The WTF Thread: Xbox360 & PS3 Bug Reports

PS3 Version:

A couple times last night online, a match would start up. The life bars, character art and super meter would show up, that’s it. Apparently the other person playing was alright, as all 3 times it happened I was getting wailed on (since I couldn’t see anything)

Black screen :frowning:

X-Box 360

Sagat has a nice habbit of what seems to be teleporting during roll backs. I’ve expereinced this and another guy on N-E expereinced it also. I can’t speak for him, but what I did was threw a tiger shot from over half the screen away and afterwards I went to tiger knee, but during the roll back things got fucked up and I just appeared right in front of them. I don’t know whether he actually teleported or whether the game skipped forward but it didn’t look natural at all. It was basically Air Hyper Viper Knee…

I guess we were hoping for too much when they said this was going to be modeled after GGPO. This netcode is worse than HF. Rollbacks are 100% unacceptable.

im getting mad audio bugs where sometimes sound effects just dont happen


I’ve been “disconnected from the PSN network” on several occasions after booth participants choose to play again - right before the character select screen. I have a bad habit of mashing/piano’ing buttons while menu screens load… and its at least coincidence that I was doing it every time I got booted. Also of note, I was using a T5 joystick & USB adaptor… and have never had network issues on other titles.

OMG a few bugs doesn’t mean let’s panic it’s worse than HF. For most people. most of the time, it’s sounding pretty good (I’ve had minimal prob)

Anybody else having issues with voice chat not working online on the PS3 version? The first time I ran online, I connected my headset after playing a few matches and it worked perfectly till I quit the game, then went back to it later and it doesn’t work at all in-game. Even when I select only rooms with voice chat on, I go in there and see no voice chat icons beside mine or anybody else’s name tags and can’t hear anybody else talking. I’m using a Logitech USB headset by the way.

I was waiting for a tournament to start and I was like fuck this so I was leaving(I pressed O). Right after I pressed O, the tournament started and I couldn’t see anything but the title screen background. I could hear the character select screen and the whole match though. It was weird.


  • screen went black before match start. Had to reboot.
  • match just wouldn’t start no matter what, then I get disconnected. Afterward, I went to training mode and it wouldn’t start. It freezed. Had to reboot.


  • My character gets electric aura after get hit by Blanka’s electric sometimes. It’s actually pretty cool.
  • Some matches start without sound effects.

ive got 3 losses on my record now and ive only lost once, it seems to add them randomly

also i fought a player with no name earlier and his bison was very strange colors, pretty sure it was buggy

I had this happen, but it said I was Sim and my friend was Rog no matter who we had.

This was a private match, normal rules, 2 player slots.

i just went from 64-4 (and i only lost once, still had 4 recorded losses) to 13-8 with a rating of 0

the scoreboard thing is major buggy

game has froze twice right after versus screen, and there needs to be ping restrictions

PS3 - Online Friendly Match - Health Bug

When I was playing a match online tonight, it bugged out and for some reason my health bar would stop going down when there was about 1/4 of it left, but I could still die. My friend’s life (he was player 1) was all red instead of yellow and still went down normally. We also both had 3 stars indicating that we had each won three rounds already at the beginning of each match (normal 3 round matches). Didn’t notice anything else, but it didn’t go away until I reset.

I have had this happen a few times.

Gotta quit out and start the game over again.

yup, the best way to avoid that the game crashes in the next match you try to have after you had a discon is to simply completely exit the game and start it again :frowning:

best blackscreen bug i had so far was the usual one, but in addition my character was also black. tigershots out of thin air ftw!

Dee Jay’s voice samples randomly ignore the volume settings. Happens very frequently.

probably related to muffled voices / too silent voices on ps3, which happens quite frequently for me.

I was playing ranked mode (x360 version btw).
I had a perfect record (around 10-0 yesterday) and today I started playing again. I won like 5 more matches and then i checked my stats.
They were 14-1 instead of 15-0.
Then when got 5 more wins it was 19-1. I even got the 'get 20 WINS achievement".

Then I played with someone but I guess that he disconnected before the char selection screen. Maybe it was an xbox live problem but I didn’t disconnect for sure.
Then I checked my rankings and my lost games had gone up to 2.

I know that it doesn’t affect gameplay but yeah, it sucks a bit.

Im playing on the 360 version.

Just wanna add more confirm to…

-Gief’s Super SPD(that ends with stick going left, on either side of the screen) does not fucking work. I tried that shit for hours, nothing. I thought it was my stick. I was somewhat assured when I checked this thread and saw it wasn’t only me.

-The game bugged the fuck out. It kept the Old HUD from last game(health left when last match was played, showed both players had 3 rounds won, damage taken came from the red bar not yellow. it also showed the names of the characters from the last match)