The Vortex Thread

Great stuff loltima.

Just tested. Secret tech does not beat a correctly timed meaty jumping roundhouse.

However it can be tricky to time in the heat of battle and secret tech can just be spammed. So in that case the vanilla dive kick eliminate the timing needed to punish secret tech, but isn’t actually needed to do so.

I don’t play akuma but those vids are reese’s pb crunch.

Holy shit, just got home and watched, “fruit unicorn.” You’re the man :tup:.

Thanks Ultima, you’re doing a lot for the Akuma community.

i’d try it now if i wasn’t at work, but will jump hk stuff reversal srks as easily as a demonflip divekick will?

Thanks loltima and as always… Fuck West :), mad props to you for the videos and to West for the pure entertainment value in the mirror matches… Fuck he has got mad game with Akuma…

No. Normal jump ins won’t stuff reversal DP’s unless they are the jab version.

ah i was using lp srks thinking they were the same for startup. more invincibility on other srks? any frame data for this? eventhubs doesn’t seem to show invincibility

I’m a little curious about three things:

1: Isn’t the crossup tatsu the safest option? I mean, it almost never works for me because I do it wrong, but it seems like I’ve never ever seen a pro get smacked out of it the way they get smacked out of Demon Flip attacks or jump ins.

2: For the Demon Flip, isn’t it true that you can never ever be both safe from an SRK AND able to do the throw? Or the palm strike for that matter? To turn that around, doesn’t that mean you can never ever do the palm strike or throw on anyone that can SRK unless you get lucky or read their minds (psychic leap over a fireball)? And likewise, that you need perfect spacing and some luck to land a divekick on said characters (or Cammy… and hell, Bison can just EX headstomp me >_<).

3: In training mode it seems like you have to use your crossup attack (is lk that much better than mk for crossups?) ridiculously late (read: late enough that they should clearly know which way to block and it should be easy to SRK unless crossups somehow stuff correctly aimed SRKs…)… otherwise the enemy can block all the subsequent attacks (I guess you can go for a tic throw…)

Trying to get my head around the Vortex, but a lot of the time when I attempt it I end up like the orange ninja: [media=youtube]_rkaiKYEkDQ[/media]

^ Answers

1: Isn’t the crossup tatsu the safest option?

A: The safest option would be an empty jump - late option select in my opinion. There should be no way you get wake-up SRK’d or wake-up thrown then. The cross-up tatsu is relatively safe, in that I stuff reversal SRK’s about 80% of the time with it (when I don’t fuck it up).

2: For the Demon Flip, isn’t it true that you can never ever be both safe from an SRK AND able to do the throw? Or the palm strike for that matter? To turn that around, doesn’t that mean you can never ever do the palm strike or throw on anyone that can SRK unless you get lucky or read their minds (psychic leap over a fireball)?

A: It’s not true. You can grab someone with demonflip throw while they’re doing a reversal uppercut, it’s just not effective or consistent enough that I would include it in the tutorial. Palm strike is in essence an empty jump so of course it’s just as safe. Unless you’re talking about hitting with it, which in that case I’m still pretty sure you could slap down a reversal SRK if your timing was immaculate. If your opponent is already standing up, then of course you’re not safe, but this entire thread is basically about your opponent being in the ground and getting up, so…

3: In training mode it seems like you have to use your crossup attack (is lk that much better than mk for crossups?) ridiculously late (read: late enough that they should clearly know which way to block and it should be easy to SRK unless crossups somehow stuff correctly aimed SRKs…)… otherwise the enemy can block all the subsequent attacks (I guess you can go for a tic throw…)

A: The jumping LK is ambiguous but very difficult, you’ll find at first you won’t be able to combo with it, but as the freeze frame that appears with the text, you clearly see me on the other side of him, yet I land in front of him and it doesn’t cross up, thanks to jumping short. That would have combo’d. Also, jumping short puts you down directly in front or behind your opponent, allowing you to do longer hit-confirms and still combo effectively, where as a cross-up MK might push you too far away to end with a string with c.MP into BNB.

Trying to get my head around the Vortex, but a lot of the time when I attempt it I end up like the orange ninja: [media=youtube]_rkaiKYEkDQ[/media]

If you’re f’ing up, you’re probably thinking too hard about it and/or messing up. Just work on cross-up tatsu, jumping roundhouse, empty jumps and maybe demonflip palm. Work in other silly options when you feel comfortable with what is already there.

this is great. i was waiting for something like this to be brought out so i could x-copy it…

was planning on seconding akuma awhile back but unfortunately chun just took all of my time… seems akuma is the high tier i was looking for…

expect to see a shitload of scrub akumas now… like ww guile!


This is where my trouble kicks in. I don’t get how you don’t get reversal SRK’d. All a ryu has to do is wait a moment before doing it and regardless of which side you are on the SRK will come out in the right direction and stuff you or very rarely trade.

regarding demon flip kick, what beats it? after sweep or throw + double dash, mk demonflip kick seems to beat (or get past) all shoryukens. I think I saw a vid of ken’s ultra connecting though. Is there any characters you have to look out for?

From my testing (wish I would have mentioned this in the video), Akuma LP and MP shoryuken trade with it, and Ryu’s HP trades with it (which is horrible). It beats all Ken and Sagat Uppercuts, as well as Sagats Ultra.

Also, Cammy’s Cannon Spike and Chun’s EX Bird seem to destroy it.

Well if you record the dummy in training to shoryuken with their best uppercut (depending on character) as fast as possible, you’ll get constant uppercuts to come out in playback. At that point you get a knockdown and go for the cross-up tatsu on their wake-up. Stuffs it every time. If done right you’re passing over their head as they get up, at which point the reversal will start to come out, the wrong way.

Since a reversal uppercut is going to come out whatever side your character is currently on, and you’re passing over their head in that split second, it seems to work because of this. If done late you’re going to kick them, because it won’t be a reversal.

Good stuff. Love your work son.

Free beer if you ever come to Sydney.

Your section on safe jumps is just wrong because for a jump-in to be a safe jump it actually has to be able to hit them if they block. I don’t think anyone except a total scrub would try to DP those extremely early jump-ins.

I’m pretty sure that was mentioned in the vid, that he wasn’t doing true safe jumps and that you can’t safe jump the shotos.

Do you do the motion immediately after the arc in your jump, or a little after?

But WHY does that work? Not just the throw, but also the palm strike? Does “invinicibility” not mean what I think it does? Can I regular throw someone out of an SRK if I time it right? If not, whats the difference as far as the game engine is concerned?

This actually ties into a question of mine: are “meaty” attacks essentially useless against characters with moves that have startup invincibility? For example, if I knock down Ryu and try to use one, can’t he always SRK me?

c.MP is the devil anyway. Also, is the hitbox for j.LK like this:

/\ /
/ / \


It really seems like it…

YES I AM! “At what latitude and longditude did the wreck of the Hesperus occur?”

“Well, I-”


And, to quote a wise man: “There goes sixty percent of your life” :P.

Demonflip palm frightens me the most of all. Every time I try it I hear “SHOOOORYYUUKKENNN” in my head… but I’ll work on it. Thanks.