The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Tekken 7 has definitely gotten much stronger.

DBFZ, however, has not. After a great showing at EVO, that scene has gotten noticeably weaker. It isn’t from a lack of updates or anything, either. Most Marvel players have ditched the game altogether.

Even still, I don’t disagree regarding Capcom’s fighters.


Capcom has had two partnerships with popular franchises like Fate Stay (there was a PS2 game), and Gran blu (a small collaboration but I dont doubt Capcom could have asked them to make a fighting game). Now Arc Sys is making a Gran Blu fighting game. They dropped the ball to cultivate an scene and fans for these games.

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That wouldn’t make the slightest lick of sense on Namco’s part.
And that’s just on top of the fact that it’s been years since SFxT anyway.

I blame their absolutely abysmal choices for DLC characters.


Yeah the DLC vibe later had made kinda meh and we understand because it is to captitalize with the main characters. Yet there are interesring villains their that can implement unique special rather than just blasting and punching.

It started amazing because of visual along with the brand plus a perfect timing because of the on going series that time.

As of Capcom they still invest a lot in mobile stuff but now more on collaboration and cameo rather than stand alone. A Capcom All Star with CVS2 gameplay would work but they need to not bomb it with microtransaction as early.

That will be epic and i will love It, but tbh i don’t even necessary need GG’s cell shading

Just nail SF2tAM stylization and taste, you win me regardless of tech

i think SFV could have been something very different with legit art direction

Hmm. Guess I’m in the minority liking the art direction in SFV (some issues aside) - especially compared to 4…


The comparison to 4 is exactly the problem. As 5 just looks like a slightly higher fidelity version of 4’s art style, which wasn’t that great to begin with.

Characters very much look like plastic figures, and it sucks.

It was forgivable with 4 because Xrd hadn’t appeared and “solved” 3D anime graphics forever yet. 5 has no excuse to still look as unimpressive as it does.

The problem with sf4 was because it’s fugly. It is intentional to make it humour and not just cartoonish. It was like a trend in japan.

You people know there are other styles than cell-shading.


I don’t think anyone can say that SFIV has a better art direction than V and have a clue about art direction.

A lot of people like the way V looks too.


good reminder of why jap brands better stay jap

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Did Capcom outsource art as heavily with SF4 as SFV? SFV has the potential to be leaps and bounds better, but the inconsistency with character and costume quality is holding it back.

2014 Godzilla movie is great. King of the Monsters is looking phenomenal.

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SFV looks great to me shrugs

Curious as to how the next game will look.


SFV has some good models, even a few great ones. But you also have Ken face, Alex face/legs, and Falke animations that seem counterproductive. If all the characters were on the level of Chun-Li or Urien, I wouldn’t have any complaints with the game’s visuals.


One of the big differences between Power Rangers and Super Sentai. is that characters actually die on screen.

case in point Super Sentai’s Abrakiller was a lot more brutal than the Power ranger version .


Tbh most of people don’t have a clue about what art direction is, so i will be hesitant use what a-lot-of-people like as proof of better art direction

SFV surely looks “prettier” for a series of factors (wich in large part it’s enough to win the a-lot-of votes), but honestly i have hard time point at SFV art direction as the reason

To me it’s a ridicolous difficult comparision, because on one hand it’s easy point at the two SF4 main visual problems:

  • The whole art direction is strong and stick to Ikeno’s vision, but the style chosen is an highly controversial choice (personally i did’nt liked it much), we can call it “kinda ugly” to have a simple simple way to see it

    Essentially the Captain may have took wrong decisions, but soldiers executed orders efficently and loyally.
    The result is that in both virtues and (many) sins you got a visually coherent thing, where everything for good or for bad seem done by the same hand with same vision

  • The tech side was’nt that good, one can rightfully say art director should have maximized what they got for the best result, and i kinda agree.
    But personally it’s the type of smart thinking that i consider a + (and an actual must to aim at maximum quality) when i see it applied, rather than use it as argument to accuse when it’s not

On other hand, if i must do same reasoning on what’s “gone wrong” with SFV art direction i feel more like

Of course both games visual had many good qualities too (SF4 probably less recognized ones at that), and i appreciated them… i actually consider both games “pretty” when took at the right moment

And again it’s not up to discussion wich of the two looks “prettier”, SFV is prettier… and aside the kinda unfair comparision with a ps3 game, i consider SFV a good looking game on general

I just think SF deserve better than both

Maybe a strong (SF4) art direction, good tech (SFV) and all for once used on a truly beautiful style (neither tbh) wich combine high level jap character design and loyalty to SF aesthetic

From there it’s the usual wishlist of “perfect” style, but jumping that i think one sure thing is that watching Capcom’s past, at theyr peak they used to have a much better understanding on how create a great stylization of SF characters… it’s easy blame the switch to 3D, but it’s in artworks too
To that SFV in particular added a visible loss of identity and a lot of “whatever” mindset

Speaking of whatever, all this ideal streak of ideal good decisions is useless, let’s see how things will go under new guy… for better or for worse SF6 will likely be very different from SF4/SFV
I just hope he will not sell SF(6) art anus to the west, and i’m not speaking of “DmC” kind of bullshit… i will not want them to “DMC5” SF either


Meanwhile Nintendo without decades of experience in capcomstuff did smashbrosRyu, wich with a little shoop on colors i did, looks like this

Now imagine you can raise the detail and and “gritty” vibe to SFV standards (specially on gi and muscle definition) but keep this kind of slighty anime stylization, i will actually take it over this

Of course smash bros got a much much lower detail and art style is’nt specifically designed for the SF guest… and still, imagine if it was

I like SFV Ryu, he looks good.