Not really referring to you yellow trunks N Sagat. Like, that’s how ST is suppose to feel. Slower, more fluid. You’re supposed to be able to react to that stuff lol.
Mad props to papasi, Mizuki and thanks to choi. You guys did a great job even if it was not easy, stream quality was decent to good, there is a ton of vids in the archives, everything was fine. Seeing ST still played by top players is awesome. Keep up the good work ; I hope this means more ST tourneys in the future, and perhaps, some official ones.
ultra, can you please tell what stick you use and what do you feel is better in Seimitsus?
out of habit. some games like ssf4 pressing the start button would skip all the animation.
also i noticed daigo like to use his left hand to hold the LK and right hand to tap the start button.
he did that in sbr and ncr. (holding any of the face button will make the background spins faster in st)
no. it was faster only after DGV changed it to US speed 3, since people complain that T2 on CRT felt slow.
yeah man. all my ggpo lag tactics don’t work anymore i got punished hard.
Work always comes first. There’ll be plenty of opportunity to play ST offline now that I got the setups.
A lot of people like the LS32 TE stick. I actually execute better on the sanwa JLF than before after playing on the seimetsu exclusively for 2 months.
NCR day 2 report
After HDR finals we chilled out and played some casuals while waiting for people checking out from the hotel and grabbing something to eat.
Then we started the adult vs young team battle. It’s funny a few guys lied about their age. They are definitely not that young and it’s hilarious to see old dudes playing on the young team.
24 people entered
ambiguous crossup
american ninja
james chen
mr igloo
negro ninja
oliver t
I’m the captain of team adult and go 0-1 and out. Fudd is the captain of team young.
The first set was really intense we traded back and forth and young team were down to the last man mongolorobocop while adult team we had DG&V as anchor.
Vintage initially declined to play but later we convinced him and he said as long as he can use the seimetsu LS32 TE stick he’s down.
So I was expecting vintage to get wrecked by ceasar since he even had problem picking o ken (he said his hand is not fast enough on the stick) and ask me to pick o ken for him. (he failed once and we had to reset the match)
mongolorobocop picked o chun just for kicks and it’s o ken vs o chun. Fudd has the footage so you can check that match out. In the end vintage pulled a victory so set 1 goes to team adult.
At this point james chen were attracted by the crowd and came to check us out. once he figured out what’s going on he immediately said he’s down. with one additional member in the adult team, i sent the youngest member to fudd.
Since vintage and ceasar were already in position so they started off set 2.
vintage playing o.ken won again and fudd sent another player up. vintage continue his win streak and another young team member is up after another.
none of these guys are weak and yet vintage continue to slaughter one after another, there went aaron, tyram, kevin, moses, mr igloo and bitkid.
fudd knew that he had to stop him so he’s up next. same outcome.
at this point everyone realized that vintage has been lying. he’s just as good as DG and gave us excuses not to play.
he’s 2 people away from OCV an entire team! that’s would be the ultimate OCV, an entire team!
next up fudd sent wicked, a really young dude that play solidly. nope, still destroyed by vintage.
in the 1st few games of set 2, an ex-arcade player oliver t joined us. he’s at the borderline of team young and team adult and since vintage had already eliminated a few people I ask oliver t to join fudd’s team.
oliver t is up playing boxer and surprised everyone by beating vintage cold handed and showed us how good he is at ST.
there went vintage’s ultimate OCV.
next up i sent james chen since he might not had a chance to play as there are only 2 members left in young team. he’s not too pleased having to go up against a boxer.
oliver t took james chen’s cammy out and i sent american ninja up. he didn’t disappoint us and beat oliver t.
moocus is the last guy from young team and it looks like young team could lost again.
moocus pulled a tight victory against american ninja. i sent synco and we got a N Ken vs N Ken mirror.
the match are again tight and it could go either way. but moocus prevailed
then I told thrust to finish him off and thrust said he’ll glady do it.
finally thrust finish the job and team adult is victorious again
At this point they realize that team young has no chance against team adult (as I predicted long ago), so we elected DG & V as captains and they take turns picking members.
team DG sent wicked up against team V’s thrust. i was rooting for the young wicked but then thrust pull thru. next up DG sent synco and he eliminated thrust, bitkid and james chen. vintage sent fudd up with sim and defeated synco. then DG released the monster that is mongolorobocop and he destroyed fudd, papercut, battosai, moocus and mr igloo.
