The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

My vets coming back in SF3 will be something like

  • Zangief - because Zangief, iconic af.
  • Cammy - iconic, very complementary to Chun, plus no euro/white females in SF3
  • Sagat - legendary fighter, Thailand/MT rep
  • Vega - iconic and unique. Will pick him over Rog as Dudley/Q make Rog a bit redundant

Gave Remy a chance to stay instead Guile.
Strongly considered get Dhalsim in, but that will have pushed me remove Necro, and like for Remy i wanted let SF3 do his SF3 shit, instead invade too much with SF2ers


  • No Twelve
  • No Sean
  • Yang still avaible but as alternative in same slot of Yun (will like similar solution for SFV)
  • Akuma out or in as hidden/secret character
  • Gill in as unplayable OP Boss
  • removed the fucking blue from Ryu’s hair LOL

I’m not into blue haired Ryu… I’m not saying its a terrible it’s not just something I like to be done.

like @bakfromon said it’s just a reflection and an art-style.

Ive always wanted a SF3 2.5 impact. Gameplay/mechanics of 3s, presentation and art of 2i


Street Fighter EX1 introduced the best Arika characters. Allen, Pullum, Darun, Garuda, Blair, D.Dark, Skullomania, Jack, Kairi, Hokuto… all of those guys fit right in with Street Fighter. Much more than some actual Street Fighters. The roster balance is great between the Arika and Capcom guys. Great all around.
My only gripe with it is that many of those guys feel redundant, considering they fit into already filled in archetypes (Darun/Zangief, Kairi/Ryu, Allen/Ken, etc)
EXPlus ruins all that good shit by introducing Cycloids, Evil Ryu and Bloody Hokuto. What a fucking joke of an expansion :joy:

EX2 gives us Hayate, Sharon and Nanase, who are good designs, can’t lie about it, but they’re bland as bread. Nowhere near as good as the originals, but at least they’re not insulting.
EX2 plus gives us Vulcano Rosso, who if I say anything bad about I know I’ll get the gif :joy::joy: (even funnier considering my avatar). But really, Rosso might not fit right in with the SF2 World Warriors, but by the time of the Alpha series I think the design philosophy had evolved in such a way that a design like his could also fit in the series. Of course, without a midriff. Put that shit in and I’m fucking out of the Rosso train.
And Area just fucking sucks.

EX3 introduces Ace who’s nothing but a wet fucking fart and Shadowgeist who sucks monkey balls trough a straw. I love Giest’s concept, but the execution is terrible. A cluttered mess of a character. Could see him in Fighting Layer, but as an EXer and SFer… bleh.


This video has the trailers for all the SF3 games when they were coming out:
-The NG one was shown in E3, May 1996, notice how Necro, Oro, Sean, Elena and Gill are nowhere to be seen. Coincidentally, all except Sean are also the most graphically complex characters.

-2I trailer has an alternate theme for Yun. The sitar/asian instrument is slightly different, so is the placement of drum beats and “wah” guitar samples. The super art background is also different with a purple colour instead of the light blue.

-3S is nothing special, just a music video.

Since everyone is talking about how they would’ve done SF3, I guess I’ll share my thoughts:
-agree with @Dracu 2I should’ve been NG.
-replace Sean with Chun-Li
-unpopular opinion but I’d just replace Hugo with Zangief
-add Guile in
-Yang would’ve played the same as in 2I/3S but would not be visible on the roster, maybe pressing an kick button
-Akuma would be visible in the roster

As for 3S (now 2I):
-Altered backgrounds of the NG stages and remixed music of those stages
-Makoto and Q stay, but Q is not visible in the roster
-add Cammy, Sagat and Vega

There, problem solved!!!

That’s the thing, Rosso concept works on in the kind of character design that created Rose and started since then

Rosso does’nt have midriff :smiley:
Only Rosso is SFEX one, FEXL version is a farce… Arika left alone just ruined lot of the good designs. C.Jack, Hayate, D.Dark etc etc

We are brothers now

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I never saw any redeeming value in the EX series. Even as hardcore SF fanboy, I couldn’t wait to put down the game down and go back to playing Street Fighter Alpha 2. I shit you not when I say the Street Fighter The Movie arcade cabinet lasted longer at my local Mindboggle.


