-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

I thought that nigga was in jail :rofl:

Damn rich black people think they can get away from back taxes. Now Chris Tucker ol’ dumbass in trouble too. This can’t be life…/srkev


Damnit Blade :confused:

I actually thought that blade 2 was worst. The only thing that annoyed me in 3 was Ryan Reynold’s inappropriate jokes. Yeah, cheesy CGI in 2.

Yeah I agree that Blade 2 was the best. In fact when RockBogart first said how bad he thought Blade 2 was, I was surprised an was going to comment but was too lazy.

With Blade 1 I felt like they blew their wad in the first half of the movie. After Deacon Frost kills off the main pureblood the movie takes a noise dive. The blood god thing was hammy and incongruent and having Blade meet his mom (Sanaa Lathan, who played his love interest in another movie) was weird and unneccesary. They already killed his ‘father’ he didn’t really need another reason to hate Deacon Frost. That said the opening scene of Blade 1 is the best scene in all three movies.

With Blade 2, while the best parts of Blade 1 were better than the best parts of Blade 2, the movie was more consistent. It kept the same tone throughout the whole movie and didn’t introduce any pseudo-religious elements like the blood god thing, that seemed out of place. I even liked the ridiculous final fight between Nomak and Blade, WWE-style and all.

EDIT: Blade 3 was just bad. They kill Whistler, again. Blade was practically relegated to guest star status. Vampires were jobbers (even worse than they were previously), getting pieced up by humans and Dracula was a joke and powered up looked like a Power Ranger villain. Powered down he looked like that nigga I saw at my gym doing squats with bad form.

I read somewhere that he can’t read, hence why he’s fucked now (ie- can’t read contracts, do taxes, probably do math, etc)

lol it’s a shame that the bloodsuckers FINALLY got to Blade.

btw, Blade 2 was my fav because you got to go deep into the vampire underworld

agreed. i dont get how people can say blade 3 went deep into the world…it barely did. blade 2 went fucking deep, it builts a fucking pyramid on blade 1’s groundwork.

I actually liked Blade 2 as well, of course I tend to like anything that Del Toro does because his visuals and cinematography are always on point, not to mention his team’s creature designs.

The only gripe I had was the really bad cgi fight sequence between blade and the vampire lady ninja. Del Toro himself admitted that it looked like shit and regretted not using actual motion capture.
I liked the idea of the Reavers, but was a little disappointed that the ancient main vamp was a wuss. I was expecting him to be some godly uber vamp with funky super powers or something.

The first Blade movie was the best. Want to know why?

This is why [media=youtube]kLwrdp8RV5A[/media]

All opposing opinions are invalid.

Blade II was also my favorite of the trilogy. 2-1-3

My only gripe was that badass ninja Asian vampire with the katana dying before he did ANYTHING! Why? Why do they do this?

^ Yon mean donnie yen? he should of been on the same billing as snipes… donnie yen = win

^ lol i was screwin’ at… taken out like a bitch…

Lookin’ back at the trailer Agent Coulter needs to work on his acting some. He sounded really dull and like he was memorizing his lines. Of course all the actors are, but it shouldn’t show.

Are they going with the original cast for The Avengers, or are they borrowing some of the newer ones as well?

avengers will just be Cap, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Nick Fury.

Hoping they at least acknowledge the Pym’s, and others

So Just one character with superpowers? That’s kind of dissapointing. They should throw out Hawkeye he’s a fake Green Arrow anyway and replace him with either Ant Man, Spider-man, or Monica Rambeau.

ant-man WILL be in the avengers

they picked staples and clearly people who will be making dem dat action figure money. no kid wants to be fucking ant man.

i would
and id go inside your head and pee on your brain, maxx
fuck up your fast twitch muscle fibers

Which is why him getting offed before even doing anything cool was a tragedy.

Hell yeah i love things that go deep too in fact i myself am a really deep person i mean you know like i just have a lot of really deep thoughts, i am so deep that i’m basically a giant pussy or maybe a mermaid,

sorry, didnt realize antman WAS in it. Never saw him at the Comic Con showing of all the characters…
and even so, Thor and Hulk and Cap technically have super powers. Caps are given via potion and treatments, Hulk is pure rage, and Thor is a God.
sounds good to me

I don’t know what was wrong with me for some reason I ignored hulk’s name and didn’t register him as a super. I don’t really consider Cap to be one though. Looking forward to see Hulk rip a tank in half and use them as boxing gloves and a shield.