I had a variation on this last night. My opponent’s Ken was completely invisible, even his shadow was gone. Nothing else was wrong though, background (Sagat’s stage) and HUD were fine IIRC. I could still see the little dust and particle effects whenever his body hit the ground from a knockdown though, as well as the voice for Ken was fine too, I could hear him Shoryuing and Tatsuing. This was online on PSN, I was using Guile in a ranked match. Luckily he was a scrub and I just played by instinct and barely won. = )
The in-game graphical errors happen in so many different interconnected and overlapping varieties, I have a feeling they’re all just different expressions of the same problem (or set of tightly-related problems), code-wise. That would be good news in any case, because theoretically there’d only be one issue to find and fix.
The bad news is it logically seems like it would be rooted deep in the new code they added to handle the new graphics; there may be no simple solution or easy fix, which greatly decreases the chance they’d address it in a patch.
Bug: Creating a game on it’s own
Frequency: Happens every time
Console: 360
What Happens: If a player disconnects after a game, and you open up the guide to send a msg to them, the game will carry on in the background, create a game on its own (your left in the lobby that the other person quit out of which shows as a new game maybe?) then as soon as you leave the guide the game disconnects
perhaps its something to do with the moon today closest its been to earth in 15years, gravitational pull and all :wonder:
I really hope they fix the player mode match problems.
like I’ll be next up in a full room and then someone else enters the room and all of a sudden like 4 people in the room just drop out (including me sometimes) and only 1 or 2 people are able to stay. I really, really hate this bug!
I don’t play ranked, so for as much as I play Player Matches you could probably guess how frustrating this gets.
30-40% of the time I pick Sagat with start button I get dropped. Any other color is fine.
Not a big deal, just putting it out there
not a bug - but an annoying issue:
after playing a friendly match (on PSN), the opponent can suck you into the character select screen without allowing you time to exit the lobby. its annoying b/c it forces you to drop out mid-match… which just seems tacky (esp. if you are on a long winning/losing streak). i make a conscious effort to sit at the stats page at the conclusion of a match - especially if i’m running up a win streak - to give them the option of leaving.
but it shouldn’t be optional, it should be mandatory. at least put it on a brief timer. but if the player spams “x” you’ll instantly be back in the character select screen - where you can’t pause>exit. you have to wait for the match to start.
- or am i missing something?
Was in training with Blanka today and I can create that electricity bug by hitting the opponent with electricity pausing it while they are getting hit by it switch an option in training hit resume and BINGO there it is :D!!!
I was invited to a room by a friend. I joined, on the second round he dropped offline. I tried to exit room but the screen was almost empty. A background image, music and a Press A button that does nothing. I was stuck there. Happened once.
Sorry for the caps but I feel SICK!
Bugs only please
Blanka’s Electricity Bug Replication 100%
Load Game
Go to Single Player > Training Mode > HDremix
Select Blanka then select any character as dummy and any stage
Electricute dummy > Hit Pause during electricution
Go to training setting and change any setting from its default.
Round will reload the dummy with the electricution effect.
I haven’t had a chance so could someone test if this bug isnt exclusive to Blanka, but other characters like M.Bison’s pyshco crusher may also do the same.
lmao that is SO COOL! :woot:
now we can always look like we powered up, DBZ-style!
…doesn’t work with Bison’s PC. , nor Ken’s Fierce DP :sad:
…if Blanka glitch-electricutes KEN, and changes the 2p to Human-Controlled in the Training Options, and Ken does his Fierce DP, the electricity stuck on Ken’s body turns to black/gray smoke.
EDIT 3!!!
…if Blanka glitch-electricutes DICTATOR, and changes the 2p to Human-Controlled in the Training Options, and Dictator does his Psycho Crusher, the electricity stuck on Dic’s body turns to the PC’s flame stuck on Dic’s Body!!! It looks like he’s emanating Psycho Power or something! :wow:
^^ So Cool!
…basically, Blanka is the catalyst for the glitch, and if the 2p is Ken or Dictator in Training Mode and does their specific special move, then they get their after-effects from their attacks!
…doesn’t work with Ryu’s and Dhalsim’s flame attacks…maybe because they don’t come into contact with Blanka like Ken and Dic’s?
Unsure if people have noticed but the highlighter will disappear if you go “offscreen” up on the custom match selector.
We need videos!!!
I think this has been mentioned, if you continue scrolling down, it eventually reappears.
First time I’ve seen this. Just happened an hour ago.
On PS3 I was in a lobby with someone and I pressed circle to leave the lobby but decided to play him one more time. So I went to select and press “No”(or whatever you click to leave the lobby). Apparently, the guy in my lobby(it was just us two) pressed X to start the match. The game accepted both inputs and it went to the select screen. But all I could see was the background of the menu screen with the horizontal scrolling. I could hear everything going on and even choose my character. I’m guessing everything looked OK on his side since it sounded like he was practicing combos on me. Once I lost that match, everything returned to normal.
Supposedly, Chun-Li’s backflip kick (df+forward) was removed, but the CPU Chun still does it. Maybe they only removed the command.
Edit: XBOX 360 version, usually see it once or twice a match, when fighting CPU Chun.
There is definitely some issue with selecting your character with start causing disconnects; I’ve seen many people mention it now and have experienced it myself. For what it’s worth, it seems like it occurs only when you select your character immediately after your opponent selects theirs.
Some character voices randomly ignore the volume settings. It’s most common with Dee Jay (happens all the time), but I’ve had it happen with Bison too. This is really annoying as I don’t have a headset, and seeing as the voice chat is completely inaudible over the music/sound effects at default volume, I have to turn them down in the options.
xbox 360
A friend and I were playing last night in a 4 player room(hes local to me, as was another player in the room). I join the room for the first time, so obviously I’m just waiting and only watching lifebars in the lobby. When the game ends, the next match starts and my xbox crashes on the spectator select screen. I manually restart the console and re-join the same room. But I also notice my buddy wasn’t there either. I find out that he crashed his xbox at the same moment as me(he was spectator as well since he lost the match that he was playing when i joined and was only watching lifebars, so he was slot 4, and i was slot 3 in the lobby).
I never had this happen til now, but it’s odd that both of us had our xbox crash exactly the same way, at the same time. Didnt help that one of the people in the room lagged bad and was from hong kong.
Timer is a good idea. I’ve unwilling selected Ryu many times because of my opponent pressing X while I press X too to start the match.
I’ve had a single player cause everyone else to disconnect from a lobby on the 360.
He joins the room and when it’s his turn to face me (the current winner) I get a disconnect when I reach the character select screen. I try to join back into the lobby because my friend is in there, and I can’t, as there isn’t a lobby anymore. I get a msg from my friend telling me had the exact same thing happen when it was his turn to play against that guy. Apparently he ended up knocking everyone out of the lobby.
Silly Bug/mistake
When you lose with Cammy/Chun to Guile,
He tells you to go home and be a family man.
That’s a rather confusing suggestion he’s giving there!