The WTF Thread: Xbox360 & PS3 Bug Reports

Yeah, we would choose to accept and it would recognize the changes…most of the time. We’re thinking that it might have to do with both of us changing buttons at the same time and accepting it, that needs more testing. As for switching config between matches, I don’t have no idea. Doesn’t happen vs the cpu though…

allright i had 3 people confirm this, i am NOT going crazy:

zangief super motion is BUGGED.

only one that works (on BOTH p1 and p2 side) is half-circle from right to left x 2, right, P.
the other way around does not work.

tested on ps3.

looking some more i’m pretty sure a lot of the pause menu move list entries are wrong… lots of qcb/qcf that are the wrong way round etc. it doesnt seem to change depending on whether you are in p1/p2 position either so its not just that.

akuma,sagat and ryu all seem to have wrong things


Once so far, I’ve gone into a match and had a totally black screen and black opponent sprite, with only my own sprite visible. Lifebars, round counter and super meter was still there for both sides (PS3)

Wow thats odd, could someone on xbox360 please check this out.

Also could everyone please state how frequently they experience these bugs.**

Please be more clear, what moves are wrong, are you player 1 or 2 etc.

I experience the HUD glitch when the room is full…

like in room I had fei long dominating anyone who stepped up right?

one round my opponet started off with a full super meter and I had half…wtf and you couldnt tell who was winning because of Red Meter of Death(RMOD) but it did make for good matches…and the win icons where all full (three per side) even though we where playing 2 rounds

the audio f*cks up to alot

I have been able to pull off Geif’s super fro both sides and had the motions work correctly, I have only messed with him for a few minutes though so I’ll check again soon.

Thanks for your work Furious. You 'da man.

I had one bug (I think it was in the beta) where lifebars were saved from the end of one match, but the red part of the health bar indicated actual health. The rounds won for both characters was locked at 3 each, and the character names stayed stuck on the fighters from that match. It stay throughout all the next rounds, even if I was spectating.

Only happened once though, in about 4 hours of gameplay.

from both sides or with both kinds of input?

I ran into this bug too, just a moment ago.

I had a bug that just remains on the VS screen and doesnt load the fight, both in Online and in Single P modes.

I was wrong, I can only do Geif’s super going from right to left and that is on both sides and playing on 360.

Yup, happened to me twice in about an hour.

Why dont some of you idiots post what console you were playing on when the bugged occured… like what the topic creator instructed. :rolleyes:

Holy shit, so there is an actual explanation and I don’t just suck that bad? Thanks guys!

Trying playing CPU Chun Li and get hit by her magic 4~5 hit SBK that crosses the screen lol.

Hmm…Weird. I was playing friendly matches on the PS3. I had played 6 matches. After I was taken back to the lobby, I noticed the room switched hosts. I waited, waited, and waited some more, but nothing happened. I tried to leave the lobby, but after mashing circle for a while, I was still staring at the same screen. I tried pushing the PS button, but nothing happened. So, I concluded my PS3 froze. I haven’t tried again yet, but I hope this isn’t something recurring.