dunno is it just my connection or my new tv, but i’ve been getting very very laggy/shitty connections these few days.
my tv is the lg 37 inch 1080p tv. i’ve noticed that a lot of frames were skipped when i play. there are times where you can’t even see the fireballs come out until it hits.
i tried switching it to 720p and back to wired connection yet its still the same laggy piece of shit. i’ve tried tinkering the network smoothing yet nothing works.
Any more word out there on a patch? The lifebar glitch happens so frequently now its getting to be ridiculous. Im also getting disconnected from matches way too often as well.
Please for the love of everything put in a DROP % in their Ranked matches stats you see when you’re about to confirm the match. Every online game needs this.
Think about it: you still don’t know how good they are, but if they’re a coward you don’t waste five minutes playing them and then having them leave midmatch.
I recently started playing on the PS3 version and had this exact thing happen, I could still tell how much life was left because the red sections would go down, but it happened afew times.
this was in vanilla st and maybe plain old super. hawk doesnt need to get stuffed either. whatever strength dp you did last is what strength you will get as a reversal. pretty useful if you last do a jab dp, get knocked down and then you can drum all 3 buttons and regardless what you hit youll get a jab dp. sucks if you last did a fierce dp (ie combo).
If someone disconnects on the loading screen with both character portraits I have to restart my game, otherwise I will disconnect everytime I get to that screen when I play other people.
Disconnects in general need to be fixed:
It should not boot you back to the lobby if someone disconnects on you
You shold get a win and they get a loss! Vice versa, if u dont have a good connect thats your fault!
Having to restart the game if someone disconnects before the loading of the game (PS3 version)
I had the lifebar glitch (was just going to play through it) and then I noticed that whenever I pressed Jab (as Balrog) it would make the sound as if I were trying to start a match (Press ‘A’ in an empty room, you’ll see what I mean). Also I couldn’t access the menu via “Start”.
To replicate: Well all I can say is play as Balrog on the 1p Side vs Guile on the 2p side. A side from that, I have no idea.
^^I’ve had that glitch before, can’t remember if it was with Boxer, but I got a brand new glitch tonight on PSN.
I created a 4 player friendly lobby, invited some peeps. As soon as the 1st one got there, we couldn’t start the match, no matter how many times we hit X. We texted each other saying “start” and figured out that both of us were experiencing the same thing. We all must have tried to start a match for like 3 mins, until I finally quit the lobby manually. The screen was on the lobby room the whole time. Didn’t happen again tho.
Just reporting that. aside from 29817391782308912 disconnects (My record is 35 minutes without being able to connect to a match!), I’ve had two version of the life-bar glitch: One where the bars were red and static, both characters had 3 wins and you couldn’t tell how much life you had left, the other where the bars were red and both characters had 3 wins, but the life bar drained like normal. I’ve encountered had the former once and the latter twice and I’ve only played for maybe 8 hours total.
Whiff a short crazy kick with Ken, then quickly perform another crazy kick of any strength. You’ll get a roundhouse crazy kick no matter what button you press. It also won’t build meter.
This is on PS3 using default and configured controls with a homemade joystick made from a PS2 pad.
This has probably been mentioned before but I can’t find it in this 300+ post thread. It’s been pissing me off quite a bit recently.
What would happen is that when a match begins, we’d pick our character, then the VS Screen would come up and fade to black. But then the screen would just stay BLACK and not do anything. Controls won’t respond, I even got up and took a 10 minute break and when I came back the screen was still black. I had to hold the reset button to put my PS3 on stand-by and then turn it back on again just so I could restart SF.
OK this just happened, was playing SFIIHDRMX on PS3 with KEN, single player mode, T. Hawk was the 4th opponent, he was kicking the hell outta me, by the 8th continue I was winning, did hadoken in reversal and then… froze everything but music. Even the Home button wasn’t fuctioning, had to restart my PS3.
Over the past week, I have been experiencing a number of new glitches. Like most of you, I have played this game for hours and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all of the standard glitches dozens and dozens of times. These are things that I have never seen before in this game, both before and after the patch.
There have been a variety of different ones but these few stand out in my mind the most:
During a long set of online player matches, just when the next game was supposed to start, instead of showing the character select screen, the view I received was a zoomed-in (approx. 2x magnification) view of the abstract streaky-lines menu background. It was still in motion, animating properly, and I could see the button function descriptions at the bottom (they still fit onto the screen just fine but I thiiiink the text was larger than normal). I could HEAR everything about the game that was being played: the music, my opponent’s cursor, the round 1 start, him doing moves, hit sounds, round end, round 2 start… everything. When my opponent quit (I was typing him a message), I got the normal disconnect message and the game returned me to the menu normally and without further incident. The next game (new set, of course) did play fine without any need to restart the game or console.
