The Unofficial `Official’ NCR Arcade ST tourney @Nov 20-21 Embassy Suites Milpitas

It’s awesome you’re setting this up on the West Coast. It’s too bad I live out in FL which is extremely isolated from any ST scene.

It’s in the title of the thread :slight_smile: Nov 20th Saturday.

Top-X will be either on the same day (sat) or sunday if we have closer to 32 people or more.

Starcup it is. Everyone if you want to please specify your 3 characters in order.

Damdai, if you are coming, teach me how to use tonamento :slight_smile:

The thing is, my neck is on the line if I screwed up so I’ll just play it safe for now and use that offline tool which I have already figured out and it is super easy if someone new sign up on site that day and I can regenerate the brackets in seconds.

I think I’ll be showing up for this one. I’ll bring an extra Tekken 5 stick (default hardware) for borrowing purposes, but I’m sure people won’t be happy with it lol. Sorry in advance!

whats star cup? I’m fairly new to this tournament scene so I don’t not know all the terminology.

Grrrrrrrrrrr, none of you guys read :mad:

starcup = 3v3 team tourney but all characters are controlled by the same guy, and team order is fixed.

So instead of letting people counter pick arbitrary, you select 3 characters (duplicates allowed) in advance and specify their order.

For example, my team is 1st N Ken, 2nd N Sim, 3rd N Ken

DGV’s team is 1st N Ryu, 2nd N Ryu, 3rd N Ryu

BTW, I’ll bring my ps2 with japan capcore edition of SF2 Anniversary edition for those old school folks who want to play some CE or HF or Super. (So yeah, need more loaner ps2 sticks :slight_smile:

That can be MM or just casual, vintage, please bring your pad =) (I hope john choi can allocate one more space for us)

I’m searching local ads actively looking for a < 20" TV at reasonable price for this. Or if anyone can bring a TV that’ll be great.

So there you have it. Every version of SF2 possible at this NCR (WW, CE, HF, Super, ST, HDR). :woot:

[Edit :

see VF4, our walking ST encyclopedia for the definition of star cup.

But for this tourney, I’m not going to allow you to rearrange order for each set to simplify the process and make sure things go smoothly since I don’t have dedicated judges to help me out]

It’s a solo 3 on 3 format. Meaning you get to choose three slots to fill up with any team combination that you want, duplicates allowed. So you can have a team of Guile, Guile, and Guile, or Guile, Ryu, Guile, or Guile, Boxer, Ryu. Any combination you can think of. The thing is that whatever team you choose you are locked to that team for the tournament. So if you choose Hawk, O.Hawk, Dictator, you must keep those three characters as your team, but you don’t necessarily have to play them in that order. You are allowed to change the order of your team before every match but you must blind select the full order of your entire team. So if you’re team is Ken, Ryu, and Boxer and you want to run your team order as Ryu, Boxer, and then Ken in one match, you tell the judge that you are going to switch your order from the default order that you signed up with. If you don’t inform the judge that you are changing your order then the judge will assume you are running your default order. So you can’t start Ryu, lose with him, and then get to choose between Ken or Boxer as your second character for that match. Whatever character you already had assigned to go second has to go in that order. Your full order has to be set before each round (just like SBO rules). Star Cup works well as a single elimination or double elimination style tournament, it’s very popular for many older games in Japan, especially ST.

Watchu know 'bout dat RAINBOW edition tho?

My laptop can run MAME :stuck_out_tongue:

I just updated the 2nd post with pre-reg list and previous EVO results.

John Choi’s solid record in ST tourney is scary…

He said he’ll be busy running NCR and might forfeit in the middle if he has to leave.
I hope we’ll make sure everything run smoothly so we can have him until the end, buy him to go lunch if we have to :slight_smile:

Jason Cole’s resume is also very solid. Two times EVO champion !

These two are definitely the guy to beat.

i’ll take n.ken, n.boxer and n.fei if i make it (most likely will)

Anyone from Union City/Fremont/Hayward area going that can give me a ride? I won’t be able to have the car to drive that day…

I’m from south bay and will be quite busy that day to set things up.

If you can’t find anyone, can you take bart and we pick you up?

Also, posting in the two official NCR threads might be better (links in the 1st post)

Anyway, keep us posted if you still cannot find anyone to give you a ride before nov 20th sat.
We’ll help you think of something.

Im down if I could use my nen master. I dun think anyone in the 925 is going or getting they’re own room. put me on there anyway I may make it.

OK your name is added.

You might try to talk to JuanChoi on ggpo (or Akuma FORCE on srk). He said he is interested to go if any one around his area is going.

He said he is looking for solid ryus that can beat his and I told him “There are folks like John Choi and DGV, are they good enough?” :stuck_out_tongue:

Just curious, did you figure out the monitor situation yet?

If not, I have an X-RGB2+ upscaler you can use with the LCD’s that the NCR team will have. From what I’ve read/experienced, lag with this scaler is minimal to non-existent. I’m far from a high-level player, though, so don’t hold me to that. -_-

The only issue is whether or not you have a 21-pin RGB/SCART cable for the Supergun… if the Supergun outputs component video, that works as well.

The scaler accepts s-video and composite input as well, but the output quality is not so good. If you’re interested in testing the scaler for lag we can work something out where I can meet you up and bring the scaler.

Send me a PM or something. Good luck!

Looks Like I will be making this still deciding on my team though Vega, Blanka, Blanka or Vega ,Ken, Blanka

Thanks for offering help. I really appreciate it. I’ll pm you if we need your help.

Right now I got a flat screen TV for supergun and another regular TV for the PS2.
I will get a LCD for the other supergun and I’m set.

If you are going to NCR, drop by and play some casuals with us!

This team is better : komoda, nh2, btc

put me in as

MonGoloRoboKop- O.Chun, O.Ken, Chun

And MuffinMan we dont want you there stay Home !!! :stuck_out_tongue:

As of now I am using Guile, O.Ken, O.Hawk.

N.Ryu, O.Sagat, N.Sagat

n. hawk, o. ken, n hawk