The WTF Thread: Xbox360 & PS3 Bug Reports

any chance you can video this, the fireball one sounds really bizarre!!

I will post the confirmed bugs into the first post!


  • need an audio cue when opponent finally joins in Ranked match so I know to click “A”
  • need an audio cue when No Match Found on Ranked match join so I know to host
  • need a better visual cue in Ranked mode to let opponent know they need to click “A” when ready
  • Connection Lost in Ranked mode dropping you all the way back to ‘Main Menu’ is sad
  • the music drop-out people talked about is weird
  • Ranked Mode should remember character
  • it’d be good if menus had memory (I want to head to Multiplayed:Ranked:Create most times, I like the same difficulty level in arcade mode)
  • it’d be tight to be able to discriminate against people with bad connections
  • a Rematch option from Ranked Mode (where you drop into Local or Player playback - out of Ranked Mode, but still playing against each other) would be cool
  • after the Ranked match, it’d be cool to see their stats then
  • the sound effect on dizzies are great

I have another one. When playing in tournament mode, all of my matches froze up in the vs screen. There is no way to back out of these, so unless the other player quits, I have to press the PS button to quit the game. I got to the last match of a tourney thinking everyone dropped on me, but instead I think they just had a network problem.

(PS3 version)

I agree with the rematch but have a limit of 3 games max. I would also like to see a “winner takes all” function aswell.

I mentioned this in the other thread but I’m putting it here, hoping someone at Capcom/Backbone checks out this thread.

At resolutions above 720p, there is noticeable jaggedness in ALL player sprites. Its especially noticeable with the MAXIMUM text on Deejay’s pants. I first noticed it while playing at 1440x900 on my widescreen monitor (which has a sharp image), but I checked out some 1080p screenshots around the net and they also show this artifacting. I don’t think its as noticeable at 720p, and on most 720p TVs, I doubt you can see the effect.


Roll back during bad lag is terrible. I had a match today and I can honestly say my character was doing things I didn’t even press. Sometimes it <<, sometimes it >>, other times it would alternate in quick succesion. But each time it skipped forward, you would just appear somewhere and do something, even if you didn’t press any butons. Example, I was Zangeif and I did a walk in larriet, at which point it rewound, fast forwarded and after he finished the larriet, instantly done another one.

If you get a good connection with someone the gameplay is fine, but in bad lag it’s worse than anything I’ve seen in 3S…

Also Live froze my system earlier…

yeah same issue, I never tracked my wins but said I only had 6 wins? Or when I looked at the board for the tourney results and I couldn’t find my win anywhere.

Extremely minor nitpickish bug. Selecting your character with the start button doesn’t play the character selected sound at all.

not sure if this is a glitch with the game, but yesterday my ps3 froze 3 times. Every time i try to look at my scoreboard friend rankings, it freezes and i have to turn my system off by pressing the power button on the system. Can other people test this out for me?

I fought a match blind. At the same time I got kicked and a fight started so I couldn’t drop. Shit was so fucked up. And all I have to say is…LAG FIESTA!!!

I custom search for all my games, I wont play anyone above 200ms. Luckly I havent had any freezes, but I did get my several lost connections today.

Sorry, didn’t read through the thread yet. Just tryna get all this down before I forget.

I know the lower the ping the better. Is there anyway I can check my own ping on the PS3 before playin’ matches? I lost a few scoreboard matches off the strength of lag today. I’m talkin’ about mofos that looked like they were teleportin’ lol.

Also my game keeps freezin’ every time I try to check the scoreboard under “friends”, then I have to hard reset the PS3. The screen just hangs with the “refreshing” message on it. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, is there someway to fix it?

I’ve seen the life bar glitch a few times as well. It’s hard to tell who the hell is winnin’ sometimes.

Is there a difference between someone rage quttin’ and a legit disconnect error? So far I’ve seen the one that disconnects right before the match starts. It has both players on the screen, then a “connection lost” message pops up, sendin’ me back to the lobby.

The other I’ve seen was disconnects durin’ matches (twice). For the this one, the screen goes black, has both life bars on the screen still, and it says somethin’ like “player has left or disconnected”. I was winnin’ in both matches too >_<

Also when I search for matches sometimes, the game will tell me that I was signed out of PSN even though I’m still signed in. WTF?

This is the only game I’ve had problems with online on my PS3 btw so I’m pretty sure it’s not my connection.

I’ve tried all the network smoothing options and it pretty much looks the same. I’d much rather have the game slow down like HF than have constant/random frameskips and rollback. It makes the game unplayable.

okay, its not just my ps3 then. there must be a bug that makes the system freeze when checking friends on scoreboard because i have the same issue

Damn, I thought it was just me. But yeah, soon as you move to friends it’s a wrap :bluu:

I’ll give that a try, thanks! It’s only on rare occasions I get bad lag, probably when it matches me with someone over seas. But when it does happen, nothing is natural at all. 3S used to freeze and slow down a little bit, granted button recognition is far superiour with this system, but at least you could see and keep up with where you are in the match. Instead of moves coming out which never happened and characters appearing out of no where. Roll back? Lol, roll around more like it…

These would be a really great addition, preppy. The ones that you mentioned should be added.

Hopefully Capcom reads all of these glitches and patches them. I’m glad to see the community helping out like this though. Also I hope they add the things people mentioned to make certain things in the game better. I really hate that glitch where it shows the energy bars all messed up and names screwed up.

One thing the 360 does a LOT (and I’m sure it’s been said in this thread a million times)

The music cuts out a lot, and no Start doesn’t make a sound when selecting…other then that pure pleasure.

Also can you guys pathc it in so we can have that 2nd OG color in remix mode? (maybe holding start since that does nothing)

I had the greatest lag ever today.

I was fighting zangief with deejay and he gets me in the corner with a spd. The grab animation goes through, and then Zangief shoots up spinning into the air while Deejay stands stunned on the ground. Zangief flies off screen like a fucking rocket and there’s a dramatic pause. Then like magic Zangief appears standing in front of Deejay and Deejay takes the spd damage and falls over. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in the game.

The patch should include this as an actual move, of course.

PS3 again blah other stuff…

Ive now actually had the music switch from classic to remixed without doing anything. Argh gurgle blah grrrspiagh…

Thawk now gets whatever version he used last, as his shoryuken as reversal. Even if you dont press the button. Stays till you do another one. I dont recall this being like this before or hearing of a bug like this.

In the “orignal ST” if you used a juggle and it dizzys you wont juggle after words correctly anymore. I only recall there being a throw bug with dizzy. Not actually a juggle bug where you can no longer juggle. So… not sure if this is a new bug or not.

for akuma just cuz I didnt see it in his list of changes, so maybe silrin forgot about it or something. But he had more then just his duck short/foward/roundhouse hit boxs changed. Also I cant say for sure if this is new or not but apperently in the orginal ST looking at the hit boxs his axe kick has a really random hit box no where near him. Again I didnt see this posted so… Posting it. shrug Also red fireball no longer change depending on what button you pressed before.

Also unblockables SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM to me to be easier. Ive even had the game do that one alpha one bug, where you get stuck blocking but continue to take regular damage. I dont remember ever seeing this in ST before. only alpha 1. So… Confused about this.