So I have been talking to DGV since SBR about strengthening SF2 on the west coast.
We decided to organize a supergun cps2 ST tourney @ NCR (supergun because people want to use their own stick anyway and it is also easier to setup).
Entry fee is $10
Official NCR thread here and also here.
I?ll have two setups and DGV will bring one.
Streaming provided by mizuki on pool station 1 (casual + pool)
I asked John Choi and he agreed (read below for some interesting tidbits about choi
It is not going to be official in the sense that there is no sign up from the NCR registration site.
But it is not a complete side tourney since we?re going to stream it! :lovin:
But we need help.
We need your support. We need people to sign up for this. We need everyone who enjoy SF2, ST to sign up.
We need help with equipments. We?ll have superguns and ST boards.
If you have psx extension code, please bring them. We also don?t have enough loaner PS2 sticks.
My plan is to have this run right after HDR pool and not to compete with HDR tourney.
People that play both should enjoy both and have double the fun @ NCR since there are TWO SF2 tourney instead of one (or zero for other games).
Since this should be a different experience than the HDR tourney, I?m planning to run
Starcup solo 3vs3 team tourney, you pick 3 characters (duplicates ok) and specify the order and have to stick with it.
Payout will be 70%, 30%
[ The following are not confirmed and will solely based on feedback from you guys that plan to enter :
After the tourney, we may have a quick East vs West japanese style team tourney for fun.
Here’re the possibilities:
Divide by age group : young team vs adult team
Locals vs out of towners
Two captains picking members one by one
And after that, if we still have time and top players around (or there are enough replies in this thread), we can run a quick 8 man high stakes $50, $100 tourney for added excitment!
And then we can run a 2vs2 team tourney
So, please reply if
You are interested to enter
If you have a PSX/PS2 extension cord / stick and willing to lend to people who don?t have it (and please specify what stick and buttons you have)
If you are interested @ east vs west battle or high stake 8 man tourney
So, how’s the plan? At the very least, we?ll try to have 4 setups for casual play so there will be a lot of fun.
Remember, double the SF2, double the fun :woot:
Q & A:
Q: Do I need to pay the NCR registration fee ($35 early bird/$40 online/ $50 onsite) if I only plan to enter ST tourney?
A: NCR charges a $10 fee to use the BYOC area. (if you enter any official tourney, you are waived)