i need michael jai white to say “wheres my money honey”
there needs to be a pyramid of hype dogs to express my enthusiasm for this movie!
just got out of the midnight showing. not mad at all. their are alot of mistakes…but mostly cause of marvel’s recent retconning. mostly due to loki’s lineage. No one got any of the blake jokes but me and one other guy in the theater. lol. i was rolling like a fuckin nerd. outside of that no real easter eggs i noticed.
theirs an extra scene after the credits per usual lately.
Just saw it. Awesome! In tonally, thematically, and structurally it’s nearly identical to Spiderman 1:tup:
Aight Maxx what mistakes were made and please don’t throw in some dumb nitpicking stuff. I honestly felt they nailed the essence of Thor and his universe. I only had one complaint and I really wasn’t bothered by it but
yeah i was kinda surprised they didn’t go for a love triangle between Thor, Sif, and Jane considering Thor was in love with Sif in the comics.
lol in love? he’s straight up married to her, but i think they kinda implied it near the end with the looks.
i’m still a bit confused on the change in costumes…i mean i figured they’d imply they were aliens and not gods. They really didnt hit that home hard enough for me personally to explain the weird costume designs.
loki’s heritage
]but loki’s heritage is a bit different in comics…he was old enough to know who his real father was. but like i said i dunno if thats a recent retcon thing…cause i do know adult loki actually caused odin to adopt him as a child due to time travel shenanigans.
I actually liked all the costumes but i do wish Thor wore the helmet in the whole movie.
just felt like if these guys really think their gods they’d look more lotr and less like badguys on stargate sg1.
I don’t read tor comics but the one big change I read is that in comics they’re gods while in the movie they’re a very advanced alien race.
i do believe the first draft of the script had the movie having a LOTR type vibe going for it.
alien shenanigans
they retconned it so they are aliens in comics. it was always suspected but never confirmed til recently. the movie kinda implies it but none of the asguardians confirm their aliens. its discussed as a possibility by natalie portman and her sidekick when they argue wit the other scientist.
Wow just wow, i think that man is doing it for controversy. I really don’t see how anyone can hate this movie like that.
Fuck him. CM Punk is a huge comic nerd and he has fucked hotter chicks than that critic jacks off to.
I think the guy that reviewed the movie on BET was worse. He actually thought Elektra, the first Hulk movie, and the Fantastic Four movies were better than Thor. SMH
Elektra had Garner.
FF had Alba.
Hulk had Connolly.
Nigga loves the white womenz. Portman is too jewish for him.
Great movie, I just didn’t like the badguys…should have been bigger
props to those using spoiler tags…
- :bluu:
great movie.
marvel studio tiers go: IM > thor > IM2 > hulk
yeah, my only problem was the time it took thor to learn humility and love. its like daddy sent him on a weekend retreat to become a man. loki stole the movie. anyway, spoilery stuff:
for the keen eyed
- totally obvious, and not much of an easter egg but it was cool seeing hawkeye.
- anyone see the infinity gauntlet in odin’s vault?
Me too, and I didn’t think I was that into Thor, just been hearing so many good things. Can’t wait to see it this weekend. Shoutouts to my boy Kenneth Branagh, Hamlet was the shit.