The WTF Thread: Xbox360 & PS3 Bug Reports


My HDR Bugzilla is open for business. It is an open source bug tracker I’ve used both personally and professionally for over 8 years.

I want it to be one centralized place for all bug reports related to HDR so that Backbone and Capcom don’t have to go through a ton of forum threads to find the information that they need.

Please be as detailed as you possibly can be with your bug reports. If you don’t know how to do something, just ask. If you have a bug you want to file but don’t know how to go about doing it, send me a PM with all the details of the bug in question.

It is important to list the exact steps you took to trigger the bug, if possible as well as how repeatable it is. Also list what you expected to see and what actually ended up happening.

Any additional details will help as well as videos, screenshots and anything else. You can take a look at as a good general indicator of how to write a bug report.

I previously was able to convince Criterion Games that a user-created bug database was a good idea for Burnout Paradise. It was such a success that they decided to host it on their own server:
It’s the first time a console game company has been so open with their players and I hope to see the same thing with HDR.

The address is

I haven’t seen most of the bugs in this thread at all whatsoever. My current theory is that I’m one of the few here on SRK that probably plays on a pad and does not change the default button configuration. I think there’s a bug in the button configuration somewhere that is causing all of this. It’s the only real explanation I have for why I haven’t had the all black or the HUD health bars being screwed up.

Furious, can you please add links to the bugs on bugzilla in your first post as I write them? It would make things easier for everyone, I think.

Quitting game from XMB while spectating crashes -
HDR Resets Button Configuration -
Viewing Scoreboard causes PS3 freeze -
Getting Shocked by Blanka Occasionally Causes Electrical Effect to Never End -
Chun Li’s Spinning Bird Kick Motion Incorrect on In-Game Menu -
Sending XMB Messages While SSF2THDR is in the Background Freezes the PS3 -
Online Multiplayer Matches Only Use One Win Quote -
Cammy’s Eye Color Matches Her Leg Paint -
Announcer in Offline Arcade Mode Says Nothing on Perfect Victory -
Music Abruptly Cuts Off at the end of the Match -
Everything Black Except Your Fighter and the HUD -
Player’s Character Stops Making any and all Sound Effects -

A full list of all bugs entered and still in an open state can be found here -

^ ^ ^ Wow, good shit man. We should really get that edited into the first post and made a sticky or something so that more people use it.

I’ve had my fair share of minor bugs but I just had my first major one:

(PS3 version)
(PS3 version)

I brought up the XBM between online games of SFHD (just on its normal menu screen), and the messaging screen locked up while trying to send someone a message. I tried pressing the four face buttons to no result. I waited about two minutes to see, and still nothing.

I pressed the PS/Home button again, and surprisingly was able to bring up the XBM a second time, overtop of the original, so I tried using it to quit SFHD. It all looked like it was going to work, but the screen just went black and sat that way. System was completely frozen up. I had to power it off and back on manually.

I don’t know if I should blame SFHD itself, the newest version of the PS3’s own software (updated this morning), or my shaky internet or what, or some combination of any of the above interacting poorly with each other, but it definitely happened.

I’ve had this bug now for a couple of days. I didn’t see it posted on the first page, so I thought it might just be me.

System: PS3

I can’t view the rank list of my friends. I can see my own rank and the overall rank, but when I try to see my friends’ rank, the game freezes. It stays stuck on the “refreshing” message, but then I can’t hit O to exit or left or right to go back to my rank or the overall rank. I have to hit the PS button on the controller to exit the game and come back in, or restart the PS3.

My PS3 got updated last night, so I tried viewing my friends’ rank again, but it still freezes the game. Not a huge deal, but it is a bug worth reporting, as it’s easier to view your friends’ ranks all in one place, as opposed to having to scroll the entire list of like 20 000 players.

I’ve got the same issue. It’s already listed on the front, but they just said when going to the scoreboard. It’s specifically the friends rank.

If you could add a comment to the bug, it would be helpful.

This is a great idea. How do you add a comment? It’s saying that we need to login, but I don’t have any credentials.

I was really surprised when I decided to turn on the game again around 2 in the morning and played in a room for an hour with no glitches other than the music cutting off in like 1 or 2 of the fights. Like around midnight you couldn’t even enter a player match for more than 5 minutes and then like 3 in the morning I guess things cleared up and even the health bar glitches weren’t happening and I was in a 6 person room for an hour without much a hiccup. Strange.

Do you think it has to do with how busy the network is or something?

You can create an account from the login screen, I believe. If you still have trouble, let me know and I’ll set it up myself.

Maybe…if I do another all nighter with HD Remix I’ll see.

Done! = ) I also wanted to add that it’s a 100% repetition rate for me, but couldn’t figure out how to edit the bugzilla comment.

Thanks to Furious and zerojay for your hard work guys!

By the way, I’m pretty close to your location zerojay (Ottawa), so we should have great ping speed. I’m gonna add you, so act like you know me. = )

The reason I didn’t just say 100% is because when I first started playing, it worked 100% fine. It was only a day or two afterwards that I started to notice it crashing me.

And yeah, try to add me… but I might be full. If I am, let me know and I’ll get rid of some people to make room.

Eh, fuck it:

Selecting Fei Long with the Start button immediately after your opponent picks their character causes your opponent to get disconnected

Can anyone try to reproduce this? I assume it’s on 360… I’ll try it tonight on PS3, unless someone else can give it a shot.

sigh not a a single match worked for me today, I kept getting network errors.

So I’m like fuck it, I’ll play the single player…and even that didn’t load up! You know it’s serious when that happens :lol:

I had a similar complete-system-freeze problem twice more today. I didn’t have this at all before this latest firmware update: 2.53, I think?

i think thats a rollback not a bug. its how to game deals with two people getting out of sync because of connection problems. the game decides what “should” have happened and then makes that happen on the screen.

My roommate actually bought the live UMK3 arcade game the same time as HDRemix. He’s a big MK fan, pretty good too.

He plugs in the stick, he’s pumped, and goes to configure his buttons so he can start destroying scrubs…


Then he proceeds to promptly lose his mind with rage as he discovers that you cannot change your buttons.

So for all you complainers, AT LEAST IT’S NOT MK! :smiley:

(PS3) None of my matches are connecting today, I keep getting network errors.

I had created a thread for this before I realized this one existed, but I had an issue on PSN where my scoreboard record got changed from around 300 wins & 120 losses to about 200 wins & 150 losses, rating got changed to (and stuck at) 0 and my rank got pushed all the way down into the 20,000’s.