they’ve also said he was a immortal, so i dunno which is true, prob depends on the writer.
i was googling info and in hulk:the end, bruce tries to kill himself but he kept hulking out to prevent it.
Hulk is immortal pretty much. Any “what if” or “The end” alt reality or non 616 book that takes place hundreds or thousands of years in the future hulk is always the last man standing.
Never fails.
I’ma leave it at that as to not to de rail thread anymore than it already is…lol
i could have swore a direct nuclear blast would kill the hulk.
nope. they’ve always said in a nuclear holocaust the only thing left would be cockroaches and the hulk. and in hulk: the end, thats exactly what happened.
BP was one of the few heroes to beat the super skrulls when they invaded on his own. He took out one of the strongest ones using nothing but smarts and skill when the avengers and others were getting dropped.
Hulk can be killed. Thor has put the smack down on him just for the hell of it to put him in his place. Hulk is strong but in recent times he has been treated like the god all mighty by Marvel along with Thor. A classic unbiased writer of hulk has allowed him to be beaten by various means. These new dudes are trying to bring Marvel up to power with DC .I mean Wolverine and the Hulk used to be the most beatable superheros. Wolverine could get knocked out by a good punch or to many wounds. Hulk could get knocked out or just rage himself into exhaustion .
hulk has been beaten plenty none of which makes sense. thor, spiderman wolverine, abomination absorbing man, Sliver surfer, doc samson juggernaut, the thing, namor.
Most of those defeats are :bluu: at best, old school writing for the win. Just like anything its all up to the writer… Out of that list the only people to stand a chance really is old school juggs and silver surfer.
raging hulk greater than all.
Hulk is seriously overrpowered to the point they can’t even make a series about him . They just need to have him face foes who aren’t gonna try to out punch him. Have him fight somebody who is strong enough to put him in submission holds or other types of fighting . I mean why would a genius like Iron Man need to slug it out with him when he could just drain his power with a gamma ray absorbing machine. Reed Richards same way too.
Mister Fantastic and Doctor Doom only given a 6 in intelligence? WTF?! The Marvel official site is retarded.
Why do fans also give bonus energy projection points to characters who have zero energy projection abilities? Even Beast has a level 3 Energy Projection by fans
depends on tony’s mood…hes not always too bright. he tried to slug it out with thor.
Those aren’t them shitty comics that had Wolverine killing fucking LOBO off panel. A guy that goes toe to toe with Superman with little effort? Someone who is basically the SUPER SAIYAN version of Wolverine.
Cap hands Batman’s ass to him quicker than Bane can pop the kinks out of your back.
I remember those days, back when there was some semblance drama and suspense. I remember when he was an animal struggling to be a man. Now he is just struggling to stay in one place, I’m mean, how many books and team affiliations does he have now. Talking about a guy that did most of his work by himself, and now you can’t spit without hitting him in the back of the head.
Lobo is super strong one day and average the next.
I looked at Spider-Woman’s page and according to that site she’s leagues ahead of Spider-Man, Black Panther, Captain America, and Wolverine.
Must be Mattie Franklin.
Fixed that, anyway…
Regardless of his varying strength level, he still has a superior healing factor to Logan. Shit, I got a comic where he shot himself in the head wit some space gun and just stood there confused. How is a midget stabbing him gonna take him out? At the very least they could have given us a few panels of them humorously maiming each other instead of some shitty of panel garbage.
It was actually Jessica Drew, now I looked at Mattie’s and damn same case here. She just beats Jessica’s page in one point on durability. That site also seems biased against little known characters. Checked out Wildstreak and Cecilia Reyes and they seem like the Dan of Marvel. A single point in every category with the official rankings.
Ugh. This reminds me of the infamous comic where Spiderman beats up Firelord… FIRELORD… a cosmic herald of Galactus.
Spiderman has beaten a lot of big hitters in the past that should have squashed him like nothing, but since he was one of Marvel’s most popular characters I guess i can see why the writers pull bullshit like this.
I haven’t read recent issues of Spiderman, but it seems like they’ve toned him down a bit (I hope).
The problem is the dumbass fanboys not wanting to see characters take a loss and figure out a logical way to win . Sabretooth used to gut Wolverine like a fish every time they fought, Hell the Hulks worse matchup was with Wolverine at one point in time due to the fact Wolverine had something nobody else had that animal killing instinct and will to survive at any cost. @ the bolded how sad those days have passed he devolved as a character instead of evolved.
Yeah, lately it seems like he’s been toned down some, like the marvel writers finally realized how ridiculous he was becoming.