The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

You know it’s quite possible that Capcom made the scars more faded to symbolize Cammy moving on and creating distance between herself and her traumas.

Knowing them, I think any aesthetic changes to their characters are done with extreme intentionality.


Knowing them, I think any aesthetic changes to their characters are done for purely aesthetic reasons.

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Changes to Nash was because he is Illuminati undead.

Changes to Akuma was because he is becoming more evil.

Changes to Bisom to signify overwhelming power.

Changes to Birdie to reflect his life choices.

Capcom are subtle, and I do believe they adhere to the philosophy that everything you need to know about the character should be on display in their appearance and animations.

Then Sagat’s scar would have been faded to show that he’s moved past his traumas.

He hasn’t completely moved passed at the start of his story in SF5. He has it covered for a reason.

Loved the fan art for the SF movie, yes I like the movie unironically!

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Still think its super dumb akuma got a random beard when he doesnt have one in SF3. Yet somehow zangief stays exactly the same.

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It’s not random. Also Akuma can shave his beard and cut his hair.

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Especially with his and Kage’s story implying that he may be getting in touch with his humanity during SFV in time for SF3.


Kage: “What the fuck is a SRK? I will destroy this entire-”

Gouki: “This is getting stupid.”

Gouki snatches up Kage and slaps the shit out of him 1000 times

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Another thing about the hair cut thing is Ken but I kind of think there could be a workaround to explain why he goes from being redesigned back to normal from SFV to SF3. I remember reading that during SF3 he and Ryu hadn’t seen each other since their previous meeting in SF5. I’m guessing this would be the longest time gap in which they hadn’t competed due to his family and company taking up his time. He invites Ryu to one of his Japanese hotels anonymously to challenge him. Since he hadn’t seen his old friend in a while he decides to cut his hair (again) dress in his plain red gi and old gloves without the MMA undergarments. He does all this out a sense of bromance nostalgia so he and Ryu can remember the good old days of the SF2 tourney where he was in his prime and before his family and company completely took over his life. This fight with Ryu eventually pushes Ken to go on to win his 3rd martial arts tourney. Despite having his family and company he proves to himself that he could juggle all three at the same time.


Is possible, but if they can’t come out with equally good new design solution i prefer “story” to stay the fuck out from muh designs
In Cammy case they failed hard at that

And personally i got positive opinion on that in SFV, i love all the other changes they did (except Juri and Ibuki), basically all other characters improved or at worst are on similar level

Even Alex, that i find horrible due crap model, got a great new concept design from Bengus

Yeah, I can’t defend that.

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I don’t remember where, but Capcom someway stated that Ken was never been as good as he’s in “family Ken” version

Essentially having Eliza/Mel give him a spiritual energy that never got before.
Wich yeah sound bullshit if we think with real world logic, but on SF anime universe logic it make perfect sense :smiley:

SF3 Ken is likely the best Ken we ever seen, the gap with Ryu (that seem evident in SF3) is just because Ryu is better to put it blunt.
Does’nt help that the balance was guaranteed also by Ryu ever holding back a bit due conscious or subconscious fear of SnH, wich seem theyr removed in SF3 (and we see why in SFV)

Btw i still imagine Ken as pretty powerful char, in my mind somewhere between Sagat and Juri

Some may thought of me as purist or something, i like things that evolve but in a gradual and natural manner, about the scar it might faded due to time so it isn’t that looking obvious as before. It might not be as deep and worst as Sagat’s wound.

Ryu and Akuma is grow already and to be their SF3 counterparts thanks to Kage.

SF3 Ken will slowdown because of new life purpose and priorities compare to his Zero counterpart which along the progression to Ryu.

Some of the scar visibility issue is due to the game’s lighting, which was certainly not intentional. In some situations, the light washes the scar out entirely, or has it matching partial shadow. But then you also have the P2 character selection, where the part of her face in the deepest shadow appears to made the scar even darker and more visible.

Some of the scar visibility issue is due to posing and animation, which may or may not be intentional.

Cammy’s concept art is a mixed bag, but I do not believe that it reflects an intentional “moving on”. Rather, it is just inconsistent.

The concept art for her SFV outfit has a dark, visible scar. The various Christmas outfit concepts all have a dark, visible scar. The concepts for her school outfit and CPT outfit appear to have a more faded scar. The concept for her Dolls outfit has an even more faded scar, to the point that I didn’t even see it at first when looking at a scan of it. (I thought it was dust on my monitor.) The black and white head sketches in the character book don’t have the scar.

There is a team shot of Delta Red on CFN. There she is wearing her SF2 outfit (a period when her scar was highly visible and a prominent character trait), but her scar is relatively light.

There is no pattern to it.


When I mean in his prime I’m talking about his younger days when he was more free to go travel before he gets married and has kids and runs a business. Sure those elements might drive him to be a better fighter but he’s ultimately held back in his personal freedoms more and more as the story goes on. So when SF3 rolls around he’s obviously older and loses touch with his best buddy. Sure he’s able to get back into being a fighter pretty easy which is where I think the whole driving force of having a family comes in. What makes him strong is that he is able to juggle all three and still compete with Ryu even after not with fighting his main rival for so long.

If Ken actually trained like Ryu without having the family he could arguably be stronger than him being that Ken always had better ki control and fighting maneuvers that he developed on his own. Ryu basically borrows all his moves from Gouken while Ken has made the fighting style his own to the point where he sells it to customers via video series. Ken has sublimated Ansatsuken so well that he like Gouken has turned it into a pure art free from killing and actually sells it to the public. That same style he teaches is the same style he uses too nothing is watered down. The videos teach the same attacks he uses as we see from Hinata in Rival Schools so even his flame punches and kicks don’t really have a potential to kill.

So he didn’t have any problems like Ryu with SnH, can jump right back into fighting after being on a hiatus and still compete with his friend who trains everyday, and sells his own martial arts style which was originally developed for killing with no problem.


Cammy is living now as a normal girl outside Shadaloo, She is wearing normal clothes and with normal people. I think Capcom can make her narrative more on how she is expose with normal life like using creams and gels that make scar not as visible at it was.

A Delta Red personnel might have also recommend and advice it to her, To protects her from being recognize and remember, then be associated to her past activities, When she was still part of Shadaloo and under Bison’s influence.

That’s actually pretty awesome, didn’t realize that. Where does it mention he sells training? Sounds familiar but wasn’t sure from where and the finer details.


You correct that there isn’t no pattern to Cammy at least, which is why I raised it as possibility.

When it comes to other SF5 redesigns, I believe Capcom intentionally wanted to highlight a passage of time and those characters’ choices showing on their default appearances or Story Costumes.

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