The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I mean they created Ed to give Rog a purpose, Menat to give Rose a purpose, they gave Sagat the snh storyline to give him a reason to be in SFV after he “retired”, Blanka is basically doing nothing relevant and he’s back. Clearly they dont only bring back characters involved in the central plot of the story.

Exactly, we finally had a monumental move with Shadaloo actually being destroyed and some major progress moving forward in the timeline. Speaking of timelines, unless it’s a small skirmish story, they’re running of of reasonable time between the pre-SF3 games and SF3 itself. With SF5 I think we’re months away from it picking up.

Even forgetting that, it’s a bad look. SF3 introduces some bold new ideas. I want to delve into the Illuminati, have fun with that, resolve the story and move on picking up momentum and keeping new stuff in the series instead of just being gunshy and relying on the old stuff again. Let’s get new characters, factions, locations, martial arts, etc shown off as we keep going forward.

Nah, I disagree. As odd as things have been, people can keep up with movie franchises filled with prequels. IF SF6 finally course corrects, then all the other games after it can keep the numbering going upwards and the problem is solved. Just keep that going and maybe have subtitles if you must, but completely ditching the numbers is going to make people think there’s been a reboot or spinoff.

To me, that’s where the potential for ridiculous fun could come in.

Juri steps out the shadows to confront Vega in an alley.

Juri: Well, well, look at what we’ve got here. It’s my old friend, the perv.

Vega: Boorish woman, begone, I’m hunting unsightly prey!

Juri: Eww, I can practically hear you drooling over that. You’ve got issues pal.

Vega: And you have no class and reek of hypocrisy! You love death and destruction as well!

Juri: Prick!

Vega: Harlot!

Juri, Vega:…

Juri: Are you as turned on as I am?

Vega: Oh thank God, I thought I was the only one.

[Lvl 3 hyper make out booty call Finiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish!!! K. O.!]


That wasn’t even an answer to my question.

It looks like you are uncertain and unsure of what you want and want to see?

Those were individual progress, Ed as with Rog was more than making Rog something else and Rog needed that improvement compare to the other characters.

Sagat doesn’t even need the SNH stuff, even without it can always appear because his anchor in the story plot is the mascot. Just like Ken and Sakura with Ryu.

While Blanka’s anchor is also tied in with the Mascot. Which is Sakura.

lol with this:


I’m not really into the future so much but I think they need to do thing gradually like doing a game that is set within SF3 timeline also like I usually mentioned in the thread.

That involves Neo-Shadaloo, Juri, Viper, SFA characters and the rest of the SF2 characters like Guile, Zangief and Chun as a preparation for their involvement in the later After SF3 game.

To avoid the thing that SF3 did in the 90’s that everyone just been missing in action.

SF3 undeniable complicate things for future SF characters reappearance. Many had said they can just do this and that but the truth is it isn’t like that since we have seen it happen already not just in SF and Fighting games but a lot of things.

I’m not exactly into a reboot but a gradual stuff that confirms and dis-confirms event while the important and relevant things stays.

Sees Shakunetsu about to enter a heated discussion in story thread

Aaaah shit, here we go again


What I’m saying is that any character can come back regardless if they’re relevant to the main storyline of SF6. SF5 has brought back several characters who werent really important to the main story.
Personally I want to see what happens with the Illuminati, maybe bringing back some of the characters that are involved such as Gill, G, etc, as well as creating new Illuminati characters. Or they could always create new villains and a new big bad, but I feel the Illuminati, unlike Shadaloo, still has some juice left in it for them to explore. They could also focus on G and make him super important to the plot of SF6.
I definitely think the Neo Shadaloo should be involved somehow, maybe as neutral guys and doing things their own way. They can always introduce newbies from here. Also exploring disciples that have yet to appear, like Gen’s disciple, Phantom, the latter as a possible villain.
They could also show us what happened to the dolls and what they’re currently doing, surely some of them are probably still working with Cammy and others could be reunited with family (T Hawk, Maggio, etc). Some of this stuff could appear in the second story mode but I doubt that we’re gonna get that at this point. But it can always appear in character stories.
I mean the possibilities are endless, all they need is creativity and imagination.


My preference would be for SF to go back to old animesque style be it SF2, SFA or SF3. But since Capcom seems so intent on esports I bet they wonder how are they gonna show a cartoony game on ESPN rather than something that looks more realistic to the masses. That’s my worry.

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haha I would be busy in tommorow in a week. lol

That was not really the case on SF5, It does worked with several one specially in Alpha but not in a SF3 time hop. SF5 was set in time prepared and fix by SF4.

Without SF4 it bring us back to a complicated time… Take a look back in the past wild theories of those day when people are just referencing ST revival in GBA and SF3NG on what should happen and not happened.

SF4 created an anchor to characters in SF5 to be in the future.

Without an anchor everything goes complicated. SF4 and SF5 fix it for SF3 but it also did open new things to need to explore before SF3 resolution which is about Neo-Shadaloo.

The thing is are we really excited with what’s with beyond SF3 or we just want to know what particular events and specific events are characters are involve into?

Do we really need tons of disciple stories? Do we really need more new disciple characters? are the current new generation of characters like Menat and Neo Shadaloo along side with Yun, Yang, Ibuki, Makoto and etc… not enough?

Were on the same page on this and I believe this is possible in a game set within SF3 timeline or from a new character for SFV but not beyond SF3 timeline.

We need to go gradually. I’m not into a reboot but more on confirming and preparation another game set within SF3 timeline with icons with new characters from both SF5 and SF4 is a better way to deal with the future titles to make their absence and re-appearance relevant and clear.

