Playing the 360 version. Remixed mode. Online. No other visible bugs (eg life bar glitch).
(random select) T.Hawk vs. Cammy. I mash c.jab to see if my opponent can figure out how to beat it. He eventually beats it with c.MK and proceeds to do it a lot. At the end, T.Hawk has roughly ~15% health and Cammy has ~20% health (estimates). Cammy does another c.MK and lowers T.Hawk’s HP down to ~5% just before the timer runs out. T.Hawk wins.
It’s possible that I remembered things wrong and that T.Hawk was winning before the last c.MK, and it somehow registered as a hit and showed the HP drop even if it was after the timer stopped or something. Still a glitch though.
I can confirm that bug. It happens a 100% of the time. I’m on PSN using the regular PS3 pad.
When doing a throw with Akuma, either punch or kick, and then doing the Raging Demon right after, causes Raging Demon to go the opposite way. So if you’re Akuma on the left side, and you throw your opponent towards the right side, and do jab, jab, >, short fierce, the super will go towards the left side. I’ve tried doing the Raging Demon in the opposite direction, ie jab, jab, <, short, fierce, but then nothing happens.
The same thing happens if you throw your opponent towards the left side, the Demon then goes right.
This happened to me offline in training mode, don’t know about online. I’ll try it online and report back if different.
Edit: I just tried it online in a friendly match, and the bug still happens, with both punch and kick throws, no matter which direction you throw them in.
The bug is :
My character stay in a static command (down forward, move forward etc …), while the game is still going on.
I can’t do anything other than to hard reboot the PS3.
It’s a really annoying one and it happened to me a few times (like ~5 times / 40 games).
If anyone can get a video of this bug, it would help out a lot. Thanks.
Sabre, when you had the problem where the in-game menu while spectating a friendly match… did you have any other controllers plugged in? Perhaps Rock Band controllers, like I did?
I’ve been getting this one where everytime I use start to select my character’s color it doesn’t make a sound then after it gets past the Portrait Vs. Portrait screen it goes black then disconnects. Now I know it could be networking problems between the other person and I but, it’s happening so much that I really doubt it. This is ranked by the way. The way I get it to not make a sound well I think this is how I’m doing it but, it doesn’t work 100% of the time more like 80%. I just rotate the joystick EX2 one rotation starting from right and the selection goes from Ryu to E. Honda to Chun Li to Ken sorta fast then proceed to the character of choice using start to select the color. Actually doesn’t matter how you do the selection as long as you move it around really fast then select it.
The weirdest thing about the RD throw bug is that you can actually cancel the end of your throw animation with the RD
there is definitely some weird bug involving pressing start to select your character and disconnects after the char select screen because ive had the same thing happen
Nice, i was just about to report this. Same thing happens to me (PS3) and i thought it was the usual network problems. It doesnt make the sound 100% of the time and i get the same black screen disconnect about 70% - 80% of the time. It has become risky to use my black shorts Sagat… :arazz:
Guys, the more videos/images of bugs that you come across that I can link from the bugs I’m filing in Bugzilla, the better chance we have of getting a bug fixed. If any of you can look through the current bug list I have compiled and try to get some footage, it would be a massive help.
Also, if there’s a bug you’ve seen and can help me confirm, let me know what console you’re on.
For ps3, the message indicator for a multiple hit super combo finish (Ex: “2 Hit Super Combo Finish”) on 2nd player side is not aligned correctly like the 1st player side.
From looking at it, it doesn’t actually seem like a bug. When Akuma travels the “wrong” way, it’s when the game still thinks he is still facing that way to throw the opponent. I agree it’s kooky and maybe something that should be changed, but I don’t know if it’s a bug. It won’t change anything anyways. Even if the RD went the correct way, the opponent wouldn’t get up before the RD ended.
^ ^ ^
That’s exactly what I was thinking. I don’t think it needs to be fixed, nor would it be a simple fix. (Trying to fix it could easily create other, unforseen problems.) I posted a comment to that effect on the bugzilla report.