The WTF Thread: Xbox360 & PS3 Bug Reports

I keep having the lost connection glitch thing pop up in online mode at the vs screen and it keeps kicking me out of the room or logging me off.

Also, after that happens and I go in to arcade mode, it freezes in arcade mode on the vs screen as well.

PSN: Claw bug

There’s this bug where Claw’ll just stop moving close to the end of the round, in a match online, friendly or ranked. Had it happen once in the middle of a round too, Claw stopped moving, and then like 10 secs later, he was under control again. Haven’t seen this happen to any other character, and I don’t know if the Claw player on the other end even knows this is happening. It doesn’t happen super frequently, but it’s often enough. Never been disconnected cuz of that though.

Does this happen in local matches? Are you sure your controller/joystick is 100%?

I’m not the Claw player, and this is online, not local matches. My controller hasn’t given me problems yet, and this was reported in another thread by other ppl too. Just thought I’d post it in the bug thread too, so zerojay doesn’t miss it.

I entered a match where all 3 match markers were on both players side. Also one players health was gone at the start of every round xD

Today’s bug:

Scoreboard match, Blanka vs. Ryu (me). The battle starts with no chars, black background and no life meters, only super meter and explosions/hit effects. WTF??

I’m boring of losing scoreboard buged games or random disconnections. I wanted to be on the top 50 but everytime that happens I fall 20 or 30 positions.

Thanks Capcom, thanks PS3.

I have some new (?) bugs to report. I play on the Xbox 360.

Bug #1

This is a major one, and might explain why we are seeing so many disconnections at the beginning of ranked matches.

Step 1: Play a ranked match.

Step 2: Opponent #1 disconnects (probably annoyed at how good you are).

Step 3: This is where it gets weird. While you see the message “connection has been lost” (or something similar), if you wait long enough without going back to the menu, someone else (probably an entirely different person) will eventually join you! The match will never actually start, and you will have to press OK eventually, which will end the session. I assume that what Opponent #2 sees is yourself disconnecting before the match even begins. Via the Xbox Guide, you can see for yourself who you have supposedly played against, even though the “second” match never took place.

I have seen the bug at least twice (most of the time, I was so annoyed at the connection being lost that I did not wait at all).

Bug #2

This is as minor as a bug can get, but here it goes:

Step 1: Join a tournament, and make sure you select 8 as the number of players to be involved (maybe this also works with 7).

Step 2: Finish the tournament (maybe it only works if you win it).

Step 3: Search for a custom player match. You will see the number of players already set at 8 (even though the maximum is 6). You can set the number as high as you want; have fun unsuccessfully searching for rooms with more than 100 players in them! If you lower the number to 6, you cannot make it go higher anymore.

I have seen this once at random, then I easily replicated it as I described.


Game fucking up, message screen coming on, and my character getting stuck doing nothing. Game is stuck like black or some shit. Then ps3 resets.


Ive now had the game do some like… basically spin the wheel thing while I was playing. Every other match something different happend. Changeing my controls mid match. Next match, I switch my controls. Then the music switchs. I go back switch the music to classic again. Then I start playing, all of the sudden game is stuck super slow. I try to switch it, but it wont switch. Game has to be reset.


Also setting match to private slots etc. Then when I try and exit after playing friend for awhile, I somehow get pitted vs a random dude. As if I hit quick match or some shit. And can no longer exit with out turning off the game. Stupid.

Also not maybe really a bug per say. But ive seen the cpu chun li, do a regular spinning bird kick, it hits, then she proceeds to cancel it into the air spinning bird kick, and floats from corner to corner til she hits the edge then stops… 0_0

Maybe this was some random move orginally going to be in the game that got taken out? Ha… Maybe some weird kara cancel I know you can kara cancel her flip kick to get ghetto versions of the move. Maybe some kinda wierd cancel thing going on there who knows…

Also I havnt seen it(then again I stopped reading this thread, so if old ignore)but akuma vs cpu akuma. Akuma no longer has shadows on any move. And he is invincible to your rageing demon. ive never gotten it to hit, doesnt matter if hes recovering from a move or whatever, it just goes straight through him. He also negates its invincibility some how. Maybe this was just some purposeful thing. But still kinda random.

for some reason, every game disconnects right before the match begins and it says the other player disconnected and im getting a free win each time

^ lol

bug that turns you into the worlds best dropper.

sure it’s been mention already but that i find that bug with the electricity hilarious, it just keeps flashing on my opponent x)

Posted both of these on Capcom forums but I’ll add them here as well. Both on the 360.

