The WTF Thread: Xbox360 & PS3 Bug Reports

playing on xbl, there are a lot of times when i play against blanka and then it starts to skip a lot of frames and the camera has a hard time focusing or staying stationary

The announcer says “You Win”. I bet it’s because the announcer never says “Akuma” in the original.

Ran into some weird quirks on the PS3 during a series of online matches between a friend and I.

2nd match was Honda/Ken. Every match thereafter had a messed up HUD, in which three victory tokens appeared and were static for both sides. Also, the life bars were essentially stuck. The level of yellow remained static from the last match, and it was actually draining life from the life bar background color. I hope that makes sense. Anyway. The names E. Honda and Ken remained throughout the entire series of matches, even though our portraits reflected the correct characters.

I haven’t read through the thread, so this may be old hat by now. But I found it weird, and certainly distracting as I couldn’t tell how much life me or my opponent had remaining.


This is exactly what happened to me.

Basically, that’s it. Happens to me and my friends all the time on local multiplayer. Basically, the button config randomly changes itself between matches. It’s only happened to us in local multiplayer though. I was using a custom stick with a cthulu board and mine stayed ok, friend was using a Sega Saturn USB pad.

PS3: Last night playing local (offline) multiplayer, a message comes up in the middle of the match saying I got disconnected from PSN then it takes me back to the main title screen. WTF!

Exact same thing happened to me last night (XBOX360) in a player match that I was playing in. This also happened to a friend of mine also. I would have to say that this bug is confirmed since so many people are all reporting the same thing.


same problems for me

sometimes my matches get real choppy at the start and the frames go berserk, then it smooths out as the match prolongs.

random d/c’s, even when I try to go back in a friends match it would load only to be d/c again.

Just a very buggy game in general. I’d make a list but I’m sure that the problems I experience have been explained over and over again.

I will just say that there should be a patch released for the game (a free patch hopefully). I love the game otherwise, but it just has too many bugs on and offline to be considered anything outside of a beta test. Great job fellas, but please fix these damn bugs!

boo!! Anyone knowledgeable (I sure ain’t, hyuk!) wanna chime in on this stuff?

I’m in the middle of setting up some bug tracking software so that we can have a centralized place for all bugs with reproduction steps, screenshots, videos and so on so that Capcom/Backbone don’t have to wade through several pages to find the meat.

I’ll post here when it goes public and open for all to use, probably within the next day or two.

You should check out the Capcom->Street Fighter->HD Remix forums, theres a thread there which has all of the bugs from this thread organized. Perhaps you should collaborate with the poster of that thread.

For the 360 players…ya’ll been experiencing crazy drop outs from player match games in the last hour? Can’t even play in a player match for more than 10 minutes without the whole room going to shit.

Sometimes, as I’ve noticed on practice mode, Ken’s command (crazy) kicks (Hadoken-movement kick) can make ken go behind the opponent and both players are facing away from each other. It is somewhat hard to recreate but it definitely is possible. (PS3 version.) This isn’t limited to only practice mode, it seems, for it has happened a few times multiplayer but very rarely due to the very circumstantial-ness of the situation. This is a pretty bad glitch, but won’t happen too frequently to be abused.

this is present in vanilla ST as well. it was left in on purpose, as ken has some really cool shenanigans with the crazy kicks during opponents wakeup and can sneak in a suprise ground crossup.

I understand the electricity bug fighting Blanka, but how does this happen?

Actually I think it would be cool if they made use of the Blanka electro bug somehow. Kinda like the red hadouken became a real move. Maybe if you hit someone with Blanka’s electricity when your health is low and super bar full it leaves them staticy and they get a 10% decrease in defense or something. Or if they ever make EX characters (alternates to everyone) make it an effect of the EX Blanka`s super.

I had the exact same bug also on sunday (PS3).

I swear when you hit start to select your character it can disconnect you and the other people sometimes. I had friends test it as well, but it just seems so odd. Like it doesn’t even make a sound when you select them with start. I’m not going to do that anymore.

And yes, player matches are near impossible to keep going for a long period of time without it disconnecting the entire room. They really need to fix that issue… And that random stuff where the game moves at light speed and you get hit with stuff you didn’t even see the other character do. And life bars going from red to yellow after they get hit. BOTH VERSIONS NEED A MAJOR PATCH NOW.

In HD Remix Cammy’s eyes seem to match the colour of the paint on her legs. They shouldn’t change and they should always be blue. Thats why her sprite looked so messed up to me.

Thanks for that link Sakura.

First page updated with confirmed bugs please read first!

i had a bug today where the character select sound would come out when i press MP in match.