. niggas were in the theater goin…energon? nah its the fuckin all spark

Energon? lol Wow.
Read a comic, niggas.

hahahahhaha i was laughing alot when i heard that

Thor did have a huge change of heart in a short period of time but we actually see what it is that changes him and how so it’s not really a complaint at least not for me.



The shield guy says “we need eyes in the sky” that’s clever little play on words.

Sounds like this movie is livin it up, cant wait to check it out tomorrow.

Our avatars must duel.

To the death.

We already know who wins:rock:

Saw it and loved the shit out of it. Makes me want to use Thor in Mvc3 now.

Ya karma is a bitch. lol

this movie was fucking godlike



loved the hawkeye cameo, also was the guy that thor fought in the facility luke cage?


no way that was luke cage since, luke cage without his giant ass belt looks like every black person in the universe. haha. plus they havent casted luke yet…they casted all the avengers though. [/details]

Saw it in IMAX 3D.

Got hyped after the movie.

Went home, popped in MVC3, selected Thor on point.

Lost 15 games online.

Hate Thor now!

Yeah but…do you at least like his taunt?

I saw Kat Dennings The Movie- feat. Thor. I don’t want kids but I would make babies with Kat Dennings and not regret it.

oh yeah… the movie


I thought the movie had great pacing, I was engaged at every point and nothing felt unnatural. Loki’s moral ambiguity made for a more interesting foe than him simply being a complete dick. (even though he’s still kind of a dick)

Thor was pretty bad ass



Laughed my ass off when he went into the pet shop asking for a horse.

Wasn’t aware!

I’ve heard/read of a few people claiming they saw the Infinity Gauntlet and dammit as hard as I tried I just couldn’t see it. Was it well hidden or all out in the open cause I was looking every where and didn’t see it?
