The WTF Thread: Xbox360 & PS3 Bug Reports

I mentioned this a while ago, and it is still happening alot for me. I also noticed once it starts, it will continue to happen untill you quit game and restart it.

Another weird glitch I got was after creating a game, I tried to invite a friend. Upon pressing square (the invite button in the lobby) it immediatly disconnected. I repeated this several times, and each time it would disconnect on demand (the pressing of the square button). I also could not accept invitations, for when I chose accept invitation it would not let me view my invitations, but instead, randomly start “joining game” and would fail every time. I have a video if anyone is interested, but it is not really needed cus you can already imagine what it looks like (plus its off of my phone so its of terrible quality).

Voice chat does not work for me on the PS3 version. Whoever hosts can see their own voice icon but nobody else can talk or hear the hosts voice. I tried it with 3 of my friends and none of us can get the voice to work.

Also had this problem on the PS3:

“Drained Static Health bar + Static Win Icons Xbox360: Both players already have 3 wins, healthbar is red instead of yellow, you cannot tell how much health you have left.”

-Audio cuts out very often
-Health bar gets corrupted (all 3 wins on each side activated and health is red not yellow). This actually does affect gameplay.
-Disconnected when starting a match with opponent in room.

Sorry if this has been mentioned but my rating inexplicably went from around 3000 to 0 so now my ranking is like 50000 heh.

I have around 120 wins to 90 losses so yeah i’m not exactly the greatest player on earth, but it is still nice to know If i have improved in any way rather than being the same rating as anyone who could literally bang a pad off his ass for a whole match.

Same thing happened to me, but looks like a really common problem if you look at the sheer # of people around the same ranking as you. I decided just to make another PSN account -_-

I had a variation of the health bar glitch where it had the 3 stars but the bar was all red and went down appropriately instead of being stuck yellow/red.

Didn’t see this mentioned in the OP, I saw Honda hundred hand slap shadows still active through out the entire round on Honda.

Worst roll back I had ever seen happened to me last night. It was my Chun Li vs Ryu. I KO’d Ryu with up kicks. I heard his KO scream and everything. Next thing I know, he pops back up with his win animation and I’m KO’d on the ground.

Major connection issues


Played for about an hour last night and then our party of 4 started having major connection issues. Sometimes we couldn’t connect to an invite and if we did it would let us choose the character, load the stage, and then lost connection right when the match is supposed to start. Each of us tried hosting, but the same thing was happening to everyone. This happened for at least an hour before we finally all just gave up and went to go play our 360s…

Also, we can now sometimes get our mics to work, but only 2 people max in our party of 4. We could never get more than 2 mics working at the same time.


xbox 360, tourney finals match, I beat his Honda with my Gief to tie it 1-1, it’s round 3 and I RH him then head bite him to take a big lead - and all of a sudden THE DEEZS IS THE WINNER!, tourney over.

It rolled back my victory and gave it to him 2-0 mid third match. Note that match 2 wasn’t close. :wtf:

Balrog gameplay glitch posted here:

The worst one I’ve had just yesterday was no music, no background, and no character.

All that was there was the health bars/timer, etc. and the enemy. I was completely invisible and black along with the background while the enemy still made sounds and I couldn’t.

Only thing I could see from myself was the little particles after a tiger shot lands.

This game is messed up isn’t it D:

Oh and I still won :smiley:

Actually, thats not a variation, thats the exact same glitch. The hud is stuck in an older match. If the match ended with low health or whatnot, you will see the red health dropping. The problem is the yellow health overlay never moves.

i didn’t see this on the first post but on the xbox3shitty, the music will sometimes cut out and when it does, it will never start up again unless you restart the game entirely.

as for the electricity staying on the opponent for the rest of the match, that usually happens when you are grabbed out of electricity as blanka or you trade with something else while doing electricity

I had two Xbox 360 multiplayer tournaments yesterday where midway through the first game everybody else was disconnected and I instantly won the tournament. WOOT!

I suspect that’s due to some area networking troubles since the snowstorm hit, but still pretty amusing.

I’ve gotten the Drained Static Health bar + Static Win Icons glitch while playing multiplayer on 360 a few times. Last night I got it and disconnected from the game, started a new game, and it was still happening. It also added a new fun glitch, every Jab I threw (Ken) also made a start button sound (from the menus). Exciting stuff.

Yeah, I once had the lifebars glitch, with no music, and strong punch activated the menu sound.

…and I was Honda.

No music and sound effects on the HHS is really annoying/funny.

Let me post this now while it’s still fresh in my memory.

Just now, I had some games with Milky on PSN(ggs btw, my shitty skills + lag = unholy brew) and we had a match where I chose Cammy(1p) and he chose Feilong(2p). This was our fist match and it was on E.Honda’s stage. The glitch is audio in nature. Whenever I pressed the fierce button, the “you have selected your character” sound plays. Even after the match ended, while in the lobby, at the character select screen. After the beginning of that first match, I could always make that sound. I’m not sure if Milky could hear this.

Nope couldn’t. I have audio loss a lot when playing, haven’t had that though. After you got booted or left though, my whole system froze. Had to shut it down. Happens at least 1-2 times every time I play the game a few hours. GG’s to you though, your Cammy is looking good.

That’s the same sound glitch Nos99 is talking about except it was strong punch. I was there when it happened and that shit gets old fast when someone is playing Honda :looney:.