Just came back from it. Didn’t have high expectations because I felt Thor would be a difficult character to put on screen.
But I was blown the fuck away.
Fucken amazing. Like RBogart said… IM1 and SM1 tier.
To be honest I wasn’t interested in seeing Thor, I had the assumption his character wouldn’t translate that well on screen. However all I am hearing is how good the film is people saying it’s up there with Spiderman, Dark Knight
First date night since having my daughter, thought the movie was really good. Didn’t have any love towards Thor…not my type of character, but the movie was really good. Glad to see SHEILD get more of a story in the film…getting a sense of who/what they are and do. My wife, so isnt a comic head, loved it as well.
Lets be real here, Dark Knight is in its own category at this point. Its really no point of trying to put a movie on par with it. I would actually want a movie to be its own thing instead of trying to be like Dark Knight.
As it stands Thor is definitely on par with Iron Man 1 and both Spiderman movies.
nah he could tell they were out for protecting people. Plus the old guy knew some stuff on shield. Also this thor is alot more trusting…you should see ultimate thor hahaha he’s the complete opposite. he’s like fuck the govt, ultimate thor is a paranoid hippy god of thunder.