The Unofficial `Official’ NCR Arcade ST tourney @Nov 20-21 Embassy Suites Milpitas

full bracket. no one is dq’ed

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
32-man bracket

1 daigo : $175.00
2 stplayah : $75.00
4 thrust
5 mongolorobocop
7 america ninja
7 vestax
9 tyram
9 moocus
9 wicked
9 battosai
13 mr igloo
13 fudd
13 papasi
13 saitou
17 papercut
17 james chen
17 mizuki
17 marcos
17 moe
17 synco
17 buktooth
17 oliver tavas
25 phobos


Watching the Grand Finals on stream was awesome!!! :tup:


It worked for the Evo finals, right?

First, to all the people that are returning on sunday to watch the finals, choi has allocated one station for us to play ST throughout the day.

So we’ll do the team battle (just for fun) that we didn’t have time to do today. Please go to the back of the venue after HDR finals.

OK. There’s a lot of stuff I wanted to say about this ST tourney.

First of all, sorry for the subpar experience to people supporting us watching the stream.

If I take a few seconds to post the bracket beforehand it would be much better, but I’m so overwhelmed with people surrounding me waiting for their matches I just couldn’t split my attention.

Thanks for DGV for paying the internet access for us. Choi told us that internet will be free, but it turns out it’s not the case.

Mizuki did his best for this event and he worked his ass off. We just have limited resources since we don’t have wired connection, and we have to share the bandwidth with everyone staying at the hotel.

He was supposed to go there and have fun playing ST, but ended up doing a full day of work without paid. Hats off to him and his female friend (who is a tekken player). She volunteered to help me out to do row call, calling people with her phone to track them down, etc. Sorry I didn’t get your name, but you took a lot of stress off me.

I’m not going to sugarcoat this so I’ll just tell it like it is.

  • The venue is too small. Last year at Domain Hotel it was at least twice as big (but I heard that the tourney draw too much noise and they won’t rent it out again). As a result, it’s really tight and people don’t really enjoy playing casuals as they have to fight for the space, etc.

Yesterday night I went early and asked choi for two tables (4 stations) and this morning and I setup shops the cvs2 guys said they also need to setup their stuff at our tables. So they took 1 station but with two TV, and for the later half of the tourney we can’t even used the 3rd station because there was not enough space.

  • As I side tourney we need to bring all of our equipments so we ain’t comfortable leaving everything there overnight. So I setup the heavy stuff like TV, white board, power strips, etc but I didn’t leave the LCD and ST boards there. As a result, I need to setup everything after they opened the door and it took me an hour to set things up and people are waiting to play casuals (especially like ultracombo who went early @ 7:30).

  • I was expecting people will help bring ps2 sticks. But people forgot (it’s not their responsibility really) or the first thing they do is to play the HDR tourney so they didn’t come by the BYOC area to drop off their ps2 sticks first.

So for the first hour or two, we have three stations but only 2 sticks…

  • Laugh, if you are reading this, I love you no homo but the button mapping feature is giving people problems. Some people trigger the button mapping mode accidentally and they thought the stick / setup are broken. (ultracombo at least did that 4-5 times)

  • a guy ( i forgot who) also warn me beforehand that only 50% of the prereg list will show up for side tourney. Sure enough, only 50% of people showed up. Even I want to say otherwise, but nobody takes side tourney seriously.

  • I know I screwed this up (for the side tourney) by suggesting to choi that sf2 is too fast of a game and he should consider 3/5. He did take my advice and make HDR 3/5. I was hoping to start ST @ 11:30 but ended up starting it @ 3:30.

  • Daigo walked by our setups when we’re playing casuals. I haven’t approached him yet but noticed that both times he was checking us out (but I don’t see him do this to other games). That dude didn’t lie. ssf2x is one of his favoriate games.

  • When I went up to the main stage and ask Daigo if he’ll join us he agreed immediately. But when I later ask him for $10 he told his translator that he should give $10 to choi and not me. When choi told him that he should handed it to me because I’m running this as a side tourney, he forked over two $5 bills and I said to him “You’ll win it back”. He put a big smile on his face. His translator is not with him. But I still think his English is bottom tier :slight_smile:

  • John choi originally agreed to play when I pm’ed him but today he said he’s not even playing a single official games so it would be impossible to join. I told him a lot of people wanted to play him but after running the bracket I know exactly why it would be impossible for him to play.

  • big thanks for buktooth and james chen for joining us. I know they both have moved on to SSF4. And buktooth said ST was never his main game, but they still do not hesitate and handed him $10. Just so you two know, a lot of people still respect you guys and wanted to play you. They told me “Oh no I have to play James Chen?” “Damn I need to face buktooth’s chun? He’d destroy me”, etc.

