becoming…they knew full well he was rediculous. why do you think he’s on 50 million teams.
come on its not likes he’s superman or the flash…
oh the flash…a hero i loved…til they fucked him the hell up.
Hulk gets killed by direct nukes
Writers seem to change him all the time it would seem though, especially since the mid 80’s.
And as for Batman vs Cap, doesn’t batman win theoretically ANY match as long as he has enough prep time lol? But seriously, I could see him taking out Cap, but it would be a damn close fight. But Batman is like the single greatest hand to hand fighter in the ENTIRE DC Universe.
Deathstroke only beat Bats because of the whole super strength shit. Doesn’t mean he’s a more skilled fighter. But I don’t really wanna argue this either lol. Besides, its like saying Supermans fighting skills are superior to Batmans. Batman has no real super powers, so its hella hard to compare him to a lot of major villains who DO have super powers.
Bane beat batman…
edit: Crippled
I wish someone had a clip of that Captain America movie teaser from Comi-con. Heard it was pretty damn nice.
same i searched for it a good bit and gave up.
I really don’t understand how a guy who’s major schickt is being a detective and using silly items kept in his utility belt the best hand to hand fighter in a world as insane as DC’s. There have to be atleast a hundred different people who actively dedicate themselves strictly to fighting that should be able to take him easily. Of course they just job to him because gimmicks and name recognition.
Bat’s should lose to Cap 10/10 times even with his belt unless preptime is involved and then it becomes more in Bat’s favor but that could be said of ANYONE. Assigning preptime to one person is the lamest shit to begin with. Anyone with combat experience and a reasonable amount of intelligence can put a single battle in their favor, especially when the element of surprise counts for so much.
batman learned like EVERY martial art, and he’s better than anybody else on earth, from what I’ve read. He just cn’t go toe to toe with super powered villains. He would lose to Deathstroke, but if he is allowed to use his knowledge, and finances, he could easily handle a lot of major villains. Hell, Batman killed a Predator lol
Have they ever explained the true source of Hulk’s power?
Yeah, he learned a bit here and there, but it’s not like he is a MASTER of EVERY form of fighting. He is more like a ninja, he uses what works for a style that prioritizes agility and acrobatics so he can escape into the shadows and use his gadgets. Saying that this nigga can out fight every other regular human cause he “learned this special technique in India” is just lazy fucking writing. Not only that but it really downplays the effort that these people supposedly put into their craft. Course thats just like ahem, white folks. Goddamn movie with Jackie Chan yet the focus is on some white boy with no experience becoming a confident fighter in all of 2 weeks. Guess their teachers were just THAT good even though it took them decades to get that good…
sorry if this is old: 5 mins of Thor -
extended trailer?
^ lol its fixed now
in 3d…dead:sleep:
all i heard in those clips was the background noise (music, etc)…couldnt hear the voices
sucks the frost giants aren’t actually…you know…giant
aside from tha I like what I see
well at least the actor got a bit diesel for the part…
- :bluu: