The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Long Dingo post incoming:

I think they can still move towards SF3 or even be in SF3 instead of rebooting. You could have the main SF3 story supplemented with a B plot that has the characters that were omitted dealing with another part of the Illuminati or Neo Shadaloo like you mentioned, then certain smaller scope characters can be doing their own thing. Omitting 90% of the cast was something that Capcom regretted and will never do again, but Capcom shouldn’t be extra slow and do another major delay.

Having a new, large level threat pop out of nowhere wont feel natural and Neo- Shadaloo, if they do go bad or anti-hero would work better as roadblocks in a side plot or addition to the main plot. I don’t see them being a potential threat big enough to justify them getting an entire game to themselves that pulls in the majority of the cast.

Yeah, I want that too. I like how KoF did it. Some people go and some people come back depending on the storyline or they’re in the background. Since so many of the characters are friends, rivals, co-workers, there’s always a small tie to bring them back, but then they could also have major story elements to bring them back. I don’t ever want every SF2 character gone, but a rotation of some of them would work fine. As the brand grows, we can do it with a mix of old and new rather than culling every one from a certain game.

Honestly, I think if it’s stylized and dynamic enough with enough crowd pleasing moments, they’ll accept it. I’d hope so, because I do NOT want SF looking hyperrealistic.

BINGO! I just want the next entry in the story. Like okay, SF6 is some magical perfect combo of a summary + retcons of SF3 with side stories and the main story concludes the Illuminati saga. Then you can move on, with a ton of the cast still hanging on, to a new storyline in SF7. Have some actual tournament fun again, but have some bad guys maneuvering in the background. Not end of the world level, but something compelling but not trying to be Bison. KoF does this so well. After the dream match game, the next game is always the newest chapter of a story, I’d like Sf to at least try something like that moving on.

SF6: conclusion to the Illuminati

SF7: Illuminati defeated, more of G focused on, but it spins out into the Alphabet Company trying to take a still-recovering Post-Shadaloo world for a ride, by having certain assassinations of key political figures and something or another. A cause for alarm type of story, but not an extinction level story.

SF8: Chinese Triad + Snake themed assassin/ mercs. Redesigned King Cobra is key figure. Fun, classic Kung Fu action bonanza. Stinger scene + secret character = Setup for the return of Bison in a new angle

I dunno, I’m just throwing out ideas, but basically, after conquering the SF3 issue, let every game be free to move forward and have fun with the insanity that is this series’ full potential. I love SF and I think it has nearly infinite potential, but the refusal to move past SF3 has been causing problems. Once it’s past that and the numbering is no longer an issue, they can keep going forward and pulling along old and new fans alike. They wont have to wonder how to have yet another interquel that suddenly 12 new powerful figures show up, but are completely absent by SF3.


So Shock did you get the chance to check out the frametrap episode yet?

Also I think we’re gonna need a separate thread for you since you never finished TL;DR’ing KOF’s lore. I remember you went up to the Kyo clone saga in the last thread but who fucking knows how to find it anymore

I’m actually watching it now, pretty interesting stuff so far!

Heh, oh yeah, I forgot about doing that for KoF. It was a lot of fun! I really need to go back and replay the games. I’ve missed KoF for ages, so cobwebs have formed in my memory hah.

Like I said Im okay with a game not beyond or before SF3 but within SF3 timeline itself, but involved the Neo-Shadaloo guys as the center plot while SF2, SFA and new characters from both SF4 and SF5 are in that game mix with few SF3 like Urien and etc. Before going beyond SF3.

Im not also into all SF2 roster, Im not with Gief, Honda and DeeJay. TBH I prefer Hawk more to return because of him being significant into the timeline and he needs the resolution before the curtain drop for the rest of the SF2 characters.

We even all agreed that SFV did the most diverse roster and the best one. However I like SF2 Ryu design, Bison being alive and Akuma doesn’t give a f*ck whatever Ryu is doing and Ryu doesn’t have a teenage crisis of SNH things. That reflects most of my argument and past comments.

