The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

So with SFV’s life pretty much approaching its last years, I guess we’re not getting a second cinematic story at this point. Capcom higherups probably see SFV as a liability and something not worth spending too many resources into.

What a shame.

I wanted to see more of Ryu moving past the SnH corruption, explore G’s backstory and his weird ass powers, expand upon Neo Shadaloo, showing Chun as a proper motherly figure, Cammy finally living in happiness and peace, and so much more

BTW on topic of Cammy’s scar - where DID it come from? Was it the encounter with Vega back in the Alpha days? It certainly looks like an injury that a sharp weapon like Vega’s claw could inflict


Where are you getting this? Lol!

We were never going to get another cinematic, and SF5’s story was meant to fill gap in the story between SF2 and SF3. I kept telling ya’ll this and some of you lambasted me for it and framed me as a Bison fanboy.

All the new threads that SF5 is weaving out for us will likely continue in a future chapter, but I doubt we will get them in SF5 and no it’s not because SF5 is nearing the end. We are 2 weeks shy of the 3 year mark, SF5 is here to stay for many years to come - For better or worse.

  1. Original plans of supporting the game up to 2020

  2. Very strange approach to Season 4 and nearly two months of silence from Capcom on the future content (but at least CPT is continuing)

  3. The new console generation is RIGHT around the corner and once that drops - you can be sure that they will put their focus on securing their spots on a new platform, unless they plan to porting it to PS5 or whatever they’ll call it

  4. SFV just isn’t all that profitable and it’s abundently clear how unimportant it is for the company when looking at how much resources were poured into Resi2, DMC5 and MH World

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Mentioned in Laura’s story mode when’s shes speaking to Sean.

It’s actually mentioned in the SFwiki too, one of the only entries on the site that actually has unbiased facts and translations included within it.

Ken Masters Style Karate

The online course is actually mentioned during Project x Zone.

  1. Batsu: “Some of my friends learned moves from you.”
    Ken: “Oh, you mean my online karate courses?”
    Ryu: “Ken, I hope you haven’t forgotten that our style was originally meant for assassination.”
  2. Tron: “Can you guys teach some moves to my Servbots?”
    Ken: “They’re free to take my Ken Masters Online Karate Course.”
    Ryu: “I’m not sure our master would like that, Ken.”

So something that was adopted into canon.


I seen more or less same point made in the past, i disagree but at the same time i understand (and agree!) with the logic behind it… but i think it does’nt apply with Capcom’s universe

To explain, it’s absolutely logic if we think in our world terms

On other hand if we want keep that, Ryu looks just as crazy physically built as Ken, despite rich Ken having his own gym with modern budybuilding tools and likely better/richer diet and Ryu mostly going around barefoot :smiley:
Even Gief tell him his lifestyle is’nt good FOR MUSCLESS!
“You shouldn’t take hermit so seriously! Rustic diet won’t do your muscles any favors!” :smiley:

Stupid joke example, but just to say i think things in capcom universe just works in a more simple way that don’t require much logistic or explanation, SF characters are just what they are, regardless of a deeper reasoning behind

Take away family distraction from Ken, they will find another gimmick to make Ryu the “chosen one” when all it’s done and said
Saying that Ken boost his spiritual power with family love already it’s kinda there to say you already got the best Ken, that there’s not what if superior “no family” Ken

For how i ever seen it, theyr equilibrium in preSF3/earlySFV is ever been (a bit on physical, but mostly as mindset/spirit)

-greater but slower long run potential (“anime hero” thing if you want lol)
-after SF1 hold back due SnH
-better student in a traditional sense
-got dat anime hero toughness
-more polished technique and powerful

-more immediate (instant pratical) kind of talent
-better instict at adapt what he learn to fit himself
-great all-in attitude
-naturally more aggressive
-more unpredictable and faster

It ever seem to me an artificial “draw”, but that at same time made to hint one (Ryu) to be destined for that kind of greatness, even in these basic points

Then if we go more in lore direction you got all big deal guys focusing only on Ryu, the things where you got him overcome superpowerful enemies and so on

But ignoring story, where they have to hype him up (anime hero) to make him cover that role i like focus on another perspective…
Let’s drop the roles of anime hero and his hothead sidekick friend

To me Ryu and Ken are incarnations of two souls of Karate, and the more they (Capcom) develop them, the more i see it

  • Ryu is the japanese one (Oyama’s Kyokushin)

  • Ken is the american one (Joe Lewis “Full Contact”)

Under that perpective more than one being better than the other i like how they are different perspectives first

PS: Funny thing you remind me i got an old Ryu vs Ken one that’s been left half-made for fuckton of time, maybe today is the day to return work on it lol

started it because i liked a lot this Machida vs Rua pic


"It’s not just a 1-2 year thing. We’re looking pretty far ahead … We’ve planned out as far as 2020 or so."

