The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Bizzarre thing is that aside using the SFA alt they gave him not the standard color like for everybody else, but used black gi #10… i hope they’re NOT hinting at Violent Ken LOL, it will be the most crap move possible on capcom side lol

It’s not even necessary to change, like I said before the importance of color palette in SF design same as the art direction even before someone starts talking like his aware of but didn’t think of it during that time. It proves the fact that many are not aware and do not value it’s practice other than hating shinkiro, udon and capcom

Everyone can randomly drag modern and trendy reference or realism but without looking to art direction and consistency in design. Even those artist that are legends and have good stuff in there portfolio can do wrong stuff without understanding those limitations and restriction.

What makes Ken a Ryu clone is not his clothes but rather his movement and most of his gameplan. SFV was successful de-cloning Ken by changing his animation and movement while still keeping the essential moves like Tatsu, Hado and Shoryu not by changing his costume.


SFV Ken fit perfectly SFV coherent redesign mission

As @Daemos said, in order to emphasize the timeskip they did on most characters: Sim, Guile, Rog, Vega, Sagat etc etc actually the majority of returning characters DID’NT keept theyr original design

The work has been redesign characters trying to stay as loyal as possible with theyr nature instead necessary stick to the entire original design elements… wich is something SFV Ken concept does as good as the good ones

Deny this is not understand Capcom’s character design work on SFV

Btw aside sound butthurt/obsessed at argue with me, you don’t understand shit about character design, i’m NOT going to argue with you next 4 hours, imagine the dear old forum “ignore” function active from now lol :smiley:


Yes. 9 innovated story mode in a fighter in a way that had never been seen before and set the standard going forward.

X introduced the variant system which is very revolutionary and basically a massive evolution of the Slash/Bust mechanic of Samurai Shodown.

11 is building on that variant system even more but we’ll see what other innovations it might have.

SF4 and 5 innovated basically nothing but did refine a lot.


Batman for MK11 as the fatality training dummy!

To put things in a more constructive way, mentioning @Daemos who pointed at the importance that Capcom put on timeskip theyr classic designs, whatching them all i must say the work has been overall very good

Good redesign AND execution:
Boxer, Sim, Bison, Urien, Guile, Sakura, Birdie, Karin, Nash, Sagat, Cody, Mika, Vega

Good redesign crappy ingame model execution:
Ken, Alex, Akuma, Abigail

Kinda bad redesign:
Juri, Ibuki, Cammy

Good move keep Ryu in his classic style

Overall they did a great job
In some cases i may prefer the old look, but still outside the last 3 can’t deny the good job done


Actually even my long post is much interesting to read from yours that you even find it enlightening to your poor understanding of character design.

Your the one that is butthurt, In fact I was not even arguing with you or create a discussion related to it and We were talking about Ken’s clothes then there you are, Misleading the argument to Ken face and started to be defensive for being triggered.

I just argue when I find something wrong and those that conflicts with my stand which is consistency in art direction and gameplay. That is always my relative subject.

You blame Capcom with your request, even Ken’s face and hair is change it’s still didn’t compromise with Ken’s design, Ken is the luigi and zero to Ryu. That Ken fans majority dislike it or wouldn’t want to see it again.

If your talking something reasonable I don’t start a discussion with it. Sometimes I do even let you pass.

There are more disastrous request and suggestion from you like change Sagat and removing his gameplan because of realism references. Then you call yourself having understanding with character design lol. Good thing it never happened.

Nah In fact I know better than you about character design, Your even just the guy that mostly repeat things like it was first heard from you but was talked before in the community, previous thread and from the likes of bigmex in capcom unity or from the fightingstreet website. Having references isn’t the same thing as being creative.

Your whole character design knowledge revolves into along with sport and martial art references which the only thing that makes you relevant to be fair but your using it wrong. lol

I have even talk more informative than you with maters you weren’t even aware of before like art direction and color palette because it contradict your ways of so called character design because it gave some sort of restriction while you just use everything you find cool as reference.

You didn’t understand art direction and color palette before I have talked about it as a result SFV Ken. , Yet you have used color palette argument recently as a narrative excuse(Neo Shadaloo), It just prove you don’t know the significance of it in art direction other than using it as argument against somebody else opinion in a inappropriate manner.

You even reference most of my concepts and works lol, Same thing with others. I don’t even like most of your ideas because it contradicts most of my stand of consistency and yours has poor understanding of the character design. That why I don’t find them better yet I let it pass mostly.

Your understanding of character design is amateurish based on your procedure and how you used it in arguments in most of your post.

In the end you just end to be someone that wants things to be there personal preference or changing it their ways because they find it cool, then use it as bragging rights then put the blame on Capcom if people dislike it. While your post is just all about mocking and lack of substance other than excusing fault and trying to win arguments desperately.

Cestus capcom character design 101 method: spam internet pictures and priority level is realism.

Cestus capcom priority level character design 101: internet cool reference > art direction with fuck restriction and fans, use narrative as an excuse as cover up for the lack of creativity,

Only part I disagree with. I like how ridiculously oversized and even cartoony he looks. Really sets him apart from Hugo.


The one I disagree with. It’s a great concept, keeps Guile’s character intact while showing his progression in the story but I dislike the fact they threw away his color scheme entirely. It needs a lot more green and a few tweaks here and there to accomodate it.


Man I LOVE Cammys new look.

