^oh, and our opponent couldn’t hear the menu sound (obviously, but just mentioning anyway because it was our buddy I was playing against and he told us his game was perfectly fine during all this)
Not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread yet, but on the 360 version, if you adjust your volume in game (SFX and Music volume in the options), sometimes character voice (mainly Dee Jay and Dic) volume stays however loud your TV is, if that makes sense. It really startled me when I heard MAX OUT super loud when everything else was super quiet.
it’s safe to say… this game needs to be patched up.
Odd thing happened to me like 4 times last night on XBL.
Was in a room playing. I am guessing someone joined the room and a recording played. Sounded like it said “Playtime is over” or “game time is over”. Then everyone in the room got disconnected except me.
This happened 4 times in 4 different rooms. Sometimes I got disconnected, sometimes I didn’t.
uh wtf?
Did it sound like it was coming from the game or a player’s microphone? If that really happened then I’m thinking that someone(or some people) found out how to cause these mass disconnects.
on the matchup screen (the one displaying your name and your opponents) i pressed forward by accident (it declines the match), then i piano keyed short (to accept), the matchup screen dissapears and im left with the background image throughout the character select and actual match. Everything reverted back to normal after the first match though. For Ps3
Hhhmmm, where to start…
I’ve had my Xbox freeze tons of times from bringing up my friends list via the xbox button immediately after launching the game. Whenever I get the dashboard pop-up that says friends are playing I always hit the damn thing even though this happens at least 50% of the time. Can’t help myself
If you press ‘B’ button to back out of a player match in between matches, but the players launch the game before you can accept at the pop-up dialogue box… You become stuck on the purplish/pink background screen that says to press ‘A’ to accept. You can hear the fights and people chatting while stuck on this screen, but the ‘A’ button does nothing. You have to bring up the dashboard and exit out of the game.
If you select your character with the start button the selection sfx doesn’t play and you end up getting disconnect at the VS screen 50% of the time.
Also, every once in a while I’ll join a match and get demolished as I find out my button config has been reset.
Then there are all the usuals such as the glitched health bars, music that stops playing, and other minor graphical stuff.
A weird bug just happened to me tonight using the PS3 version. I joined a random scoreboard match, both my opponent and I were able to choose our chars, then next thing I saw was a dark screen with the stage music blaring in the background. I couldn’t do anything, I waited like 5 mins and it stayed dark. I had to reset the PS3 using the power switch.
I really hate ps3 version.
Me too. Even though the XB360 version has a borked rank (plus forced best 3 out of 5 matches) there seems to be a lot less game breaking glitches.
Happened to me the other night on 360, only it was during my attempt to leave the lobby.
maybe this was mentioned but;
today I had the weirdest glitch ever. Everytime I hit short I heard the character select sound. 360 btw.
Seriously this game just sucks.
This happens to me 100% of the time:
- I start the game
- it takes three or four tries to find a quick match
- once I get into a match my button configuration resets
- must navigate through the slow interface to change my buttons
- try joining quick match again
- finally works
- oops my opponent chose the ‘start button’ color and disconnected
I’m done playing this game until it is patched. Back to VF5 (360) and Metal Gear Online (PS3).
MrBlastyV2 and I played some player matches on the 360 with random select, and we found out that if the cursor starts on random select (from being your previous selection) and you leave it there until time expires, random select will always pick Zangief. I capped a video of it, which is here: [media=youtube]VdCFLiBLvaw[/media]
The lifebar/round win count bug has happened to me a few times as well, and it doesn’t go away until you leave your player match and return to the title menus. Also, today I played a ranked match with a very laggy Ryu player, and aside from the usual several-second rollbacks, the sound effects for my Dee Jay’s moves would come out way late and out of sync, sometimes playing the sound after the move was finished.
you guys ever play a match where the only thing you can see is your character and the outline of the life bars? and the match is still going on without knowing where the hell is the opponent nor what they are doing?
"Graphical Glitches
Drained Static Health bar + Static Win Icons Xbox360: Both players already have 3 wins, healthbar is red instead of yellow, you cannot tell how much health you have left.
Repetition: Occasional, also reported by 6 people"
Happens to me every 5-7 games. Its not occasional. Quite annoying when you have a win streak going in player mode an having to leave and lose your place.
This sounds like the DC’s [media=youtube]Lihg3rXVr00[/media]. Not surprising since it’s bragged about that the DC port is the base for HDR.
This ‘bug’ is more of an oversight than an actual problem with the code. The Random Select feature simply scrolls through all the characters in a predetermined order (Akuma, Ryu, Honda, Blanka, Guile, Ken, Chun, Zangief, Dhalsim, Bison, Sagat, Balrog, Vega, Fei, Cammy, Hawk, Dee Jay, then back to Akuma) once every frame. Since the timer on the select screen is a constant, a certain number of frames will be used while the cursor stays on Random, and it happens that it lands on Zangief once that timer expires.
If you want to see it for yourself, record the output in a 60-frames-per-second format, and go frame-by-frame to see the order, which is clearly not actually random (it’s the character list by internal order incrementing every frame, and looping back to 0 when it reaches the high point of its range). Even easier is watching the fade-in on the 2nd and 3rd matches, where you can see Akuma as the starting character in the roulette.
This same feature is what allows same character teams in X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Get good at picking, say, Akuma with Random, and you can almost guarantee an Akuma/Akuma team (I’d get up to an 80% success rate on an actual machine).
If the PS3 version differs in any way, it’s only in what character the roulette stops on, though I can almost guarantee it will always be that character on that console.
I know it shows akuma at first, but I don’t think it scrolls back to akuma again after that. Probably just a mistake with their % function for scrolling through, but yeah, I don’t think its possible to get Akuma on random select
tks for the writeup, Tiberious!
I own the PS3 version.
If T-Hawk gets hit out of a reversal DP, his next DP will be the strength that got stuffed no matter what button you press. Let’s say I reversal fierce DP on wake up into a fireball. If I try for a jab or strong DP later in the match, it will come out as a fierce DP.