so uh, when are they gonna make a sentinel movie?
i would pay to see sentinel fly around and stomp down mutants.
so uh, when are they gonna make a sentinel movie?
i would pay to see sentinel fly around and stomp down mutants.
nice. he got nice and beefed up for Thor. they need to make more of these movies to beef up more guys.
We all know you like your men beefy
Whoever was in charge of the X-Men movies, on Fox’s side (Tim Roth???) hates robots. He literally put his foot down when they tried to get Sentinels in the X-men movies. Best we ever got was the danger room in X3. Fox would need to lose the rights to X-Men in order for Sentinels to ever show up
lol wheres black panther…iron fist will never happen
Tim Challa is too busy fighting for America to act in any movies.
(Alright 1 and 2 were good)
1 was decent, however they messed up too many small things (Wolverine and Sabretooth having NO knowledge of each other was fucktarded). 2 was much better. However still left many things out. 3 was a rushjob…the MK2 of the X-Men movies
I just got back from watching the movie. Overall I liked it and I think it was good, but if anything I feel that it could’ve done better with some more scenes. For one thing
]Thor opening up to non-Asgardians is a bit odd when you compare the Midgardians to the Frost Giants, then again he did learn humility and as such it tempered him[/spoiler
…but man HOLY FREAKING SHEEEEEEEEET [SPOILER=]HAWKEYE CAMEO! Fucking teases >_<[/details]
Same here. Movie was good. Lots of funny scenes. Yes the cameo was thy sheeet indeed.
Dude Iron fist can happen. Just team up Ray Park as Iron Fist as planned and then wait for it put Terry Crews in as Luke Cage. BAM, you got your Heroes for Hire movie.
So was Thor just “meh” I really can’t see cap being better than Thor.
I thought the jokes were hammy but I don’t think I was in a jokey mood when watching it
personally I thought they could of done a lot better while he was on earth but I enjoyed everything else, especially in retrospect.
as for captain america? I have no idea if it’s better than thor then it’s a good film, I really didn’t like Thor on earth or atleast what they decided to do with it
Terry Crews are Cage and Ray Park as Fist would be the greatest buddy movie ever made.
Thor is mexican’t;)
as in, can’t muscle this movie into being a box office hit even with his almighty Nordic whiteness…which america luvs.
next flix are captain america and green lantern to degrade ourselves in our nerdy youth nostalgia nonsense fix.
what i wanna know, is wtf happened to the BATMAN VS SUPERMAN movie holly was supposed to make?
now that i’ll pay double the admission fee to see.
as long as its as good(direction+writing-wise) as the rivalry in the WB Batman/Superman Adventures toons.
And thats how it should be. The movie writes itself with those two. Now my thing is who would ya’ll want to play Colleen Wing and Misty Knight?
Oh and on another note, I actually think Thor will do good business box office wise. I think it’ll pull in the number like the first Iron Man did.
A Michael Jai White is fine, too…
tyrese,jai white and crews could all be cage
Crews has that comedy aura surrounding him.
He would make me enjoy “Sweet Christmas!” the most.
Exactly can pull off the comedic stuff Cage does sometimes.
I think Jai White could do Luke Cage circa the 70’s. Back then that guy was all about his money.