-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

Its definitely gonna be a hype 2011. Transformers 3, Thor, and Captain America.

Still can’t wait to see how the Cap trailer is gonna look.

Ymir should be huge

One thing that i do like about this movie is that they are establishing the Asgardians as aliens just like in the comics.

^Wait what?

So by association are Ares and Hercules aliens too?

Read up
Asgardians - Marvel Comics Database

Theatrical trailer: Thor trailers and video clips on Yahoo! Movies

That was cheese. :lol:

Cannot wait for this or The Avengers movie! Life is gooood!

Trailer 2 looks boss

someone post up a dl link that isn’t in quick time format or post a hd youtube link so I can dl it using a youtube video downloader

yea and

I think I know where this is going to go

This movie is gonna be boss as fuck

damnnn that third trailer has me hyped.


French subtitles, but they show a LOT more. That monster at the end looked kinda cheesy though. Some funny ass moments though.

Thor is mexican :slight_smile:




I hope you people are watching Thor & Loki: Blood brothers; [media=youtube]gXiBKbmIE08&playnext=1&list=PL771EF8AB86A9E0F0[/media]

Its up to episode 2 now… highly recommended.

im going to see this in 3D, hope its good :confused:

Word!!! mothafucker why didnt you tell me!!! pimp slap - (goes to dl now!..)

Dunno where to throw this but:

New Thor movie after avengers, as well as a modern captain America.

Then Iron Fist and Doctor Strange