OK, so my game froze on me. This happened when I went to view the scoreboard. When I got to the Friends scoreborad, I get the usual “Refreshing…” message, but that’s all that happens. I tried to exit the scoreboards but the controller doesn’t respond. Not even the PS button will work. The BGM still plays, though.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think what your saying only applies when Akuma throws behind himself. When he throws in front of himself, he never changes which side hes facing, yet the RD still goes away from the thrown character.
I agree though that it doesn’t matter if it gets fixed or not, as it would still be useless.
^^ I tried it both ways, throwing the opponent in front of me and behind me, and in both cases, the RD goes in the opposite direction that the opponent was thrown. It may be useless, but it’s still a bug, and should be fixed.
PS3: Arcade 1P, Akuma vs Akuma (shin version). I reversalled with a Raging Demon and got tagged on the first frame by CPU Akuma’s air fireball. He froze in position there! Couldn’t hit him, tried to throw but it was no good (though the animation worked the first time). I built some meter quickly before the round ended, RDed again, and the CPU Akuma unfroze (though it didn’t connect) 0.o WOW it was odd. This game is buggier than a basement-level city apartment :shake:
Another thing that has been bothering me that I haven’t seen in the bug list (this may be related to the other connection issues, but it’s a slightly different problem):
If you choose an online quick match create a match or tournament and a player connects, then quickly disconnects from it (that is, before the match starts), you receive the “a player has been disconnected” message and are booted from the room you created and taken to the initial game selection screen.
This also could happen in between matches (on the scoreboard screen) if: a) it is a quick match or b) it is a match or tournament that you created and you’re the last one in the lobby.
Why would I be booted from the lobby/match I created? If I created it, the “room” shouldn’t disappear if I’m the only one in it.
By the way, I have experience every one of the bugs listed thus far.
PS3, 20 gig.
I was playing a Blanka vs E.Honda match at Blanka stage and got the electricity glitch, but for some reason Blanka had what seemed like a dust cloud surrounding him after knocked him down with Honda’s HHS until the end of the match. Don’t know if it came from him falling or from the HHS, but it definitely looked like a dust cloud.
2 more bugs I’ve noticed. One is easy to replicate.
Go to ranked match, then custom, and search for matches. Instead of down, press up to “loop” to the bottom of the list. You hear the cursor moving, but won’t see anything selected. Press up enough times, and it will appear about halfway down the list.
This one isn’t so easy to replicate. Had a player drop just as I had hit “launch game”. Xbox got stick in a nasty freeze (probably an infinite loop), where not even the Xbox guide button would respond.
so im playing ranked match ps3. Im Fei going against Sagat. When the match starts, the background is black and Sagat has some sort of cloaking device. The match consisted of me getting raped in the dark fiending off invisible tigers hitting at me from all sides=o
Those aren’t bugs. In a ranked match, you aren’t allowed to see your opponents record or name, to prevent people from dropping by going “Oh this guy looks too good.”
Was playing on PS3 with the music turned off in the options ('cause I like to listen to other music while playing, but I still want to hear the sound effects). Randomly in the middle of a match, the music kicked on by itself. No one had so much as paused the game.
I then went into the options menu, and the music was indeed still turned off according the the options. So I had to turn it back on, then off again.
This actually happened several times in one sitting.