The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


Look who’s back!


It’s Daemos!!!


The Power of Ono has summoned my man Daemos out of shadows


Bison is alive rejoice it’s an interquel all over again!! lol

Welcome back!!


As expected EVO it is, sadly no E3

While at it, at CB this weekend they may reveal some new costumes to go together with new Sakura’s one

Exciting new things? That’s like, multiple skins!


Realistic hope if is not just character(s) will be 2nd something, either CA or VSkill

Story should also move forward inside SFV (specially G and NeoShadaloo), but maybe we’re already at the donteventryanymore point where they will not do what they should do lol

Hopefully at EVO we get USFV

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That’s all I needed. A date. Some communication. Now I can move on with my life until EVO lol


Tbh they will have got so much less backlash by fans/internet negativity chance from haters, if theyr 2fucking018 message was like

“we will do it different this time, see you at EVO2019!”

And then release some costumes/stages as they did, with people being like “well, they said at EVO for the big stuff”

To this day i still believe whoever lead the marketing/communication strategy of SFV is guilt huge % of the negativity SFV got, more than who worked on the actual game

SFV is much better than the average internet guy perception of it, wich is sad

SFV have it’s flaws and where i can speak (design) i don’t fake to not see (just like pros have the right to complain on gameplay), but i still find a shame that a game with so much good on it get treated by general public as trash as a whole due incompetence of people that did’nt even made it

SFV deserved some backlash, but at same time SFV deserved much better treatment… by actual capcom people first, then by the audience


Right? Like dude, if you weren’t going to drop ANY news whatsoever for nearly 10 months straight you should’ve just said right after Kage’s release:

"We’ve just wrapped up Season 3 and Capcom Cup 2018, and can’t wait to show you more. We have big plans for Street Fighter V, but those plans might need to stay baking in the oven a for a little while longer.

We will continue to support both the Capcom Pro Tour and Street Fighter V with new Costumes and Stages, so please bare with us.

We’re eagerly anticipating to see all of you next year at Evolution Championship Series 2019, where Blanka shall arrive with his pockets full of awesome stuff

Until then, farewell fellow World Warriors!"

Literally that’s all they had to do


Capcom USA and UK agree with you. Unfortunately Capcom Japan is oblivious and in charge. Months ago Matt Edwards said that if it were up to them, Season 4 would have been revealed up front like Season 3.


Capcom Japan is absolute trash. Its beyond my comprehension how they managed to screw up all the good faith they built up with s3. Kage was just the first mistep, but had the entire s4 been announced at Capcup I dont think it would’ve been as much of an issue. From his lame reveal, to lack of news, to the FM nerfs on the down low, this season has really made people hate the game again.


Uh, technically, couldn’t it still be revealed “up front”, if none of S4 has been released yet?

They revealed the entirety of Season 3 upfront. We knew all six characters from the beginning. There was none of that silhouette BS.


if they give us 5 characters no (kage will probably get counted as first)
if they give us 6 yes

Hope 6 it is, will mean still 4 male characters instead 3+1 being wasted on kage

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Context is key here. They were trying to sell AE and make good after the disaster launch. That’s why they marketed Season 3 so perfectly.

I think the reason why they held back this season is because they had to take a step back and assess how big of a reinvestment in SF5 development they should be making next. And it is not because of SF5 not being profitable because I am certain this business model has exceeded expectations. I think it is instead because of the upcoming transition to next gen.

They need to make sure SF5 is future proof (graphically and then some). PS4 will remain the flagship money maker for Sony for at least another 3 years, even if PS5 is out it will take a moment for people to adopt it. SF5 will need to stay relevant and strong for those 3 years at least, and Capcom likely has taken the time to plan how it will do that. Releasing characters is not enough for SF5 to continue to grow and attract players from current and next gen systems.

I think we are in for at least another AE-level update, and it will probably come at the end of this year or early next year. A definitive and final AE-level update will then be released on PS5 in 2021-22.

SF6 is a long way away. And this should be more than acceptable if SF5 continues to improve and grow, ironing out what’s left of its flaws while still introducing new characters, new gameplay, and maybe even a fresh coat of paint down the line. This all falls under the “gaming-as-a-service” model afterall.

Bringing this back to the story, I think it is unlikely we will get another Cinematic offering especially after MK11’s latest production. Capcom will likely think hard about how it wants to set itself apart from MK in that sense and SF5 is not a good vehicle for that. We will be lucky if we get a short General Story which is possible surely.


I’m willing to bet that this is all because they’re scaling back S4 to only 4 characters and are trying to find a positive way to frame it. Not revealing anything for 6+ months, then dropping 3 characters is a good way to mask the fact that they are releasing fewer characters.

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I personally think the delay is due to the Arcade version. I doubt they brought in a new team to handle it. I think they took the existing team to work on it and that put the work on Season 4 behind.

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My personal opinion is that Capcom knows perfectly well that next generation is knocking on the door and we’re just over a year away from getting the new consoles into our hands

This means that every single publisher and studio is making preparations to tap into that new market (including unannounced titles that might not even appear at E3 next month), because you gotta ride the wave of hype that’ll be going strong for the first 6-12 months, as the native games library will only be building up, which means people are very likely to buy YOUR game just to actually have shit to play (although backwards compatibility alleviates this issue to a certain extent), as well as give of a reason to make the hardware purchase in the first place (like how many many people waited for a specific exclusive/franchise to return to break the piggybank and go into a store/Amazon page)

The Capcom dilemma appears here because they have to continue supporting Street Fighter V in some shape or form, but their FG department/execs also need to move on, as this game undoubtedly has slowed down in terms of sales, DLC purchases and active userbase, so they also need to capitalize on that nextgen crowd, and of course bring their flagship franchises over there

Long story short, MAYBE the reason why Season 4 is taking this long to actually get moving is because they’re making preparations for a major content release post-EVO, which will probably be also SFV’s last season content-wise (while CPT and balance patches continue as usual), while their HQ is cooking up SF6 or whatever they’ll call their next game, if it’s a street fighter title at all