What is the deal with this bug?
People are claiming they cannot leave a room. I can press start and leave through the pause menu when in game. Am I missing something or are they?
What is the deal with this bug?
People are claiming they cannot leave a room. I can press start and leave through the pause menu when in game. Am I missing something or are they?
I guess the missing thing is the pause menu. It doesn’t come up for me when I’m spectating.
Drained Static Health bar + Static Win Icons PS3: Both players already have 3 wins, healthbar is red instead of yellow, you cannot tell how much health you have left.
Repetition: Occasional, also reported by 6 people
+1 if we’re still reporting bugs. This has happened at least once a night to me.
I haven’t been able to leave rooms either. I just thought you had to wait till it was over or something. I’ve just quit the whole game in the XMB.
This also happens on the 360, happened to me in a player match tonight.
glad to see it wasn’t just me, another one of those days you wonder wtf is going on.
Had the fireball after poof effect get stuck on the edge of the screen earlier. A bit fuzzy on the conditions at the time, though.
We sure are still reporting any and all bugs you can find. I just haven’t gotten around to posting this one yet.
It appears that we’ve got some attention too. Rey from Capcom signed up for the Bugzilla. This is a good sign.
If someone has found a video on Youtube showing this problem, it would be a huge help.
I know I have also seen the bug when throwing a fireball from right to left and seeing the fireball effect exploding a character length or two behind the opponent being hit.
Just thought I’d toss this in, I was firing up training mode on the 360 version, and realized that I wanted to tweak to speed to get a better look at some hitboxes, and by reflex hit start + select to try to reset the game like in the PS2 Capcom fighters. Instead of resetting, the whole 360 froze. Not sure how related this is to the button presses, but the timing was pretty damn close. The character select screen had just emerged fully on the screen, to give you an idea of exactly when.
Try to reproduce it. If it happens again, let me know and I’ll add it to the list.
I had on online friendly quick match, where the background was all black. The next match it fixed itself.
The “Players Met” list on my PS3 XMB does not contain anyone I have played HD Remix with,at all. I have probably played at least 100 + people online since the games release.
Feature Request (Not a bug) -
When searching for games allow us to filter out rooms that are full. I run a search and 90% of the rooms returned are full. I don’t think you can join full rooms so why show them?
Allow us to filter on Ping.
Allow us more than 1 screen worth of results, but if you implement suggestions 1 and 2 then this isn’t such a big deal.
Great gameplay but the bugs are really a blackeye to this great game. Hopefully they will add the polish the game deserved on release in patches and support. It’s a shame they put it out with so many known bugs. I find it hard to believe the devs didn’t know about these issues.
I’m pretty pissed about having to rebind my controls every time I play. Especially considering I don’t have to for SF:AC. But that’s just me griping.
+1 to static lifebar glitch. I play on PSN. It doesn’t happen to me once a night. Seems like every other night.
See the following bug reports I’ve filed for your issues:
Ive got a great fix for this POS game. Delete it and forget about it. Wait for sf4 at least that has some hope.:shake: good one sirlin!
Wow. You did a much better job describing that than I did. Thank you.
It’s not always easy to be clear, but I’ve been writing bug reports for about 8 years, so I’ve got the hang of it.
I suspected you had done it once or twice before. Detailed yet concise. You just seemed like you had practice because you whipped out those descriptions in no time :).
Yeh good job zerojay!
I need confirmation of the following bug
Is it jsut me but I have PS3… and everytime I try to check friend rankings… the game jsut completely freezes to the point I have to restart my PS3.
That was kind of the situation for me. I was using Ryu and he Dictator. I threw it right to left. He jumped it or something happened where he was in the air and there was slowdown like he got hit, but he didn’t make contact.
Now that I think about it, it may be that he did get hit and the game skipped some of the frames making it look like he hadn’t.