Effect bug
I was playing online vs. Ken, and he did a f.DP, and after it finished the smoke effect on his fist during startup stayed visible through the rest of the game. When I beat Ken you could see a little ball of smoke hovering above him. I’m sure it’s the same issue as the Blanka bug but never seen this variation before.

REALLY weird bug. I don’t know if it applies to other stages or not, but I can reproduce it by doing the following:

Playing on a 1080p widescreen monitor.

Game set to original graphics and 4:3 aspect ratio.

In training mode, chose to play Zangeif and T. Hawk as the dummy, Vegas Stage.

Push T. Hawk all the way into the left corner, then stand slightly outside jab range and do crouching jabs at T. Hawk.

T. Hawk’s sprite will flicker in and out.

I was playing training mode practicing some combos and stuff. All of a sudden a “connection lost” message appears and the screen turns black, but you can still hear music in the background. Had to quit the game through the PS3. That was pretty weird considering I wasn’t playing online.

That bug happens in every mode except Arcade. I’ll add Training mode now.

Yea they really need to fix this glitch.

After winning a ranked match the game went to black screen and locked my 360 up completely. Had to power it off then back on. Has happened 3 times so far. Game causes a complete system lock-up… Wow. They need to fix that. Is this the Beta or official release…? seriously.

I remember in the beta, people noticed that not all the dizzy types were occurring online.

Has anyone seen angels or reapers yet?
I figured it’s worth a check just because it used to be a known issue. I’m pretty sure I’ve had both stars and birds.

On the PS3, I’ve seen all four types in online mode.

Awesome, thanks dude. :smile:

I posted it on the bugzilla but I don’t think I ever actually posted it in here… the forever-effects glitch, where something like Bison’s torpedo glow, Ken’s fierce dp smoke, and Blanka’s electricity crackle stays on for the rest of that game, I’m pretty sure it only happens online, and that it’s caused by rollbacks. That is, it happens when your copy of the game knew someone was in a particular state, and then it suddenly gets skipped to a time when the effect should no longer be happening… and accidentally “skips” over that particular frame where the “effect off” command was supposed to kick in.

It’s such a rare and inconsequential glitch, I don’t even think they should bother trying to fix it; there’s a fair chance it would accidentally mess up other stuff with those effects. I gather they were pretty temperamental during development.

The most major bugs I’ve heard about and/or experienced thus far:

  • the fucking Vega desynch bug… AAAAHH!!!
  • “disconnected from network” type messages kick you out of playing back to the main menu… even when you were playing offline*
    These seem the most critical to fix to me because the first absolutely cripples the online play, and the second could potentially affect tournaments.
  • I wonder if this would still occur when the console has no active internet connection at all.

Silly bugs:

  • assorted console freezes (only during online play or game menus, I thiiiink)
  • button config resets
  • the various display glitches… HUD, sprites, background, whatever
  • the music stops or starts playing randomly
  • random connection hiccups (disconnections)
  • problems with ranking score system, and even just the W/L tracking… I personally don’t care but I know this shit matters to a lot of people
    This is dumb shit that kinda sucks but we could all honestly learn to live with. I mean, of course it would be nicer if it was fixed, but if I could only choose two things to have them fix in their patch I would not pick any of these.

Two big stupid oversights also worth mentioning:

  • XBL: players in ranked matches can check who their opponent is before the actual game starts (don’t know if there’s an easy fix for this though, since it heavily involves core MS/360 workings)
  • PSN: players you’ve met are not actually added to the XBM’s Players Met list (the fix for this could potentially reproduce the above problem with the 360, but I’d prefer that 100%)

i just had a “ghost glitch” where my akuma was almost transparent