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Idk if you remember the edit i posted i think more or less a week ago, was still pretty different from Hugo with way more gorilla upper built and more or less sames size as now.
Was more or less as in the concept sketches for him, with more vertical vibe
My problem with Abigail ingame model is just that he goes a bit too outside SF/capcom’s anatomy and while at it goes away from sketch guideline

Yeah, Guile is where i was most conflicted lol, think in my copy i got SF2 as standard look lol

And agree have a lot to do with the color
To me it was the “green” dressed guy in SF2 (specially before Cammy), completing nice a minigroup with Ryu/Ken/Chun

Thing is they gone for usa air force uniform colors, white and dark blue
Kinda hard implement there the green as a main color

As i said in some cases i prefer the old look (Guile is one), but still i have to recognize where was a good job :smiley:

The joke at the time was that it was his Paul Blart: Mall Cop outfit.

Even if it fits his story, it doesn’t look “Guile”. At this point, a regular uniform looks as out-of-place on Guile as a regular uniform looks on Chun-Li. The difference is that Capcom didn’t even try to sell Chun-Li’s police uniform as her default, instead going with the evolution of her classic outfit.

Capcom presumably hoped that exposing Guile’s American flag tattoos in combination with his hair would sell the idea “This is Guile”, but it just feels a bit weak. While the uniform is more realistic, SFV doesn’t really try to sell why Guile is suddenly wearing a regular uniform either. You’re right in that keeping Guile’s color scheme at least could have helped.

Thinking about Guile and Chun-Li also brings to mind Ryu for two reasons.

First, as with Chun-Li, Capcom played it safe with Ryu’s default outfit. They even had Bearded Ryu to use, an outfit that some said should have been his SFV default. It fit Ryu’s story, he spends his time training. It would have matched Akuma’s own hair growth. It was just Ryu with a beard. But Capcom went with the safe bet, regular old Ryu.

Second, in a way putting Guile and Chun-Li into regular uniforms feels like putting Ryu in casual clothes. It is a look that some people would really like to see. It is a look that would still fit Ryu. But people wouldn’t wnat it to be his default outfit.

On another wandering side note, story-wise Blanka’s default outfit arguably should have been Blanka-chan. Within the story he starts with trying to sell Blanka-chan dolls, and by the end he’s hanging around Sakura at her arcade job where it would make sense for him to be wearing the Blanka-chan outfit. It would be a fitting enough one-off default, no worse than some of the other one-off defaults Capcom has created. But Capcom played it safe here as well, sticking wth just trying to further tweak the evolution of his classic look.


Cestus character design 101

cestus: got pile of cool internet pictures

cestus: fuck sf mythos

cestus: fuck artistic direction and restriction

cestus: narrative used as an excuse

cestus: fuck creativity

cestus: used references as an excuse

fans: didn’t like the new character default by cestus

cestus: fuck capcom because of the ugly face

fans: not just the face but the whole design

cestus: alex

fans: were talking about a different character

cestus: fuck character fans coz have cool internet pictures

then goes fuck capcom I’m better then start bragging when people dislike it he starts being a asshole.

Most of cestus arguments and reference revolves into excusing thing about his idea as his so called character design lol, rather than making workarounds with each other that i usually do. That’s what a professional and experience people do that managed to handle brands not just experiences with start up company or doing freelance work then fuck everything.

Yeah constructive, I was but all you do throw is this “a random guy in the internet because i got character design” lol same thing you did with sagat redesign argument when beaten in an decent opinion.

You know when his fucked up throwing irrelevant fallacy because of being desperately and persistent trying to make his ideas relevant to others but it just shows how ignorant and narrow his understanding with the subject matter by the way he brags it about lol, because it reflects in his arguments lol like in the 3D discussion.

He is so obsess that he tries to trigger me with his shinkiro provocation arguments when I greet people. Which I ignored because I find him dumb already with those arguments.

It also innovated with the graphic elements; it has interactible objects, battle damage and other things like the Brutality special finishers.

SFV had special stage finishers but that’s all.

Well maybe we can consider the “ad in the clothing bonuses” an innovation…

Cestus was just triggered by this one liner…

because it’s his faulty persistent request because he finds it cool. It’s even clear that were not even discussing the face, which started the argument. and that opinion is a fact.

He can defend himself by speaking and standing for all the ken fans by saying ken fans love that costume more than sf2 costume. Instead of misleading

I won’t argue with it I like it more when somebody starts creating dumb opinions. lol

this fault happens when personal preference and want attention overrides character design lol.

To put it simply, I kinda like some of the redesigs in SFV (others are no good imo, fuck Ibuki and Juri), but to me. Classic designs > redesigns, SF has been too cemented in my mind for about 27 years now so nothing can change that at this point.


New Cody is handsome <3


Does anybody know what the hell is happening with the World Warrior Tv Series? No further news for about a year, is Mike Moh still playing Ryu? Since he took that gig playing Bruce Lee in that Tarantino movie I thought he might drop out.

Because Cody palette are still dominant to his, if he would change to red and white suite as a default without other visual relation to the previous people may I find something uncanny with it. Even with 20% blue with mostly green or red. Blue, white and yellow is mostly Cody and also Cody has no consistent exposure unlike Ken. They could make Cody go back in jail clothes but replacing his blue with black or grey that would still make him relevant because it still keep a huge part of his previous representation as a major visual reference. Something like Capcom did with hyper fighting that still works because it compromised the other way around on another side of visual reference for being strongly intact and dominant.

A good design is judged without the need of other external references and reading a bunch of explanations of why/aka using the narrative as an excuse, because the visual should speak for itself.