Any bugs you find post em 'ere!
Just make sure you state what console you are playing on, and how frequently the bug appears.
THIS POST LAST UPDATED: 1st December '08**
Crash Glitches
Single Player: Game freezes PS3: ** when starting arcade mode similar to crash when starting online mode.
Repetition: 4 times
Viewing Score Board PS3: Game crashers when trying to view scoreboard.
Repetition: 100% reported by 1 user.
Gameplay Glitches**
**Zangief Super Motion Xbox360 & PS3: only works on one side of the screen. Half circle from right to left x2 right + Punch works on both left and right side, however performing the motion the other way round does not.
Repetition: 100% Reported by 3 People
Single Win Quote XBOX360 & PS3: During online play the game will only use 1 win quote, however during local play there are several different win quotes for the characters.
Repetition: 100%
Graphical Glitches
Electric Shock GFX XBox360 PS3: GFX for electricuted opponent did not disappear, player was able to continue fighting with electricity gfx still visiable for the rest of the match. Note: (looks freaking awesome! [media=youtube]5cXcvy-dSNw[/media] )
Repetition: rare, also reported by 3 people
**Drained Static Health bar + Static Win Icons Xbox360: Both players already have 3 wins, healthbar is red instead of yellow, you cannot tell how much health you have left.
Repetition: Occasional, also reported by 6 people
Stray HitBoxXbox360: During training mode when hitboxes are turned on, matchup between Fei and Ken stray red hit appears after Fei’s MK flying kick.
Black Stage Background PS3: GUI & Player’s character is visable however blackground and opponent sprites are black. photo
Repitition 1 time
Jaggied Edges Xbox360 & PS3 : Character sprites are not filtered correctly on some screen sizes causing jaggy sprites, this is particularly noticable on the “MAXIMUM” lettering on Dee Jay’s trousers.
Audio Glitches
No Character Sound Effects Xbox360: No sound effects heard players character however opponents sound effects can be heard.
Repitition:Random but frequent.
No Character Sound Effects Xbox360 : No sound effects heard players character however opponents sound effects can be heard.Repitition:Random but frequent.
No Speed Up Music Xbox360: Old bug from beta, when speed up music is meant to be played sometimes the game music will cut out altogether. No audio even at winner/loser protrait screen. Music returns when player is returned to lobby.
Repitition: Frequent
**Music Cuts Out Too Early Xbox360 & PS3: **When the round is over music cuts out abruptly instead of fading in and out.
Announcer Error Xbox360 & PS3: Announcer does not say PERFECT when player wins a perfect round in arcade mode.
Repetition: 100%
Announcer Error Xbox360 & PS3: Win with Akuma, announcer will say “You Win” instead of "Akuma Wins"
Repetition: 100%
GUI Glitches**
Controller Configuration Not Saved PS3: Game resets button setting to default after saving configuration even between matches.
Repetition: frequent, reported by several people including 1up
**Hud Freeze During Game: **See Graphical Glitches above Xbox360: Drained Static Health bar + Static Win Icons
Misc. Glitches
Chun Li Spinning Bird Kick Command Xbox360 & PS3: Game states SBK command is charge down and up + kick, this is only correct when done during wall jump or headstomp. Therefore it should be changed to back, toward + kick so that it is not confused with her up-kick.
Win/Loses Miscount Xbox 360 & PS3: System’s rankings does not record correct number of wins, and will issue a loose even when you have won all your bouts and been awarded 20 wins achievement.