The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


So, is that guy teasing a huge update new?


I don’t think so, he’s been there since forever.


Welp…back to the abyss.

Man, Street Fighter had a rough life when you think about it, despite being one of the biggest franchises in gaming


The “Achilles heel” for the franchise was that they didn’t release SF3 quick enough and Capcom seemed to go full force on the SF fad. Imagine being in that era when every couple of months you’re seeing yet ANOTHER SF2 update, lots of toys and comics, a animated+live action movie, a cartoon show, tie-on merchandise etc. Consumers were probably burnt out by the onslaught of SF stuff and Alpha 1 was just not enough.

I have to appreciate how while Capcom wasn’t at its most financially successful during the 90’s or the early 00’s, it was them at their most creative. The concepts that did stick around ended up being their flagship franchises today (RE, DMC, SF).

Most other FG “gone with the times” too, but without decay and change for the worst like SC did lol

I fucked a quote, then fucked an edit of a quote, hence the double-post. Sorry!

Rings true; I was just in high school at that time. I even bought SFA1 before I had a PS1 so I could play it at my friend’s house. (And he was kinda shitty about it, too, the bastard. Would usually say no.)

I remember talking my dad - for hours, every few weeks - into driving us to LaserQuest in Blackburn so I could play the SSF2 arcade they had in their waiting room. At school, at that time, SF2 was THE game, the era’s FIFA, CoD, Fortnite. EDIT: this was the best gaming time ever.

But yeah, by the time Third Strike came out on console, I had never heard of SF3, let alone 3S. I had largely forgotten about SF as an ongoing series to watch, until I saw the Dreamcast had it. And most of my friends had since become obsessed with Turok and GoldenEye, and the other shooters that came after.


Can you site a source? Thanks I know this was Hugo I believe and also the claim of the 4 part Sagat and Gief were considered?

Hard disagree. SC6 isn’t that much different as far as direction and character design from previous games.

SC6 in fact tried (or better pretend) to be returned to good old SC days, now that Namco finally removed daishi.
There’s a reason they did reboot, it’s them saying “okok we fucked up”
I have SC6. Immensely disappointed at season1 but standard cast was ok, even good.
Still they will never return to that level of character design quality and “going with the times” have nothing to do with it
Just how they designed Groh (just as trash as zwei) hint the talent is gone and what’s good it’s because they had been told to imitate SC1-2 style lol
Deep down art wise SC6 is a pale imitation of what SC used to be

Let’s talk SF pls lol

Its rare to see Guy fans. Had actually no idea that he would be the Ryu of Street Fighter '89 tbh.


The voice test contains clips of a female character grunting. It can’t have been Makoto like the website theorizes because she was only designed after 2nd impact came out as seen in the next source:
This also contains the question of adding Zangief/Sagat.


Well the Chun li is likely true.

but the other one about sagat and gief isn’t really that way in how it was deliberated.

From the article:

I have still lot of things to do and adjust lately. Ill explain later when I got some vacant time. What makes SF3 the better than SF2 and vice verse on my own opinion. A perspective coming from a guy that likes SF2. With no gameplay talk, animation or artstyle.

I know some knew what I am in favor with in terms on canon compare to what I am a fan of.

So Capcom is working on several new games using the RE engine. I wonder if SF6 is one of them

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That new RE engine is SUPER impressive. Very versatile and powerful

A bit late, but guess I’ll throw my two cents in about SF3.

New Generation is a fucking mess, much like Alpha 1. Never put those games out. Second Impact is so much of an improvement it’s crazy they didn’t just wait the months between those releases and put that out first. SI feels very nice, gameplay-wise, the graphics of the 3-series are the best of the franchise… I think even with it’s weird roster, considering those things, the game would have been much more successful if it realeased like that first. Or you know, at least not despised. NG just sucks in every way imaginable : bad roster that doesn’t draw the casuals in and terrible gameplay that drives the hardcores away.

Would I change somethings here and there, roster-wise? Sure, but it wouldn’t be SI impact anymore, so I don’t wanna go too much in-depth.

Where I would really make the changes is Third Strike. The game is probably the best fighting game gameplay-wise ever made. Enjoyable, responsive, fluid. An improvement over SI (which is already pretty great) in every technical way. However, most of everything else is a downgrade.

For 3S, what I would’ve done is keep all the stages from SI in. Compared to the previous version, this game’s stages are lacking. If you are willing to put in the effort for new stages, why not put in some more and add the old ones too? Double the stages, especially when most of them are terrific, would in no way be a detriment.
The for the new characters, since you’re already putting in Chun-Li for the nostalgia bait, why even waste time with characters like Remy, Twelve and Q? Just put in Nash (if you want to move on from Guile) and make him part of the Secret Society and Balrog, who closes the gap between the old and new villains. Twelve is a nothing character, so I’d take basically anybody instead. Have Blanka in if you need a weirdo.

Hell, going back in time a little, since 2I would be the first version in my instance and that already has Ryu, Ken and Akuma in, just remove Sean from that, combine his gameplay with Ken, and add Makoto in there. This opens up another alot for a returning gal in 3S, which could be Cammy or Sakura or Karin.

Unlike what Darth proposed, i’d keep Urien as the playable version and Gill as the boss. I find that to be a great way to keep the boss’ overpowered nature, while still giving the player his gameplay. Their stories are great together too and I don’t want that thrown away.

Then, since this would only be the second version of the SF3 series and a much better recieved one at that, the actual 3rd Strike would add a few more guys, 2 new (Q would be one, since he is intriguing, but fuck Remy and Twelve, just make a new new one), 2 returning and refine what’s left to be refined, balance the game some more and maybe push the story forward a bit more.

So the final roster would be:
New guy

Pretty solid one, if you ask me.


Second Impact also had better sound effects, somewhat better music (in a few cases of course), and just as cool stages, not to mention better balance (besides Sean)

Third Strike’s only upsides are whatever tweaks under the hood, the roster newcomers, and all-new voiceovers


All of 2I’s OST is 100X superior to 3rd strike’s OST.

TBH, I prefer Necro’s and Alex’s old voice compared to the 3S ones.


I really dislike 3S’s music compared to the earlier versions.


I’m still busy.

but here’s a question.

What do you think with SFEX roster?

What do you think of SFEX character distribution of mix of SF2 and new characters?

Is it well done divided and diverse of new and og?

Is SFV initial roster better than SFEX? (Retail version, Vanilla, No DLC included)

Sound track and announcer talk, I like Alpha 3.

And I’m also with the 2I than 3S OST.

But this can be like a personal preference thing not about being good or worst.

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