now captain vintage needs to defend his team’s honor. but somehow the magic is gone. mongolorobocop defeated vintage and team DG won.
after that we played casuals until NCR closed up shop.
also before DGV left we chatted with james chen for quite a bit about going back to ST or HD classic mode and he’s down with that idea. We’ll see how that goes.
mongolorobocop, sorry didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to you. mad respect for running ranbat at danjin. I thought you lived in LA but they told me that you drove from far away to run that.
bitkid, thanks for the games and info about getting a cab. I’ll pm you to discuss more.
mr igloo we should definitely play on ggpo. You’re a very solid player.
oliver t, dude you just destroyed me in casuals. you should come and play ST more. thanks for the games!
fudd, thanks for sticking around for so long and helping me moved stuff to my car. let’s get some games going later.
thanks for everyone participating. i had a great time today now that the stress of running the tourney is gone!
Sounds like good times! I would’ve loved to have made it, but SCR and NCR being 2 weeks apart + work + life was too much for me. Hopefully next time shit will get spaced out more.
Thanks for bringing the ST setups. Definitely made NCR so awesome for me and a lot of other people. It was really cool seeing Daigo get into the ST tourney, and the young versus old mini event on Sunday was really fun. I wish I hadn’t missed the start of the actual ST tourney. That place was so packed and chaotic and I actually missed my first match in Tekken 6 too due to the noise.
norcal, you guys are awesome! thank you for the st tournament, we all appreciate the trouble you went through to have it. i tip my hat to papasi, mizuki, and anyone else who had a hand in that.
i’m really glad i had the opportunity to hang out and have a lot of fun with everyone. i’m too tired from the drive for shoutouts, but just know it was a huge pleasure to meet you all.
shoutouts to papasi and the others for running the ST side tournament, i had a great time playing with some really good players you guys are dope! I actually never entered a ST tourney in my life before this lmao i just play hdr whenever i have the time
i wish i could have stayed for day 2 and been apart of the young vs adult tourney, but i still had 1 of the best times of my life on day 1
thanks guys
Interesting overview of the event. Glad things worked out well and nice to see you were able to coax Vintage out of his shell.
As for button mapping, Start doesn’t do anything except when entering and at character select so folks really shouldn’t have any issue with that in-game. Moreover, mapping buttons on laugh’s converter is Start + the 4 face buttons together. If a player has a problem with that, then it’s really up to the player to adjust. You’d reset any DC game with that input.
thanks again pap. jolly good show. I’m glad I got a chance to meet you in real life also. Now I know who I’m always spinning around in circles.
also, anyone see me do the walking 720 on the stream? that shit was pee ai em pee. I need to buy DJfrijos and NeoRay a beer for that video.
You bet we did, papercut! Pure marvel! It was quite exciting, but also quite frustrating. But you have contributed to the good part of it.
Much thanks to Papasi, that was awesome. I wish I could’ve came back for the 2nd day but you know how it is, life gets in the way.
It was a pleasure seeing, playing, meeting old and new faces. I hope we can pull this off again soon. Peace homies.
Oh, the most golden moment of the weekend is when Cesar got drunk off his ass, rooted Daigo the whole tourney, and gave him a noogie on the head and bought him a fucking beer.
Then Daigo cracked a smile.
The beast actually smiled. You don’t see him doign this in SF4. SF4 makes you soft son! It was a fucking Kodak moment. I think Sean caught that picture. Much love to the ST/HDR crew. We don’t put anybody on a fucking pedestal, we respect and play the game.
This weekend had so many funny moments, we will be talking about this for many years to come.
Sadly couldn’t make it so I had to settle for being a stream monster. Anyway, great matches all around. Huge props to papasi for helming this tourney and taking an active role in keeping the ST scene alive.
Ditto. Great stuff Papasi, Mizuki and all!
BTW, there are some unsung heroes that made all these happened.
Thanks for cigarbob to finding all the supergun parts for me. I had no clue what to get and that guy did the research and gave me all the URLs to the parts. I just clicked add to cart and checked out.
Thanks to laugh and toodles for answering my questions and for their awesome psx->jamma converters.
Also thanks to rufus, stevetren, ganelon, Tetsuosan and tech monkey for sharing their knowledge with me on ggpo and pm.
If I forgot anyone, please forgive me…
GalacticPhantom posted it on the NCR thread

daigo tryin to steal the other beer lol
daigo tryin to steal the other beer lol