The WTF Thread: Xbox360 & PS3 Bug Reports

I don’t know if this is intentional or a bug, but when you play online, you only see one win quote for each character. If you play against the CPU or against people in Local Match, you’ll see all the other win quotes.

Since most of us are obviously doing the bulk of our playing online, it seems like kind of a waste to have those there if they never show up. Did you know Blanka actually has a win quote where he says “The beast is unleashed!”? :rofl:

^ yes I had noticed that aswell, I’ll add it to the list

has anyone notice that deejays voice goes missing aswell as the music?

it just happened to me like 5 minutes ago. i had to hard reset the console.

I had a new bug today on 360. Not only did I have the fucked up life bars, but every time I pressed the “x” button it made the menu confirmation sound effect. Did anyone even test this game?

We found a bug that allows you to disconnect the opponent at the character select screen. I don’t really want to release it to the public but I need to know who I should contact about it. :china:

Same here. I got the red life bar and name glitch. I quit to the games menu and started a new game, still had red life, and my jabs made the menu confirmation sound effect. I been getting this at least once every 4 hours or so.

Ok, I just read through all of this and I didn’t see this mentioned, but on the PS3 version I was playing a set of friendly matches against someone. After about 5 wins, I tried leaving to find another set of matches but I couldn’t exit to the lobby. It just kept rematching.

I tried hitting O and exiting to the lobby but the game would rematch before I could get out. Very odd. After about 20 matches the guy finally just dropped. I’ve been doing only scoreboard matches since then

So has Zangief’s super been further tested? It only ever appears to me, to work on one direction, as in only one of the two commands in the list work. Does anyone else find this? Kind of lazy if the command really is missing…

Yeap, I quit out too and it still was going on. Drove me batshit insane :rofl:

Has anyone had the music randomly stop working? Everything else works, but the music stops. It often happens when the hurry-up music hits. Sometimes this is a persistant bug as well.

The question isn’t just whether backbone would fix, but are they competent enough to fix?

Happens to me. A lot.

I would consider the music drop-out a confirmed bug - maybe the first post should be updated with “bugs lots of people have confirmed”? :smile:

character sound effects didn’t work unless i was on 2p side. happen to anybody else? (360)

Classic Arcade doesn’t load up for me. =/
Button Config gets all messed up when I hook up a stick. I go between a controller and stick alot.

I played a series of friendlies last night where after a few rounds, our character names would never change, it was like every match was Fei Long vs Guile as far as the life bars were concerned. Portraits stayed correct though.

Also, there was no yellow in my health bar.
Both win counters were stuck at 3 wins, in a best out of 3 match.
Opponents energy was stuck at like 10 percent damage.
We played a bunch of rounds like this.

So my configuration on 360 has stayed the same since release, but today I played on SotN and when I went back on to Remix, they were reset. Does playing another game delete the cache or something? Kind of weird it stays the same untill you play something else…

So I’m not the only one who has noticed the SSF2T scaling/blockiness issues. Heres a forum post with a lot of people talking about it:

I’ll reiterate that most people probably won’t see this glitch as they will be running at 720p where its much less noticeable or using a TV that isn’t super sharp which also makes the issue less noticeable. However, for the few of us that do have a sharp 1080p display, its majorly annoying.

Can someone confirm this.

Win with Akuma does the announcer say “You Win” or does he say “Akuma Wins”, I’ve checked on xbox360 (“You Win”) but can someone also check this on the PS3.

Rey asked if we could share more information on the issue of button configurations not being saved.



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