The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

i also like the black piece (on legs only) joining the black of the hair as secondary color

Bethesda best publisher 2018 WOOOHH!!

Has Mortal Kombat 9-Ⅹ-11 been more innovative than Street Fighter Ⅳ-Ⅴ?

Sorry for being late.
The flipped missing Sanskrit word is पुराणमाख्यानम् purāṇamākhyānam, “old tale”, that is the same as purāṇa itself. Nothing useful.
The missing kanjis are even worse, because they’re lifted from a simple list of old kanji forms, without any real meaning intended. Basically, a Japanese lorem ipsum.
The big ones over purāṇa are 惡壓 (older forms of 悪 aku “evil, bad” and 圧 atsu “pressure, control”, thus ironically could be interpreted as “bad pressure”), and then 艷 and the long smaller string is 蟲彌譯藥藪豫餘. They are older forms of 艶 tsuya “charm”, 虫 mushi “insect”, 弥 yo “increasingly”, 訳 wake “reason”, 薬 kusuri “medicine”, 薮 yabu “bush”, 予 yo “previously” and 余 yo “excess, remainder”. So, nothing that could really mean something. I suppose they had already used 氣 ki as the older form of 気 ki and then simply decided to continue with complicated characters for the hell of it.


Regarding 11 it’s early to say, but for 9 and X it’s a resounding ‘no’. 9 took almost everything from SF4 and just MKfied it, while X’s biggest innovation, the variation system, has been done before in not only Capcom games, but even more so in SNK ones.

It pioneered the story mode in fighting games and that’s pretty big in itself, but when you consider SF4 not only revived the entire genre, but since then the competitive side of fighting games has blown up, in the long run that’s balanced out. I mean, MK (and Injustice) own everything they have to the SF4 series.

MK11 seems to introduce a new thing I at least have never seen before, the automatic meter gain, but I think that’s such an ass-backwards mechanic that goes against everything one would enjoy about this type of games that I can’t imagine it will stick in the future.

So compared to just SF4 the entire Netherrealm games resume is inferior in that department. For V it’s early to say since the game’s lifespan isn’t even over and if in the future its virtues are accentuated, it might just prove as a landmark as well.
If anything, I’ll take the Fight Money system over lootboxes anyday, everyday, and that should count as innovation in itself.


But the last MK entries still introduced more innovations to their series than SFⅣ-Ⅴ, right?

SF was pretty much… the Ultras (you can say they took that idea from Samurai Shodown) and Focus Attack, right?.

If you mean more innovative to their own series not in the entire landscape, then I’d say X definitley is the most innovative out of those ones. 9 is still just a 2D version of the PS2 MKs with Ultras, so it’s the bottom of the list easily. X moved things forward the series more than any other. I’d say V pushed things forward for SF just as much, but because of its reception I have no clue what will and won’t stick, while with MK11 and Injustice you can see how they draw from X.

And regarding 11 it’s too early to tell, again.

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Doesn’t MK11 feature custom movelists, rather than simply variations, anyway?

So some of you might remember this, well the guy made a improved version changing some instruments and having better audio mixing:

M.Bison: “At the limits of despair, death is the only respite!”


Wizzywhipit is my dude definitely brings out that oldschool Capcom sound



WWW used to be be good IMO until he got big-headed. I find GenesisKeys and Verstyle to the superior CPS2/3 composer.
Little extra thing:

There’s also a Chun-Li version but that her version fits Ryu WAY more IMO. Like it was the theme he should’ve got for 2I instead of a Remix of NG.


Took a look at that cool image.

I remember someone in this SRK discussion describing Gouki as a high-intermediate player who inevitably acts like a arcade scrub from a certain perspective, believing that there is only one specific way to go about martial arts. I do not think that is the real allusion but it was something along those lines. Meanwhile, Ryu is presented as the scrub who ends up becoming a top player at some point in the future.

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Even Red Bull doesn’t care about Necalli. The poor face-puddle is half hidden by a can of Red Bull.


Weird that Ken isnt in his SFV outfit there.

Because many dislike it.


Gotta confess I’m one of those : s


Ken doesn’t even like it that’s why he switches back to his normal gear in canon.


Not my fault if capcom executed it terrible with pedo face an banana hair becoming the official mascotte of “ugly SFV characters” for the whole hater community lol

On the other hand fuck fans, conceptually it’s still 100% Ken (it’s probably more himself than ever) while being it’s own thing with less as possible “Ryu clone” vibe
SFV moveset help a lot too (and Ryu’s new animations help too at create contrast)
Reflect everything he is, linking both ansatsuken karate but also the western take on it, with modern training and sport clothing.
It show also him being by far the less attached to ansatsuken tradition of the two