Fellow producer Tomoaki Ayano then added, "Street Fighter V is a title we’re adding on to as it goes along, so we’re working on it while planning ahead on the best way to develop it further."

^ Original quote. We’re good. for at least 2 more years and one more physical re-release.

Wait until the start of the CPT season before you judge. They already said it’s different. It doesn’t mean less.

They most likely will update and port SF5 with the launch of the next gen.

Where is your source of this?

Capcom’s goal with SF5 is to solidify it as THE esports fighting game over a long time, not break sales records in one month.

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I love the concept of Ken making out a brand of his style, it further give me Joe Lewis vibe, doing covers, VHS and shit :smiley:


Actually i can totally see Ken doing movies too, i want a Capcom version of Jaguar Lives :smiley:


He means Hideo and Hinata right?

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I can agree with this
But at same time “more stupid” for sure

Regardless of theyr schedule they’re handling it like retards, no point deny it
It hurts as SF fan see these marketing idiots doing what they do, let alone being paid for it LOL

Even theyr last official comunication (about the recent patch) made me facepalm

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So far its only been confirmed that Hinata has learned it from Ken Masters style Karate. Hideo apparently has his own style which looks exactly Ansatsuken but isn’t.

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I loved how both Ryu and Ken were implemented in Capcom vs SNK 2. In fact, I like the shotos in general in that specific game because of their aesthetic value and the approach they generally take.

That’s awesome, thanks dude!

I haven’t played Project X Zone and the other related games, but I absolutely love all the easter eggs they put in, also, I LOVE what they did with Captain Commando. I’ve been obsessed with the character for a while and was always sad Capcom never did more with him, but the crossover stuff is where he shines.


That’s no guarantee of new content or a new physical re-release. It could as easily mean “We’ll keep releasing balance patches and bug fixes until 2020.” Or “We’ll stop releasing new content before then, but we’ll keep SFV as an e-sport until at least 2020.”

The quote does not promise plans through the entirety of 2020, it only says “as far as 2020”. That could really mean “until the end of 2019.” Further, the quote doesn’t even lock down 2020 as a date, instead adding the qualifier of “or so”. That could as easily mean 2019 or 2021 instead of 2020.

It was never a true promise of support until 2020 anyway, since Capcom could always have overrode whatever plans the people involved with SFV had.

I’m not going to say that Capcom has absolutely nothing else to do with SFV. I figure they’ll have something, though it may or may not be anything near a full normal season of content.

But the whole faith that Capcom has amazing future support planned, complete with a sliding window “wait until” makes me think of how people defend X-kira because they have the same kind of faith.

While it is old data, SFV failed to meet its first year sales expectations. Before release, Capcom said it expected the title to sell 2 million copies during that fiscal year. A year later, Capcom listed the combined PS4 and PC sales as being 1.4 million copies.

I don’t know how up-to-date Capcom of Japan keeps its Platinum games chart, but it does publish such a chart on its web site. Street Fighter V currently sits in the 28th spot, listed as having achieved 2.2 million sales (PS4, PC, and digital downloads combined.)

Capcom is using Street Fighter V to push forward its e-sports efforts, but I’ve found little to say as to how successful those efforts are, or even what profits Capcom expects. Their financial reports are really vague in that regard, promising a lot of excitement but seemingly avoiding putting prices on it.

Much less is there any indication of how long SFV will lead that effort. Not that they currently have anything else to take that spot, since MvCI fell apart. But even that doesn’t promise SFV is in some prime of its life in regards to new content releases.

Yeah, I thought they were connecting it, I was not aware with the batsu and ken convo until you posted it, I always have assumed it before that he might have integrate it to his ways to improve. So I thought they confirmed it.

Only thing I know for sure is that we will be getting more characters this is a given since Capcom actually mention 2019 DLC Characters in article about Kage.


I agree. Her having her suit unzipped just feels like a choice of how she wants to wear the suit.

The suit having thigh holes is ridiculous.


Especially when you consider she is a biker in SF5.

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The top includes shit like Sega, Ubisoft and EA. Barely relevant, honestly…


Yeah Ubisoft and EA was really terrible. I would give Sega a consideration.

Nintendo and Sony should been higher more.