Playstation 3: ChunLi’s Ariel Spinning Bird Kick motion is incorrectly listed in the in game move lists for Remix mode. It’s listed as Charge Down, Up + K. It should be Charge Back, Forward + K.
I think that is actually correct for the aerial spinning bird kick :looney:
Is it? Only Charge Back, Forward + K in the air was working for me. If I’m wrong then I’ll be a monkey’s bare ass uncle.
try delaying pressing the kick
I believe on Sirlin’s site, he listed under Chun Li’s changes that the aerial SBK could be done with both motions, while on the ground only the back, forward method will work.
One more…I witnessed the computer (Arcade solo, obv) do Chun-Li’s “removed” flip-kick in Remixed mode several times o.0 You can’t do it, but the AI sure can.
t.hawk can condor dive into typhoon slam?..WTF
fei long’s super went through ken’s light shoryu close up…
back in the day super’s could go through projectiles…not anymore… can orochi after a headbutt
dee jay is now champion edition bison…
zangief…good lord…
Cool. I’ll try it when I get home.
I’ve had this with the PS3 version, with both the electrocution sparks from Blanka shocking someone and with the glow on Dictator’s body during a torpedo… as far as I can tell, it happens when a rollback “changes” somebody out of that state suddenly. I guess your instance of the game just skips the programming command that tells the new effects to shut off or something.
Zero complaints. It’s very rare that it occurs, and it looks pretty sweet!
Fei has very good invincibility on his super, but now you can stop him by hitting him in the head.
Not all supers in ST could go through projectiles, infact very few of them could. Most supers were invunarable at start up exception of Honda. Only M.Bison and Fei Long had guranteed success going through fireballs.
orochi after headbutt is not a bug, infact none of what you listed are bugs.
Dee Jay is awesome so what! :woot:
My game crashes every time I try to view the Scoreboard on the PS3 version.
That is correct. You can do aerial SBK with either command.
The aerial CH :d: :u: :k: I think only works if you jump off the wall or off a stomp because you need time to charge it.
I got this as well, though it didn’t start until I hit Guile’s super. Then it stayed present even when I changed characters and only went away when I rebooted my xbox.
ps3 version training mode:
zangief’s hop (f+HP) is actually blocked low by the AI (which makes you hop over them most of the time).
XBOX 360:
during a couple of matches in a player match room with some fellow SRK’ers, the background music dropped, and all i heard were the attack sound effects. it would stay that way for that game, then the audio would come back for the next one.
overall, i’m having a great time with it.
I noticed the same thing as KING when I was in a player matches with him earlier on the 360 version.
Hmm, you were choosing to accept after changing them right? Not just backing out?
The game still has bugs that were in the beta. The entire hud will freeze and you have to leave the game and come back to reset it to normal.
Could expand a little more on the what you did, were you online or offline, what game mode aswell, and what system you are using???
This is not a bug but I don’t know where else to post it. Can xbox users pause the offline game and still see the characters/art/hit boxes in training mode? When I push start in PS3 during training mode, the menu blanks the screen and cannot see the hit boxes in detail, only during animation. I’m guessing it’s the same thing in xbox as it is the same game, but confirmation would be nice. It doesn’t make sense to add hit box display and then not be able to pause to examine them better or to drool over the art. Not a big deal, just a minor detail to add to the game’s polish. Probably good to add that in the patch. Why not create a separate thread with things that should be added in the patch, assuming one is coming.