The Unofficial `Official’ NCR Arcade ST tourney @Nov 20-21 Embassy Suites Milpitas

Unless I missed something big, the JAMMABOARDS converter only does VGA out.

Not true, ST Playeh had faced John Choi using my name Battosai on ggpo. Choi was under the KSII alias. ST Playeh won the set old ryu vs new ryu 20 games and ST Playeh never lost his old ryu that night. Choi said good games to me since stp was under my user name on the Keystone II fourms here:

Keystone II :: View topic - KS2 MATCH VIDS

Hi rufus, I have both the VGA encoder and the composite/s-video encoder (that’s my 2nd order, my 1st order I ordered 3 encoders, 2vga + 1composite/svideo)

Yes you did miss something :slight_smile: Are you coming? XDD

Cool story. I hope John Choi will not be too busy around the time we run the tourney and maybe he and ST playah can have a rematch again :tup:

I have bad news and good news.

Bad news: I can not stream all fancy like player cam/live commentary/scene switching because my laptop is really old and weak.

Good news: I can still stream just direct feed from cab, and maybe crowd noise at probably full 60 fps.

I could do fancy streaming if I wanted to bring my desktop, but I kind of don’t want to lug that shit around especially when it’s going to rain, and my ride only has a small car I think…

If people really want the fancy stream in this thread, I might bring my desktop, but I’d need everyone to be like “YOU SUCK DO THE FULL THING.”

Also WHY DOES NO ELECTRONIC STORES CARRY S-VIDEO CABLES NEAR MY AREA. I gotta go to the next couple cities away to get it…

ncrsuperturbo on

I’m in on this for sure, I’ll get beasted but all is well. :smiley:

Nah, honestly, crowd noise and full frame rate will give the viewers just as good a show, imo.

I’m interested in this. Singles, starcup or character lock tourney is fine by me.

Character lock: Claw
Starcup: Claw, Ryu, Claw

I’d like to get into this.

Lock: boxer

starcup: Boxer, DJ, Boxer.

BTW: have anyone tried using the MC Cthulhu psx extension on the supergun?

Lock: Claw
Star cup : Claw Cammy Claw

God I forgot, i still have to ask around for a ride.

elcubanoloco, sait0u, shinobi00, moe wifi, your names are added.

It’s going to be starcup. See you all there.

Damn suddenly we have a bunch of claws, what happened?

Depending on situation

Lock: Boxer

Starcup: Boxer Guile Boxer


I got it to where I can stream player cam and stuff, might be able to have commentary. I just had to tweak some settings on my laptop. This is getting better and better. I can’t wait!!


Stream will be at JUSTIN.TV NOW

@Chrisis updated 2nd post

@Mizuki You’re gdlk .
[ I just went to the stream URL and mizuki is testing with ps2. Team spooky #2 :slight_smile: ]

So you got s-video splitter and audio splitter ready?

I went to fry’s yesterday night but couldn’t find any s-video splitter whatsoever. Maybe radioshack would have it? (but fry’s >>> radioshack)

Now the big question is whether embassy suite will provide stable wifi connection @ the venue spot

yoyo wassup im on the list twice.

about to head up with papercut and synco. see you soon, suckas!

Mexican Uppercut:p:

See everyone tomorrow. I’ll be there first thing in the morning

Current plan is to start the ST tourney @ 12:45 pm

ST tourney sign up on site.

[edit 9:45 now, door still not opened. tournament starts late, what a surprise :slight_smile: ]

waiting for the stream to start, any news?

NCR ST Casuals on now:
ncrsuperturbo on

On now. If you are here, go watch that shit!