The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

SFV story needed more Juri, but the bits we got were a treat <3

Love her.


So guys, I don’t know how many of you follow Easy Allies on Twitch/Youtube (they’re the former GameTrailers crew fyi), but there was a recent Frame Trap episode (it’s a series where EA discuss all things fighting games among other stuff) with featued Maximillian, and he had a discussion with the EA guys about the present and the future of the Capcom fighting games

Without going too much into detail, there were three most interesting points in regards to the topic

  1. The next Street Fighter game, whatever it is, could/should go back to a more anime-esque/cartoonish style of the Alpha series, since Street Fighter nowadays is still going into that direction as far as the series’ look is concerned, so might as well embrace it full stop

  2. If he was put in charge of the next Capcom FG, he’d just make a Capcom vs Capcom crossover. They have a fantastic array of characters from dozens of franchises (some of which have been long forgotten), we saw some of the cool returnees like Felicia or Tronbon in MVC3, or Jedah and Monster Hunter appeared in MVCI. On top of that, there are many special costumes in SFV, but they’re only based on those characters, how awesome would it be to see them as actual characters in a fighting game? Mentions Capcom vets like Linn Kurosawa and the likes

  3. When asked about if a hypothetical SF6 could work with the RE Engine, he said “yes, absolutely”, but important moment is when it comes to the art direction - it can be (hyper) realistic, but not Western realistic (which is what RE2 Remake and DMCV do, for example) but rather Eastern realistic, so that it still retains the anime-ish elements with everybody having big muscles and stuff

What do you guys think?

Here’s the full episode for anybody interested to hear his thoughts on the subjects in full, timestamps are in the video’s description on YT


re: Vega fanart:

Ah crap, you’re right. Funny how amazing fan art can make the case for something real awesome.

Interesting, I’ll check it out and share my thoughts!

They’re, like, so similar. And if they weren’t fighting over Cammy, they could be friends…

I’ve wanted an all Capcom fighting game since forever. Dunno why they just won’t do it. People usually bring up Capcom Fighting Evolution, but that game is old and was never popular.

A big budget Capcom All-Stars is the dream.



1- absolutely, but i doubt it will happen
Tbh i don’t know if they are enough honest to admit most of the internet accusation to SFV being “ugly” are the result of theyr many fuck-ups and loose standard of quality rather than the choice of stick with highly stylization over a more western-popular realistic look (like that SFV prototype crap)

2- personally i’m not that hyped for Capcom v Capcom, but that’s just me.
I will prefer waaaaaaaaay more Capcom vs SNK 3, it’s by far capcom’s greatest crossover and could make sense for both companies
It will require lot of taste on wich characters pick, specially on SNK side lol

3- Absolutely agree, as long the point of NOT be “western realistic” stay strong. Good call on DMCV as something to not follow.
To balance it will need a strong stylization though, i want it to still give a Capcom vibe

I fear this could be a problem if they went with RE Engine. So far all three games that used it (RE7, RE2, DMC5) all look very bland, grey and just visually boring. There’s next to no color in them, so they’re very gritty games by nature. Street Fighter needs to be colorful as shit, which is represented through its characters and stages


Btw LOL at people ignoring completely Ono’s message :smiley:

Risultati immagini per ono lies sfv

Poor Ono, he just essentially confirmed SFV it’s not over, and more than that he call it “season” as say whatever it’s coming can be comparable to previous years

E3 maybe?

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Well, he didn’t say much except more is coming.

I GUESS we could speculate what Blanka’s pockets means…

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Whenever he says “Blanka’s pockets” it means there’s a reveal coming. When is it and what is it is left to speculation


Yeah… but there, specially if we talk about DMCV it’s an “artistical” (marketing) choice

RE games i’m ok sell theyr anus to 'Merica, after all setting and vibe ever wanted offer an american action movie experience, so was a reasonable evolution (same CapVsMarvel games, i liked waaaaaaay more the old style, but in that case american comic style make sense too)
Tbh in that sense i ever thought RE was already heavy in that direction since RE5 days
DMCV was more a delusion, specially as i expected it as reparation for antoniades dmc lol

Essentially in all cases you said it’s not that they “failed” at offer a japanese game vibe, they straight wanted a different thing

I don’t fear the engine itself, i fear theyr lack of pride/balls combined with greed that recent years capcom often displayed

I guess best kind of “loyalty” we can hope for SF is the one Monster Hunter got

Yeah, likely i’m reading to much into it but the two thing that got my attention are

“SF5 new season”
The fact that he call it new season make me rise hope “Season 4” will actually be a thing and not just some half assed character like the one we got last time 99 years ago
Ready to be burnt once more, but i feel we will get multiple char announcement + SFV story going forward… even just by these characters having theyr arc, but hopefully more

“could I please ask you to wait a little longer? Thank you for your understanding.”
I think this mean E3, wich is almost exactly a month away… Ono’s message is 12/5 and E3 is 11/6-14/6

Hopefully not at EVO wich is more far… 2/8-4/8

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1.) Actually not just aesthetic choices but another SF ALPHA reboot is a decent safe choice for a SF6 with SF3, SF5 and SF4 characters in it instead moving towards future SF3.

2.) Or an SF6 set also in SF3 timeline something that is happening at the same time but the characters involve those that were not in SF3 game (from SF4, SF5, SFA and SF2) with some SF3 character so it explained their absence or where they are and what they were up.

Cell Shaded aesthetics are way to go to everyone (me I’m okay whether it’s not as long the art style is akin to original SF2, especially the SF2AM or 90s-bengus in SFZ).

Capcom also should ditched the number system on SF titles. It’s confusing since it’s not really helping in which arrangement it would be.

I want to see Street Fighter VS Street Fighter, Street Fighter “Cross” Street Fighter", Street Fighter All Star, Street Fighter Legacy, Street Fighter Grand Master and etc.

A Capcom all star title is a sure sell even mobile releases has been cashing for it since SF4.

Linn Kurusawa was under FOX license so now it’s Marvel but still not Capcom.

The only thing I bothered with Alpha timeline is RYU = SNH again because it’s teen Ryu. So Ryu in the future with SNH issues again is meh to me. He should dismissed it long ago especially in 30s SNH. Should have been obsolete to Ryu later on. Good thing that they separate SNH in SF5. I’m just hoping it is for good.

Vega would be grossed out by Juri’s lack of class, and Juri would not stand Vega’s narcissistic attitude and snobbism.

Now if by getting along you mean hatefucking I can definitely see that happen. They could have very interesting dynamics going on.


SF6 needs to go beyond the SF3 storyline. No reboots thank you.



The thing is that what we fans really want to see?

or we’re just curious what beyond it?

Me, if it would be beyond SF3 I just want it about neo-shadaloo, no-SNH drama and etc.

Because we’ve been wanting to know what happens afterwards for 20 years. Its about damn time.



Is like the same thoughts of people in the early late 90s, A trend that is wanting to see everything set in a more futuristic or beyond the current timeline.

The thing is… Is fans about the characters or about the what it’s and should if’s future events?

Cry about what characters? They can literally make up any storyline to bring back any character they want to. Heck a lot of the time that doesnt even matter and they just bring back who they want.


Right, Whose character do you want in a time set beyond SF3? What do want him/her be doing anyway?