-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

cap is beast my friend, just you wait. Remember when Blonsky was trying to fuck with Hulk in the last movie? That was a field test for Captain America. He will be flipping and fucking straight up owning with his shield and agility. He’s like the perfect human. Only batman could beat him.

Mmm that’s not really fair though because Batman got his powers when he was bitten by rabies.

tons of marvel stories are based around people trying to recreate another cap.

and its been stated the movies wont have him pro american so much, as that wont sell overseas. He will just stand for whats right, and defend his country, or some shit

Still would rather have Hawkeye kicked out for Monica Rambeau I mean there’s only been one sister in a super hero movie and the common people need to know that Storm isn’t the only Super Sister.

but all little boys will have no problem pretending to be Monica.

I want to reply to this but the nerd in me knows better.

^ cosign…must resist.

Did someone just say Batman could beat Cap? In what, a make it rain competition.

To add insult to injury he was killed OFF SCREEN. All you heard was him dropping his sword in the distance. :tdown:

dis nigga and his unending love for bp

BP= NCAA ver Captain America But smarter and not as strong.


He never said he couldn’t beat him; he admitted the possibility of him losing. And then washed that nigga away in a sewer.

actually according to marvel.com bp is stronger. i dunno what those official books they release says though. all of bps stats are higher than caps.

captain america:Captain America (Steve Rogers) - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios.
bp:Black Panther (T’Challa) - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios.

marvel site has horrid stats… Its like they let random people just make stuff up.

the blue is official stats and red is fan. either way, bp is still above cap

About that site it seems funny that they have Hulk maxxed out (pun intended) on his speed and fighting skill stats, when his speed doesn’t compare to people like Quicksilver or he doesn’t have real martial arts training like BP, and Cap.

No, the official stats are way off. They don’t even make sense.

i can understand fighting skills maxed out though. i mean he’s essentially immortal and cant be stopped. the angrier he gets the more screwed you are, someone can be skilled and not be smart.

i basically disclaimered it by saying i dont know what the official books say. wheres sano when you need him? i know he’s got the marvel books

I think you might mean invincible instead of immortal. Bruce Banner still ages doesn’t he? Invincibility and defense should only count for the durability stat.

they’ve said the hulk is essentially immortal. assuming he doesnt go bruce banner he cant die. i dunno what version is in comics right now, but last i checked banner and the hulk were one mind.

Hulk still ages, although very slowly. He can’t be killed by normal, physical means, but they’ve alluded to the clock running out on him many times.