The Unofficial `Official’ NCR Arcade ST tourney @Nov 20-21 Embassy Suites Milpitas

Quiet Mary. Talk time is between 3 and 5am.

As of now, I have a ride so I’m alright. Cept I’ll probably be there around 11 or 12…

Count me in papasi . I play O. Ken N.ken, and maybe JuanChoi will come with me.

haha who is Nh2? I am actually stuck between being Vega, Blanka, Blanka. Or just keep it real and go all straight Blanka X 3

NH2 is short for Nohoho, Antonio. The other Blanka cheater! :lol:


yo as off now its just myself after SCR our funds are really low so only i might be able to make it im sorry :frowning: but i’ll keep you updated

For those of you that only intend to enter the ST tourney, before I confirmed with john choi that you don’t need to pay any reg fee except the $10 ST entry fee. Well, choi changed his mind.

If you don’t enter any official tourney, you’ll need to pay $10 to use the BYOC area. Sorry about this but this is not my call.

Shouldn’t be a problem. Anyone still playing ST should be well in their 40’s already. Old men should have 10 bucks to spare.


Can I switch my team to

n. hawk, o. ryu, o. hawk.

Well, there goes not eating lunch that day :confused:

Damn son, you really can’t afford $20?

I’m actually wondering why you are only charging $10.

DGV said Valle is down for this!


Surely we’ll try to get the beast to participate

I might be down for this. Are you only doing signups online or can we sign up day of?

Will Tokido be there!!! I MUST HAVE REVENGE!!! If he shows pap, I want him on my first match.

Cool, I’ll put your name down.

Sign up on site. (Choi will ask for $10 venue/byoc fee at the door if you are not entering any official events)

Yeah man, he’s REALLY popular after the win pose. If the tournament maker software allows it, I’ll fix the bracket for you no problem :slight_smile:

I don’t want to get too much into it, but I shouldn’t even really be going to this tourney lol. I haven’t had a job for 2 years and the 6 years of working money finally dwindled down to a sad 200 dollars left. Plus I’m 21.

Anyways change my characters to O.Hawk Guile O.Hawk

moses will be there

Plz put me down for this too. My friend Chrisis will also probably be down but hes out of town until thursday b4 NCR, so I’ll have to have him get back to you.

My team will be: Ryu, O.Ken, Chunz

Hey, just an idea, but I can possibly stream the ST cab, since I do have equipment for it. It won’t be superb quality, but it would be decent enough to see matches, I can also have webcam showing the players too. I don’t know if NCR has any rules against it, but I’ll be willing to stream casuals/early tourney matches. The only problem is I’ll be showing up later as stated before.

mizuki, it’s not a cab. it’s super gun + jamma->psx converter

we have both vga & svideo/composite supergun.

if you can stream it, that’s very cool.

will your setup work on wireless? (The iplaywinner stream team will have wired connection, but I doubt we’ll get it)

if yes, i’ll ask choi about it first because we might be consuming bandwidths that they need