It appears alot of u play for very long stretches at a time (i can only play for an hour or two). It could be that hdr cant read the ps3 ram/harddrive well after awhile or it potentially overwrites ram data continuously causing corrupted data. If they never patch the characters then at least they need to patch the bullshit for their paying customers.
Corrupted data happens after a number of online matches, it’s random but after a while the game will no longer be able to pass the “VS” screen in any mode “ARCADE” or “Online” and even “Training Mode” it will just freeze at the “VS” screen.
This bug existed even before the Patch on the PS3 version, bad programming
There’s also a % chance that will happen if an opponent dcs anytime after connecting into the match. At char select or in the fight.
This is why capcom should team up with namco.
Namco=solid net structure
Capcom=solid netplay
SCiv sucks cuz of lag but its stable, hdr sucks cuz its unstable but the gameplay is better(for me atleast)
i still have this f’ing bug and i hate it.
I had a weird thing happen to me a couple weeks ago. Was playing Ranked matches and after finishing a match I went back into another via Quick Match. Somehow I was put into a Ranked Lobby match with 3 others. I was able to see only the win star next to whomever had a round won, but no health indicators and no names… About after 10 seconds of me pondering WTF was going on… my XBOX FROZE.
It never happened again… :.
I suppose I should have asked sooner, but I just dealt with it. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem?
I can’t accept invites into player rooms. If I try it gives me the “mic not connected error” regardless of whether the room has mics enabled or not. It then loads a little longer and then just leaves me at the multiplayer root menu. No error message, no dc message at all.
I deleted my HDR save, which concidentally had widescreen set to default, I am now unable to play in widescreen, so the character portraits at char select and during fights are cut off a little. However, that didn’t fix the glitch at all.
For some reason, the game will let me accept invites to tourney mode matches, but the player match ones simply won’t work even when there are open slots.
PSN - (enough said)
all have occurred playing as guile in a ranked online match
when playing sagat my crouching medium punch wouldn’t hit him while hes was blocking standing up, i saw the animation frames and also saw that he was pushed back. has happened at least once the last 6 sagat matches i’ve played
playing against chun li her jumping deep kick, (sorry don’t know which one it is, the one where she stick her legs out nearly horizontal) is sometimes invincible, doesn’t matter if i blocked low or high it still got me. has happened once or more in the about 7 of the last 12 matches against her.
guile - for some reason his sonic boom doesn’t like to come out reliably anymore, it seem when timing is very tight but still errored on the side of caution his sonic booms will only come out about 1/3 of the time.
guile - backhand, doesn’t like to come a lot of the time after the opponent has taken a sonic boom and can be backhanded for a follow up hit.
guile - after the opponent has been hit with a sonic boom i cannot hit him with a crouching medium kick, crouching heavy kick etc… even when its a wake up sonic boom hit.
these problems has seemed to have gotten worse over the past week or so, maybe that’s when i just noticed them
I’ve had these problems, too. I wasn’t sure if it was a glitch, or just part of the game. This also seems to happen with Sim. Both online and in training mode I’ll throw a projectile then to see if I can even do anything I’ll mash a normal and nothing will come out for a while. Usually only after the hit stun from the projectile has worn off. : (
This has to do with the slow down that occurs on hit. You have to backhand/ just before the boom hits. If it hits the slow down makes it extremely hard to get the normal out, so getting the normal out just before is preferable.
Man… is it just ryu vs ryu mirror match? It may just be my execution, but a lot of times when people knock me down I go for a reversal DP (I had no problems with this in SF anniversiy collection on ps2) and nothing will come out and I’ll get hit or tick throwed!!!
This shit honestly pisses me off. This is 2009 and they, for some fucking reason, cannot even save your controller config?? WTF!!!
How long are you gonna flog that old horse. Unless you can find a new dreamcast.
i posted this a while back in the dhalsim forum about following up with his st fierce punch but everyone’s reaction sounded like it was just me. i use to nail this on the head all of the time.
i can’t even begin to say how many times i’ve eaten fbs and super fbs in the past couple of weeks because zang wouldn’t lariat. i even started using his strong and forward button input for the shortcut and still eat fbs. i swear the last frame that you can lariat before getting hit by a fireball is gone.
reversal dps and supers too.
sorry to break this to you, but evo sold all of their dreamcasts for ten bucks this year. no more dreamcast console games of any sort from here on out. at least they were selling all of them on sunday night.
moves don’t come out sometimes
shut the fuck up with that
i can’t reversal dp!!!
sounds like a laggy tv
oh and if ur having problems with the game reseting inputs
after you set up in the inputs
have player 1 exit and start the game again
by player 1 i mean the person on the left side
if you have player 2 do it you will get random results
NKI already explained the reversal vs meaty attacks
I know john choi is really good
but lay off sf4 for 2 seconds, it’s melting your brain
I play both versions of HDR all the time, at least 3+ hours of each per week. I have to agree that the PS3 version is ‘Quirky’.
Weird bug with the CPU playing Ryu and his fireballs have no recovery. Looks like it’s X360 only.
3 hit hadoken combo!