In single player Xbox 360 arcade mode, the announcer doesn’t say PERFECT when you perfect them. Only in Online mode. (?)
360 version
Hmm so far I only got 2 glitches. One in “ONLINE MODE” when the life bars kept glitchen from low to full when I was playing someone. That only happened a few times though… And the other is when DJ’s stage randomly doesn’t play the music for the stage itself. Very rare though…
im up to 18 losses already and i only lost once, ive just been checkin every now and then and watchin them go up lol
im on ps3 tho
XBox 360… stereo sound seems muffled from Right Channel. Throw a Hadouken from Left side of the screen, the voice is crisp and loud… throw one from the Right side of the screen and it sounds like he’s talking through a towel.
same for ps3.
i guess the fumbled with the arcade mode, since you don’t have a score display anyway. who knows what they did to it.
System: Xbox360
Anyone using a mic, I find that the volume is really low I can hardly hear people talking.
i assumed this was a local setting. i saw the speaker symbol go off a couple of times during a match, but heard nothing at all. this was on PS3.
On 360, I’ve had various online matches where the music (HD Remix gameplay and music) is not playing in the round. I think I was playing on Deejays stage when this happened, but I’m sure it’s also a few other stages. I’ve also had a bug where the stage music plays but when the health gets low, instead of the music speeding up, it cuts out completely.
Also, I think there is an issue with connections in player matches suddenly disconnecting with atleast more than 2 players in the room - but after how many matches, I can not recall.
And it would seem that I do not get many custom game searches in my list, even after refreshing. I’d have thought with this game being so popular I should get more than around 5 or 6 matches turn up when the custom player match filter is set to “any”. But sometimes it’s as low as 3. I am behind a router, but I’m not sure that should make a difference. Many people I see are complaining of room disconnects and also of not seeing many searches appear for custom games.
Also, I’ve had a bug where both players are waiting to play in a player match room and can see each others names, but we both pressed A to continue on towards the player select and nothing was happening - this happened AFTER another player disconnected/crashed and there was a brief notification of this. Remedy was to quit the room and set up another game.
Both PS3 and XB360 (it’s all about supporting the community!)
Sometimes the music cuts off when the match begins… and stays off throughout the duration that I am in the lobby.
I can’t hear what people are saying online. Their volume is very low, but I cant turn it up because the volume on the background music is always way too loud.
Several bugs in one: Ive had several matches in a row where throughout the duration of the match, it shows the names of the character I was in the previous match overlapped with the name of the character I am currently playing. Furthermore, the yellow life bar is not full during the duration of the match. It stays fixed. However, there is a red lifebar that acts as the lifebar for the entire matchup. Also, It shows that I have won 3 rounds at the very start of the match when I actually have not won any.
Sometimes, right when I’m about to start a matchup, the computer automatically disconnects me. I go back to the very room which it occured in, and when it’s my turn again, the same thing occurrs. Very irritating, especially when I’ve been waiting patiently for 3 matches for my turn.
Perhaps my biggest gripe with online HD Remix: I’m in the middle of my move (i.e. a throw, or I’ve landed a fireball) and my opponent’s life has decreased, then a second later a discontinuiy occurs where the computer quite literally “takes back” the move, and instead the next thing I see is that my opponent’s lifebar got back the life that I took with my move, and instead I see my opponent has landed a move that has taken my life instead. That’s ridiculous and unacceptable. It’s one thing if the connection lags and slowdown occurs, but to have successfully landed a move only to have it taken away from me is more cheesy than CE Bison with Guile’s handcuffs.
thats called a rollback. it isnt a bug. its also in ggpo. it happens when the match is laggy. something different happened on your end and your opponents end, cuz of lag, and the netcode corrects this mistake by choosing which result should have happened. its either that, or have more input lag, and more desynced matches.
ill take rollbacks in shitty connections over crappy inputs all around. if you find rollbacks totally unnacceptable. you can change the smoothing option in the game settings so that will happen less in laggier matches, but you sacrifice input timing
So then, what settings do you recommend?
i keep mine at low, just for incase i do get the occasional person that lags a little. and it doesnt seem to screw my inputs either. i turn it completely off if i intend to play people in my local area with 30 or less ping
the default “Medium” works great for me.
Online… Well everything that has been said in this thread supposedly my brother experienced. Power bars fucking up, the whole lot.
Controls not saving. Controls switching, BETWEEN MATCHS. Not even leaving one mode. Just pick a new character and I have different controls. WTF
Game switching from widescreen to not wide screen randomly.
Game speed CHANGEING. Randomly weve gotten speed like 0. For no reason, went to look at the options, its at 3. Go back to versus. Speed is 3 again. Random…
Powerbar is random. Randomly loseing damage after moves hit, not when they actaully hit. When you die and 2 moves hit, for some reason full damage is taken from a multi hitting move and both die. Even though one should win.
And for a bug I doubt is just ps3 or 360, ive been able to kara cancel moves to ryus fake fireball, and although nothing comes out, it counts as afireball and takes tehm away. Bizare. I cant seem to recreate it consistently though. So im unsure of why its working or not. And im kara canceling with kicks so… no idea whats going on there. Then again the controls are obviously bugged in this thing. So who knows maybe it randomly is giving me punchs even though I never pressed any.
Perhaps it’s just me but when I was playing with my controller wireless, the random disconnects increased twofold, as opposed to when I had it plugged in. Despite the fact the controller had a full charge.
That’s what I love about this game. It truly is what online fighting games of the future should be. Even in a laggy game I can still input what I would have if I was person was playing right next to me and the game will eventually “rollback” and correct what’s happening. It looks weird at first but it makes sense once you figure it out.
PS3 Version - Random resets of button config in local multiplayer
Characters disappearing at the beginning of second round in an online ranked match.
X360 version:
Not sure if this is a bug, but reporting it anyway.
Guile’s f+Roundhouse overhead attack completely whiffs against a crouching Blanka. Looked through the rebalancing articles, and can’t find anything that says this was going to be an exception to the overhead attack.
Guile’s solbat also whiffs Blanka’s crouch.
I can also confirm I cannot do FAB going Half Circles Left to Right x 2, Left + Punch. However, I know that my execution of this is much slower than my Right to Left execution, so I feel it is me more than the game. However, since no one has reported being able to do it anyway, it seems a likely bug.
I’m at work now, so I can’t test it. Can anyone confirm that both directions work in Classic mode? (clockwise and anti clockwise 720s)
PS3 bugs
i keep getting the black screen of death in multiplayer mode. it happens like once every 20 or so matches
the game freezes at the vs screen, not only in multiplayer mode, but also in local mode
in network/multiplayer mode, i did t hawks wall dive against ken which connected and it showed him losing health. however, a split second later, i got dped. not only did his health returned, but i got hit. this happened a few times.
maybe this is just input lag from the converters, but i’m having a hell of a time doing command moves on my stick, but on pad, everything comes out much smoother.
people should read the other posts in the thread before posting themselves, that could clear up quite a few questions. it was just rollback.