oh i just meant that in the recent thor relaunch, thor was living in the middle of oklahoma. I dont mind the desert, the scenery looks like rural suburban anyway, and with the destroyer they are gonna need ALOT of space for a fight like that.
I’m glad it’s not in a big city, because if it was in Detroit, New York, or something, I would cringe at the part where the ghetto hood black people crack jokes at Thor’s speech and costume. In Oklahoma there’s 0 chance of that happening.
I meant cheap as in Tokido cheap, not store brand cheap. I kind of figure he is behind everything in the movie.
Branagh has said he considers Loki to be the Viking Iago so I doubt he will bring the sympathy card. Branagh is talented but he needs strong source material and someone to control him. Remember this is the man who made Hamlet swing from chandeliers and wear a soul patch like he was in a boy band.
this could wrestle the top spot for Best Comic Movie in my mind, from Blade
I literally only worry about Loki in this movie. The trailer showed me nothing of him aside from glances, and him being told by Odin to fucking shut up. Thor better show more emotion later in the movie.
Nigga, Blade 2 was the best one! Now Blade Trinity? Yeah, I like to ignore that shit.
Also, that Thor trailer just looked really silly. I guess some things don’t translate too well to screen, and Asgardian warriors and their big ass helmets is one of them. At least with Blade, it KNEW it was pretty stupid, and just focused on with perfectly choreographed comic book ludicrousness and hilarious macho one-liners(with Wesley Snipes being as amazingly badass as possible). This shit looks like its taking itself waaaay too seriously. This would be a kick-ass Shakespearean play, but on the big screen? LOL man…
Blade is badass and all, but Blade 2’s got Del Toro’s touch and becomes a bit more. The look is more Gothic, the monsters are weirder, the villains are more sympathetic and mythic. It?s gorier and more brutal and not always in the phony video game kind of way like the first movie.
I thought everybody agreed Blade 2 was the best one. I guess some mothafuckers always got to iceskate uphill.
wtf blade 2 was awesome. Kickass enemies, great gore, great cast, good ending. How could you hate it, or even dislike it? The ONLY flaw in that movie was a serious lack of Blood Rave Techno song.
The third one was ass. Why did you give him a crazy weapon at the start that he even admits he loves when he returns, only to NEVER show it ever again??? Ultraviolet did that too, and see how good that movie fared? And as much as I love the Nightstalkers, they took that movie OVER.
Oh and Prison Break Dracula? Fuck right off. Should have stuck with the DVD extra idea from the first movie, and made him fight Morbius instead. In fact, they STILL should do that.
no blade 2 for its time had crazy cgi. the stuff of blade flipping n shit was cool for its time. Blade 2 was good cause it developed the world of blade more. it felt like it had a lil more substance the other blades. and co-sign on del toro touch. it did give it a truly unique gothic vibe.
At least we all agree that Blade 3 was the worst. That shit joins the ranks of “Disapointing 3rd comic movie” with X-men 3, Spider-man 3, and Superman 3.
blade 3 quotes were fucking hilarious. between wesley channeling samuel l jackson and ryan reynolds…well being ryan reynolds, its comedy gold.
i didnt know they were making a hellboy 3…didnt realize they were making that kinda money. i love the hellboy series but didnt know if it was a boxoffice hit.