  • We have both CRT setup and ASUS LCD setup. Even though the ST boards are identical (including the speed setting), people complain that the CRT are SLOW while the first day I assembled the CRT supergun I already noticed a big difference between that and xbox360 classic mode / ggpo. You feel it’s slow because it’s lagless. You’re supposed to have a little time to react to Rog’s dash rush and punish Ken’s jab dp.
    But I guess people have been playing HDR or online a lot so they thought that is "too slow"
    However, DGV, papercut immediately felt that the jab on the CRT felt solid and `crisp’, compared to the LCD.

Yet people are not used to it and many of them wanted to play on the LCD setup. That’s why a lot of the matches are not streamed. I asked Battosai/American Ninja to play a match on stream, they reluctantly agreed but I felt bad to force them to do something they don’t want so I respect their choices. ST playah also do not like to play on the CRT that’s why we have such an epic grand final on stream :slight_smile: It’s money and pride on the line so I definitely would not want to force him to play on the CRT station.

  • After the tourney began and when it’s STplayah’s first match, you told me he wanted to forfeit. He said he’s afraid that he cannot DP consistently on the sanwa TE stick and that he cannot use his ps3 SE stick. He thought people will say crap about his ability if he didn’t do good at tourney. So he would rather give up then placing badly. It took me a few tries to convince him to play. When he got to the grand finals he came up and told me sorry about before. I really see a sign of relief from him. Maybe I just suck so I don’t care about losing, but I thought some people take it too seriously. There’s only one daigo so every one of us must have sucked. So why not just enjoy the game as is? BTW, for the last few matches stplayah always used my LS32 TE. Dude you won some cash tonight, go buy a TE it’s on sale for $99 right now.

  • I sent sirlin an invitation via pm but he never reply. And today he was sitting far away and he never drop by to check us out. I think he must really hated me :frowning:

  • the tall black dude (sorry I didn’t get your name) that is playing daigo first match is missing in action for a long period of time. as a result, we finished all the winners bracket before daigo play a single match. so once we tracked that fool down, daigo just sit down and play 4 matches in a row (he never lost) to the grand finals.

  • choi originally promised that we’ll stream top-x on the official stream. he didn’t lie but it wasn’t his call. today he went to this streaming team once again and ask them to stream it. but they just said they don’t want to risk it. i totally understand this, again this is a downside of running it as a side.

but i really need to thank choi for allowing us to run this. he helped me a few times throughout the day, including calling daigo at his hotel room to wake him up for the st grand finals. (or maybe mongolorobocop did this :slight_smile:

  • You might see a lot of people acting rude on forums or ggpo. But they are ALL very nice in person.
    I really need to thank all of you to put up with my poor memory (I couldn’t remember your names), go out all your way to track down your opponent to play, patiently waited hours for the tourney to finish (I know BTC hated waiting @ tourney, but he didn’t say a single word), and generally support me and giving me encouraging words. I couldn’t do this without this friendly crowd.

BTC and ultracombo are really handsome dudes. and ultracombo, thanks for coming by to support us even you have to wake up early and leave early for work.

phobos and papercut, thanks for the chat and helping me carrying the stuff to the parking lots. TBH I’m already exhausted standing all day.

battosai, america ninja, moocus, mr igloo, fudd, mongolorobocop thanks for helping me tracking people down. Without that the tourney will never finish.

DGV, thanks for encouraging me to go ahead and run the side tourney. Without your support I’ll never do this on my own.

mizuki I need to thank you again. You added a lot of values to this tournament.

vestax, thrust, 0men and everyone else, really nice to chat with you guys and joining the tourney.
I just hope the venue is not that hot. It’s hard to breathe in there.

Thanks to daigo’s translator, you’re really nice. It must be tough having to follow that guy around all day.

And thanks for daigo for taking our money and showing us how to play the game again :slight_smile:

:rock: Hey papasi, Thanks man np glad to help and thanks for my first real tourney…Had alot of fun and great games and big thanks for all the people I met:karate:.
I know I’ll place better next time =P - ncrsuperturbo - Videos

Here is the archive for the ST matches on

We had poor net quality, so quality fluctuated. It was my first time doing such a tourney, so sorry if things mess up randomly, it was also my first time doing commentary, I usually don’t like to do commentary, but I made a special exception for you guys. It was tough, since ST is so fast of a game, I know what’s going on, but actually putting it into words and saying them is the main problem. My thoughts got jumbled up a lot, except cammy vs blanka, I really don’t know that match and have no idea what those 2 characters are trying to accomplish.

I’m also sorry for not doing well in the tournament, for those O.Hawk fans, but I tried my best, but the rust never fully dissipated.

