i feel like with blake, thor would see alot more destruction of humanity. since blakes was a ballsy doctor who helped everyone possible. and he’d learn about humanity through blake’s eyes as he tries to find his hammer and learn as well. but i understand it can come off cheesy, but i feel like the directors would have an eye to know how to not make it cheesy.
Yeah. Loki looks sufficiently cheap and grimey for the Norse god of trickery and evil.
Who is that huge robot at the end that shoots a fire beam out of it’s face?
no, he looks like the gay robot emo guy from Grandma’s Boy. It’s Loki, the Norse God of Mischief and Dippity Doo.
I am kinda glad they kept the Blake angle out. More fun with Thor constantly in Thor mode, rather than going back and forth. Your average non-marvel fan in the audience would just get confused by it. And I dunno if I could take another hero movie where I gotta watch the hero be all weak while you wait for him to get his sword/cane/hammer/lassoo/gun/hulk out
Movie is Hype! Fuck the Haters!
so if the Destroyer armor is around, as well as craziness like the Infinity Gauntlet and Cosmic Cubes, does that mean we may see a Celestial soon?
Oh evilsamurai Loki is supposed to be like that… the snakey trickster kinda way
Oh evilsamurai Loki is supposed to be like that… the snakey trickster kinda way
wtf… no balder? wtf wtf
Movie looks very interesting. I really would like to see some action. Who was that giant robot at the end?
Edit: Nevermind
without haters though, there would be no srk
this movie looks gdlk, my favorite marvel hero looks like hes going to have the best marvel movie! I am SO HYPE
def not the best marvel movie.
I surprisingly wasn’t hyped by that trailer.
Something about the setting seemed off putting. Too much desert. They should have sent Thor to a big city or something(With less desert’s visible at the least!).
Yeah I really liked Blade 1, but what was up with Blade2?
you havent read thor recently, have you?
this will be awesome, with brannaugh directing this will be the best marvel movie. im willing to bet on it.
watching that trailer again, im really liking Loki in this. I have a feeling they are gonna play up the sympathy card for him (like his father really being a frost giant) so although thor and loki will fight, in the end theyll hug it out
Well if its loyal to the comic book then that’s cool.
I just don’t like dat dreary look of the desert in general