As for people saying Capcom can simply do this and that to bring that character. The answer is no you can’t do the repeat every process of excuse as plot to make things appear. People nowadays question things and discuss things unlike in the 90s.

As for post SF3, Im okay with it as long it pick up as sooner after the tournament rather than another after 5 years after that tournament SF3 or somethng “years” after.

But I just prefer before that to go with a game that every new characters are a part of and plots are involve them that takes place within SF3 timeline so it feels more alpha and preparation for a post game explaining absences and reappearance like why is this not here because his in the other event.

Imagine 4 members of a SF Fan club attending separate conventions that happening in the same day or a day next to each other, the first one going to a retro game collectors event to join a Snes SSF2 tournament, the other one is in a comic book event for a autographic signing, the next one is in a toy convention waiting for a new action figure display and the last one is going for a video game tournament. Everyone is still up to SF but has different priorities and motivations. That is how I see a another SF game would be that is set within SF3 timeline. Some were just absence and not there because they are chasing another stuff or involve to another event.

Actually SF6 running parallel with SF3 would also be good. I.e looking at the same touranment or whatever from a different perspective.

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Personally, if it’s best to change or retcon some SF3 things or events, go for it. No need to tie themselves to a dead end.

So the new Samurai Showdown is a prequel to the original game. Seems going back in time is a thing for fighters nowadays.

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No one will ever buy Samurai Shodown though.

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I’m eagerly waiting to be able to pre-order. :slight_smile:

Samurai Shodown already making profit with strong preorders

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Still going to be a discord game

You and him were still proven wrong.

To me these are VERY far options though

Sequel absolutely YES (as long it’s not “sequel” as SF3 talibans fap-dream where SF2 cast disappear)

Reboot… i don’t trust them enough, reboot should be done only by people with heart at the right place, and in my humble opinion they don’t.


SF3 already tell SF3 story

And more than that SF3 story itself is literally made to be continued as it’s purposely not conclusive on important stuff… likely they thought a “SF4” (made by them) will have followed soon instead what happened

  • the Hero / Final Boss dyamic is literally a farce, as Gill let himself be beaten when he could have defeated Alex easily. Final Boss never show himself as his real self

  • Gill see something interessing in Alex, but is never revealed (my theory is that post-fight he noticed he can’t “free” regenerate normally from wounds caused by Alex)

  • We see Ryu begin training with Oro, leading to a future post-Oro-training fight with Akuma
    Theyr inspiration was SW Luke training under Yoda, it’s like SW never gave you the son vs dad fight lol

Entire SF3 purpose it’s to be continued, not to be told all over again

Only utility could be to let new players understand the timeline, but tbh i will just prefer a video or whatever that recap SF3 events and move on with a “post-SF3” SF6


Most Samurai Shodown games are prequels. Only the 3D games are set after SS2 chronologically.


Question time: How many characters do you reckon the base roster of SF6 would have?

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16 just like arcade SF4 and SF5

I mean…that’s not even new for SamSho. SS5 was also a prequel to SS1.

But they do take place AFTER SS1. Which makes them interquels, not prequels.

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Expect for five and the reboot game.

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It’s really weird having something competitive like a fighter or shooter or moba that I’m really hooked on.

Sf5 pls

As we progressively discuss it shows us that most of us are curiously interested more for another SF game not SF5, not another cinematic mode and also not another SF game set in alpha.

Some also reveal that they “dislike” and didn’t even care what with SF3 but want the game set after it, because of the SFA characters? It’s kinda ironic.

SF6 as an expansion of SF3, almost an Ultra SF3 is definitely the way to go. Any character can be brought back. There was no indication that Guile retired in that era or Honda or Zangief. They just werent playable.
No one knows SF3, expanding on the story with Neo Shadaloo etc is a good idea, can include more fan favourites and new characters plus doesnt require any retcons.