It’s so nice seeing more than 8 people at a SSF4 heavy tournament to enter and play ST, and I hope ST comes back up, even if it’s a small scene, playing live is 10x more better than playing online, or having to play STHD.

As I said on the stream, if the community gets bigger, or at least more solid, I am willing to travel to events to stream ST, and get better equipment (like mixer/mic) but I probably won’t go HD (as it seems overkill for ST.) I of course would need a job to accomplish this, as I doubt people would pay a plane ticket somewhere for me to stream ST.

Thanks everyone for having this happen, and damdai imposter in the chat got me good.

Also about grand finals, if it were me running the tourney, I would have forced the players to play on the stream regardless, I guess that shows the difference between people and what they’d do. Also feedback on my commentary would be nice (but don’t be too harsh, but not too sugar-coated.)

Thanks for the clarifications and for running the whole thing, papasi. It is a great accomplishment and a great contribution to the community. Regards to Mizuki, who did fine commentating and provided us the stream. It is really retarded that people did not want to play on it and really disrespectful towards the fans and viewers, but we now see it was definitely not the fault of the organizers. And I hope people get to play the game on arcade saloons before they remove the few cabinets that still operate. Depending only on GGPO and consoles to get new players is really shitty and may cause the issue to repeat itself. Tube > LCD, ffs.

Man, CRT ST feels right. I’m actually very shocked at that kind of reaction to it. “It’s too slow.” Crazy. Ah well, congrats to all players and good show.

Huh, what are people hitting start for?

Congrats to my friend ST Playah for making 2nd place at his 2nd Tournament and beating DGV 2-0. Not bad for only playing 2 years and playing on a borrowed stick that he clearly wasn’t used to. (I wish I had that talent)

I need to bring head phones next time so I don’t hear shit talk or razzing that caused me to choke up vs Daigo’s rog and BTC…distracts me big time.

Thanks for running a good tourney papasi, but I liked the LCD screen cause it smoother and speed was slower…there was too much lag and looked grainy on that CRT tv, and BTC noticed it besides myself.

the American Ninja.

Shout out to my friend ST Playeh for getting 2nd place to Daigo and beating DGV 2-0 also proving that hes not just the famous dominate force on ggpo but hes shown he dominate offline also.:cool:

BTC: Cool getting to meet u bro, u definately have the best blanka in the US.:cool:

P.S. I wish Balrog would be banned.:mad:

Hey Papasi you and Mizuki did a good job with the tournament. I haven’t played ST in a long time but it was cool getting back to it. The two Japanese Set ups that were not being streamed were perfect I wish we could have considered streaming those instead. I don’t know why it seemed so slow on the one that was being streamed. It did get better after you guys changed the speed though. Overall it was cool you guys ran the whole thing to the best of you abilities and it turned out great.

One thing that I was somewhat bummed to see is that, none of the ST guys even came over to watch the HDR matches, yet all of the HDR guys came to the ST tournament and basically made up 2/3 of the tournament. I am not on any side of the debate but I just think breaking up a small community like the SF2 community is not worth it. It would be better if we worked together maybe run two tournaments side by side like this all the time??

Nice meeting the two twin brothers. Its a struggle to win with a lower tier character. You guys played well with Guile maybe we can get more games later on.

More tourneys is probably a good thing as a whole, but you should keep in mind that a number of people who prefer ST do regularly enter HDR competitions.

I don’t know if I would agree with that, how do we know what people prefer? I didn’t see any people playing HDR at the tournament that wished ST was the main game and not a side tournament. Sure if it was the main game we would have all played in it anyway, but I don’t think their are too many strictly ST players joining HDR tournaments.

What speed was the slower set up set on?

It was set to speed 2.

Huge thanks to papasi to doing all this. Don’t blame laugh for the mapping issues, it’s my fault. When I would reach over to press start (to keep playing Rufus), I would use my left hand, which would also go over the 4 buttons on the left. The setups were all perfect and the only issue I saw was that the LCDs stretched the game and put it in the incorrect aspect ratio (the CRT setup was absolutely flawless). Playing real ST was so satisfying, it was slower and smoother, I had no execution problems, I could actually react to Balrog, and I could actually block the wall dive loop (!!!)

I feel real bad that I couldn’t join the tourney, I picked the worst time to be employed. I’m always willing to show and play some casuals, granted it fits my schedule. I would hate to see your investment to those setups go to only one event.

Also, I’m going to convert to seimetsu now, that stick is too godlike.

I’m gonna say that it’s probably just unfamiliarity with actual Super Turbo after such a long time.

By long time do you mean never? That was the first time I had ever played ST in its intended manner.