I like a few of the character designs. That’s about it.

Now that FEXL has every EX character in it, I’m curious if they’ll start adding some actual Fighting Layer characters to the game.

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I don’t really care about it much either. Not as a Street Fighter game at least. I like a lot of the characters, but as I’ve said even the best feel redundant when there’s actual Street Fighter characters pulling of their archetypes. However, as it’s own thing, there’s not much fault I can find in that.

As Darth said I wish Fighting EX Layer would start adding actual Fighting Layer characters too. Between those and the EX guys, there’s only about 30 characters anyway, but plenty to do something interesting with.
However, with how terrible some of the redesigns have proved, lots of the characters lost their spark. Too bad Arika is too broke to do classic costumes.

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EX 1 had some excellent character designs. Ex 2 and 3 not so much. Wtf is a shadowgeist anyway?

Also didnt like the fact that 90% of the cast at the same normals.

It did have some sick music though.


Here are G’s scans from ‘How to make Capcom Fighting Characters’.
Hope it suits your purpose.

I the forum mess up with the quality, send me a PM with your e-mail and I’ll send it to you.

And I didn’t forget about the SFIV preview animes.


You are awesome dude, thank you so much!

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Now why would you go and ruin the best part of 3S like that

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If anybody need here are all characters!




I liked your post, i just pick this part as i love to defend how good SFEX character design was

Must be considered that Capcom did great step forward in characterization, i think people that did SFV will have done great things even with “redundant” designs

On Kairi absolutely agree, but there i guess was Arika that wanted an “hero” of theyr own

Allen idk
As pure design loved it, it was well done and influence from Chuck Norris and create a rival/character related for Ken was something tried later too… and tbh as pure design i take Allen over Rufus (the one we got) an Sean any day, even over Dan
What they REALLY did wrong was copy Ryu/Ken moves/stance, that design used on a completely different Karate-based moveset (something they did with Dan and even more for Makoto) will have been much better

On Darun… i love Darun design, how they took indian elephant as inspiration (as counterpart to russian Gief having bear) was cool and the fact they made it a Great Gama tribute was very appreciated.
Also his rivalry with Gief call back to Gama’s most famous rivalry with an eastern european (a polish wrestler)

I liked the whole thing, but sure it was redundant with Gief, mostly because they made him like Gief size wise and also built the same (on reality Gama was’nt a giant, he was 1,7m tall)
He could have worked better if they made him more short/stocky and less gorilla built
Essentially Darun could have been “the Honda” of SFEX rather than another Gief

I think Capcom guys evolved it well from there doing Hakan, there the difference in archetypes was much more developed

Compared to Darun Hakan was less a towering muscle mountain (no more Gief-size) and more a core-strenght stocky compact motherfucker, that have anyway enough strenght to still outmuscle 90% of the cast

Really liked Hakan was a good evolution of Darun

On general SF tried to recycle some ideas from SFEX, sadly not enough

Darun → Hakan
Sharon → C.Viper
V.Rosso → Smart Raven (SF4 Concept, still hope they consider it, but NOT as Smart Raven who already smell bullshit lol)
Blair Dame → Kolin (early SFV concepts had similar kind of design)
C.Jack → Cody (as moves mostly, possibly also SFV redesign), Rog SFV BIG punch come from him too

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In a game that gone full asshole and genocided 96% of SF universe claiming they will do it better, Sean was an absolute fucking joke

Btw i was ok to see an -heavy redesigned in everything- younger Sean in SFV

Spoken like someone that only played Third Strike. Sean was only a joke in 3S. I regularly broke my foot off in peoples asses with Sean in A New Generation and Second Impact. Sean’s ANG stun output was insane. Nothing else needs to be said about SI Sean.


Honestly, that quote were the developers of Third Strike said that Sean was always meant as an handicapped character always sounded like the developers were just trying to hide the fact that they screwed up and overerfed him in that game.


Always came off as a CYA statement to me. It was so easy to stun people with Sean in ANG it wasn’t funny. While they nerfed his stun in SI he was buffed otherwise.

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