The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Tbh i don’t think next gen is affecting SFV much

I think by the time a PS5 will be estabilished enough and a SF6 will be ready to be released SFV will have completed his till-2020 natural life cycle as it was supposed to be

Is this 2020 included or not ?

If it’s supported like 2019 then I would rather pass.

I feel we’ll get content in 2019 and 2020, but less each year.
2021 they’ll anounce SF6 and we’ll follow the betas for a 2022 release.


What I’ve always wanted to see in Street Fighter is Ryu finally defeating Akuma in a main game of the series. Do you guys think if SF6 happens after 3rd Strike, we will finally see that?

The implication has always been that since SF3/after SF5, Ryu and Akuma went their separate ways to perfect their fighting and they would meet again at end of their journey. Ryu went on to train under Oro, and Akuma further delved into his demonic mastery.

Oro guesses in 3S that it would take Ryu 15 years to become as good as Oro or better, From that, we can infer that Ryu needs over a decade to complete his training under Oro.

Akuma/Oni x Ryu Final won’t be happening before then. Unless Capcom retcons shit.


Communication on SF is legendarily poor. Boon trolls and hints and teases and interacts and gets crazy hype for MK…but we get stupid Blanka toy shots and radio silence for nearly a year at a time.

Just announce SF6 already…

It’s the only hope


My personal 2 cents

I will prefer something to happen about 5 years max after SF3, that force Ryu to face Akuma sooner

Will prefer that way for various reasons

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Same. Mainly because I’m not interested in any time jump that exceeds 5 years in SF6 or otherwise.


I am not interested in any time jump that makes the gals not sexy anymore!!!


What do people think about the “Shin Ryu” concept?

Alright, alright. I’ve been to this site before and I’m quite interested in what everybody has to say. So I’m going to ask a question.
Mind you, I’m still pretty new here aside from some of the older stuff back in the day… So it’s been a while.

What do you guys think about shin Ryu? I’m not talking Mu no Hado, the SFV stuff he tapped into vs Necalli and I believe he did once in the Alpha mangas as well. I’m talking Udon Comics’ take on “Shin Ryu”. Where he combined the Satsui no Hado and Mu no Hado to pretty much slap Gill and Oni around like babies. What do you think about it? Is it a nice concept? Personally, I’d like to see Capcom somehow use this concept in future games.

Perhaps Ryu realizes that the Satsui no Hado is truly part of him, and he must accept it and train without losing his humanity, the way to do this would be to somehow combine it with Gouken’s teaching of Mu no Hado. It’d be interesting in my opinion


Welcome to SRK.

Shin Ryu is essentially ‘Ryu Final’, the hypothetical version of Ryu that has completed training under Oro. One of Oro’s defining traits is that he can utilize all kinds of ki, even ones that are seemingly opposite of one another.

Ryu’s fate is not like Gouken’s, in that he will balance MNK with the SNH within rather than go to either extreme. I think that potential is what Oro recognizes in him and attracts him to Ryu as his ideal pupil.


I’m fine with them taking Ryu in that direction as long as that’s the way they want to make canon and he’s the ONLY version of Ryu in the game.

If it means I gotta have a Shin Ryu on top of my standard Ryu and also Kage, no to the no no no no.


I like the Shin Ryu concept, as someone that followed the Udon story arc for Ryu, I think is a very fitting conclusion for that particular arc as Udon Ryu was always dealing with an internal struggle of opposing ideas and philosophies, for example when he went to train with Dhalsim followed by his training with Gen etc etc.

Oro teaching him to embrace and balance his whole being was really cool after all. And by the way even after turning into Shin Ryu and defeating Gill and Akuma, Ryu once again returns to continue training with Oro as he feels there’s much much more to learn from him, while a proud Gouken witness his former pupil decision. Long story short, I like it.

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It’s also really fitting with the way that Side-Readers portrays Oro.


You lost me here lol

Joke aside i think that Oro’s training will go in that direction, with Ryu ending up able to use every kind of “energy” inside his body to fullfill his potential

Fun thing Oro in SF3 seen potential in two characters, both able to be vessels of opposite energies

Ryu: MnK/Denjin - SnH
Gill: Fire - Ice

There’s also that mini-story of Oro and Sim (canon, as was from capcom), with Oro saying that for him ki is ki, showing he can use SnH at will if he want

So probably Oro will teach Ryu that suppressing SnH, even in the advanced way of Kage story, mean not fullfill his potential

One ex-alcoholic is’nt “free” when he completely stop drinking alcohol forever, he’s really free when he can full control drink a glass of wine without risk return slave of it


Let’s talk about something since this is a Ryu topic.

What makes Ryu boring and interesting?


What is the perfect role for Ryu?

You can reference from the past roles and other FG games as well.

What if Capcom announces SF6 what are your reactions?

@Tatsuroko: Welcome back at the Q & A server Storythread.

And probably a huge factor to consider. And the last team could be focusing for a different project.

Very much agree since we had a lot of free testing lately and even the latest resources are more like budget resources like the Final Fight Stage and A2 stage. They probably squeezing everything they could.

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“Balancing” MNH with SNH is absolutely retarded and even stupider than the notion of using both the Force and the Dark Side “In balance”

It is an absolute betrayal of the martial arts concepts that define the framework of Street Fighter

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It’s a common/overused ‘chosen one’ heroic trope - Light/Dark, Fire/Ice, etc… Bound to rear its ugly head in a guy built on stereotypes. Whatever happened to jack of all trades master of none?

Anyway, care to elaborate on why it is an absolutely retarded/treacherous notion to attempt to balance two opposing forces?

I don’t see how it “betrays” anything, it seems even more retarded to think in absolutes, the world is filled with a whole gamma o grays so nah a balance is valid, the catch is that is hard to achieve.

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To be fair, MNH and SNH are presented less as complementary elements and more as opposing philosophies. Fire and ice don’t have philosophies behind them, they’re natural elements of the world. Attempting to merge MNH and SNH is like being simultaneously loud and quiet, fast and slow, or left and right. You can’t just be both without being neither.

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