During a set of player matches, at the start of a round of a game where I was playing as T. Hawk, my entire sprite wigged out. It was literally a block of blurred, spasming colour. It LOOKS buggy: if you’ve ever seen a monitor graphically screw up or an old cartridge game stop working, that’s what it looked like, just in the proper palette of my sprite. If you’ve ever tried a bad Game Genie code or did the missingno shit on the old Pokemon games and you’ve seen how the visuals screw up, that’s what it looks like… only jittery like it’s having a very rapid, flickering seizure inside. This lasted the whole game, with the block-mess reforming to approximately fit my character whenever I did an action that changed his shape/size. (These did not line up with hitboxes at all, just in case anyone’s thinking that. They were more like the borders that those entire pieces of sprite art would be stored as.) During the win-quote screen, the entire Hawk portrait was shaking-blurred up like this. I used Hawk again the next game but the glitch did not reoccur. (NOTE that I was playing in widescreen during this, which I don’t normally do. Mayyybe this is an old bug?)
You know the old glitch where a special graphical effect (like Blanka’s electricity crackle or Bison’s torpedo glowpuffs) stays on somebody long after the move is done? Well I had this happen in COMBINATION with some variation of the previous glitch. I had Blanka’s electricity crackle stay on somebody, except it was showing as the buggy shaking blur boxes in soft yellow colour. I didn’t even know what it was at first until the next round started, where Blanka’s electricity crackle was still on his sprite (just like the old glitch) but now displaying itself correctly. Sooo messed up. Two glitches in one.
I’ve also suddenly started getting disconnects wayyyy more often again. Like as often or almost as often than before the patch… if not more. I’ve tried two completely different (wired) internet connections (at two very different locations) using the exact same console. Nothing about either of these setups has changed recently and they both worked fine (well, as good as ever) before. I have no real numbers here so I can’t really cite any hard evidence here, but I just know it’s muuuch worse than it was just a week ago. In terms of long sets, the random disconnects are not happening as quickly as before the patch, but they are happening (eventually) with greater frequency than after the patch.
These are mostly relatively minor/inconsequential and seem infrequent enough (as in we’ve seen worse from this game) and I know that chances are there will never be another patch for SFHD. Just wanted to see how crazy I am. Has anyone else been getting these or any other new glitches? Has anyone had them before and just didn’t report them?
I’m curious as to whether anything outside of the software itself and our own consoles has recently been changed. I know there was a PS3 firmware update. I dunno how the netplay model is set up… could changes to servers cause any of this fresh funkiness?
^^I’ve had all of these glitches and disconnects that you described deadfrog, since the patch was released. I think you might be on to something about the PSN updates screwing up the netcode or something like that. Cuz when the patch was first released and before the next PSN update, everything was perfect (except for rare disconnects which was way less than before the patch).
PS3, after patch, training mode, using Ryu, dummy Ken set to “standing” and “always block,” Ken’s stage, infinite super…
If you whiff a short hurricane kick in the dummy’s face and throw him into the corner, as he gets up he will consistently fail to block a meaty sweep and get knocked down again. If you continue to sweep, he will also fail to block the next two sweeps as well. He usually dizzies after being hit by the third so I don’t know if you can continue past that or not.
It doesn’t seem to work off of just any throw (ie. needs a hurricane to whiff first), and it doesn’t seem to work if the hurricane kick gets blocked. I think it still works outside of the corner but I even can’t remember for sure now.
I didn’t bother testing any further because this is the most pointless thing ever. It’s very inconsequential and it will never be patched so who cares, but I wanted to tell somebody about it anyway because lol gj backbone
I’ve noticed that against hawk, gief and honda, sometimes if you know those guys to the ground with guile and then force them to eat a boom and a crouching fierce kick as soon as they get up, they can block the crouching FK even though they are standing.
someone try SPD’ing honda in the right corner with the motion ending towards the corner (with your back against the corner). Honda doesn’t “bounce” away, he pretty much lands right where you SPD’ed him allowing you to jump up vertically and land another tick. I seem to pull this off every time in live matches so I’m not sure if it’s intended.