I’m all for this, but at same time i want old school SF icons to be in that future timeline too and keep evolve

Aside the obvious easy safe bet like Cammy or Sagat, i still want to see also less “marketable” vet icons like Gief or Sim survive the post-SF3 jump

I don’t want for sure another cast genocide like when SF3 team was too bitter at the idea of live in SF2’s shadow

If for future you just mean post-SF3, sure i want that too
If for future we mean the wet dream of anti-WorldWarriors crowd, no fuck them LOL


I dont even care much for SF3, SF Alpha is my nostalgia so of course I dont want a post SF3 timeline to exclude nearly every character. And I doubt Capcom would do that, it would be terrible from a business and marketing perspective. They would find new ways to integrate them into future storylines, but I’m also of the mindset that I dont think we need to see every SF2 representative in every SF. I’d be fine with a few skipping SF6 and returning in SF7. Im positive a lot of my favorite Alpha chars wont be returning besides Sakura who I dont care about.


Sorry but I didnt really understand a lot of what you said.

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lol, yeah were convinced that you skipped because the questions were not english.

The thing is with SF3 is something that is need to be dealt with.

You cannot ignore it because SF3 a popular game.

This is why I believe some disliked the world warrior so I prefer them being sideline characters but still selectable and not involved in a major plot of a new SF game. They can be there because new characters have to ask them or had bump in them. Like Bison and Akuma being in the background of the future events.

Rather than giving them poor conclusive stories came from the people that dislike them or never liked them that they never needed in the first place because they were significant character choices to return for every SF games.

Same thing that Ryu needs to be a sideline character that spends a time with Oro training and not part of the center plot but still usable in the character select screen because of the new cast of protagonist had bumping to him like Sean, Alex and Oro crosses path to with Ryu in SF3.

While this time around new characters can be the spotlight like trends and bandwagon wishes without messing up the icons with the what if should if conclusions.

They could but not all of those were applicable to every characters they need to build relationships and connections. Another major issue of this if the character is killed off. What happened to others cannot be redone again unless they were explained in the plot wise like Bison in SF4. Without SF4 and just referencing ST revival GBA and SF3NG… Bison possibility re-appearance towards future games is convoluted.

LoL and Overwatch both use cartoon-like stylized looks, and those games are as esports as it gets. I don’t think that the esports focus is going to be a problem at least in that regard.


I recently search and found this at Reddit as well.

I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but I think the same leniency will not be shown to a SF with cartoony graphics by the demographic Capcom is aiming for.

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I believe you, i’m saying it because i know there’s an huge loud request (ironically from a small %) of anti-SF2 fucks that cried at both 4 and V being not post-SF3 just because they want get rid of old cast and go on from SF3 one.

As for SF2 cast as a whole being “untouchable”, i’m not necessary of that religion either, but i believe some SF2 designs are to this day some of the most memorable and we should not lose them just for the “future” thing

If was for me, i will accept some heavy cut on SF2 cast

  • Ryu - surely in

  • Ken - surely in

  • Chun - surely in

  • Cammy - surely in

  • Guile - i will accept a new young american soldier, just as i was ok with Nash as “new Guile” back to SFA. Will be even nice see Guile teach somebody his dead friend’s martial art, just like Nash teached it to him.

  • Zangief - keep, one of best SF characters

  • Blanka - let him go, maybe the chance for a new beast/savage char without be redundant (example Necalli was already kinda covering it in SFV)

  • Honda - i will be ok with a new sumo rep

  • Dhalsim - like him but i will accept new spiritual or direct successor… maybe even Datta

  • Fei Long - like him but i will accept Yun as new smallagilechinesekungfuguy, he’s a good design. Possibly will like them both though

  • DeeJay - let him go

  • T.Hawk - let him go

  • Balrog - i will accept Dudley as only Boxing rep

  • Vega - keep, one of best SF characters

  • Sagat - keep, one of best SF characters

  • M.Bison - out from standard cast, in as “secret char”

That’s like 7,5 i will ask to keep out a 16 total, despite a cast that i consider almost perfect as a whole

And the beauty of it all, is that you need to throw those character away permanently, you can always bring them back in a future game. Some of them I truly dont like, but others who I like i’m fine if Capcom wants to make us miss them for a game only to bring them back in a future game down the line.

I think some of you are confusing “post-SF3” with “time skip”.

I don’t think anyone is asking for ANOTHER “New Generation”. Just…the next game after 3rd Strike.

I’ll take either at this point.

Anything but another interquel.

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SF6 as a retelling of SF3 is a good idea.


Problem with the SF3 trilogy was that it felt more like a soft-reboot rather than a sequel

Yes, you have some of the familiar faces (exactly 4 of them), and it’s clear that this is a continuation of their respective stories (i.e. Ken being a dad, Chun moving past avenging her father, Ryu being at his near peak strength thanks to Oro’s training, Akuma being…well, Akuma), yet everything else surrounding them was new

It didn’t help that 90% of the established (by that game) cast just…disappeared. No explanations, no backstory, no conclusions, it’s like they have either vanished or never existed in the first place. That’s a massive lore/storytelling problem that Capcom has never really addressed via official Street fighter media, so I’d like to believe that SF5 serving as the grand setup of SF3’s events means that the next game will continue building on that plotline AND that even should some of the characters not be present in SF6’s roster - either provide us with proper material, like, say, Guile retiring from military service, or just straight up do retcons.

Everybody knows Capcom can’t just evade that part of the timeline forever. We’ve already done all other sorts of sequels and prequels, and as it stands - if they either do an Alpha 3 sequel (though technically that’s SF2), or another prequel (basically starting from the very beginning), or another reboot, fans aren’t gonna be too happy.

It’s now or never