The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I’m equal parts impressed and disgusted; You’ve managed to piss me off even more than your entire “Akuma knocking up Chun-Li via SNH” concept, and in a single sentence no less.


I think most people in here have spoken my thoughts on Capcom’s current position and I do think that it’s best for the fighting division to take a little rest for now.

Right now we are seeing a big change in Capcom compared to it a decade ago, there seems to be more quality put into games and less awkward decisions being made in regards to marketing and PR. We now have these high-end games (DMC5, MHW, RE2 remake, MM11 etc) coming out and it seems to the only remaining portion of bad Capcom is coming from the fighting division. While they have fixed their act with SFV:AE IMO there’s still a ways to go in regards to the FG side so I’d hold off until the situation there is resolved.

As for SF6, honestly I see it coming around 2021-2022, give the next gen time to breathe and gain traction before releasing a new SF game. I believe that Capcom have learnt from their SFV mistakes and I’m willing to take a chance and say that SF6 will probably deliver.

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Most of the wrongs have been at a management level, I’d say, so they could do well under new management. It’s not like they did their best and the games are bad and they can’t aspire for more. The talent is there, either in-house or in closely tied subcontractors; they just need to get their shit together and not release a game with 16 characters and no content.


There’s making changes without being held back by fans and then there’s stripping the identity of the main product. Gritty and western don’t work with Street Fighter or Darkstalkers. Having that Japanese flair and stylization gave DS it’s visual identity. Felicia and Morrigan are 2 of the most iconic reps, I don’t see desaturating Morrigan’s hair and getting rid of some of her crazy animations going over well, I don’t see a new MK style gritty game having Felicia being lovably cutesy as she is nowadays and breaking out into the occasional goofy expression when she’s scared or hurt.

Taking DS too into the realm of serious, grit, and western aesthetics is a bad idea and as others said, I’d rather keep it dead than turn it into anything resembly MK or KI. I don’t even have issue with those games, but I don’t want a clone. And God almighty help them if they ditch that uniquely classic 90s Capcom DS sound for generic rock and metal.


Those Darkstalkers piano/xylophone samples are so beautiful-sounding. One thing I loved about DS was that each character had their own genre associated with them.

I honestly believe that Darkstalkers will indeed return one day.


Star Trek reboot pissed off a lot of the old fans, but managed to revitalize the franchise and give it more appeal.

Weebo stuff is out of fashion, anime sucks more than ever nowadays. I didn’t say make it “serious”, just a little grittier, less bright colors, less anime mannerisms and such. I’m sure you could give an interesting spin to the franchise, it’s a concept that can be taken into a lot of places.

That could bring a new audience, but doesn’t necessarily have to alienate all of the old fans; if some of them prefer the old version of the franchise, well, no one forces them to buy the new version, they could stick to the old thing.

Sometimes we need to look back to analyze the situation properly.

What made SFV better, boring and worst content wise to be specific?

1.) Vanilla SFV had the most diverse cast.

2.) It had one edge lord clone character compare to 4.

3.) It had the best new characters compare to SF3 and SF4 (Exception are Zero or any Final Fight characters).

4.) They handle diversity of clones better by not overdoing it to play different or even plainly simple in SFV.

5.) Standalone Content like Storymode. (It’s not the storymode I prefer I like Tekken7’s more immersive structure and I also like CVS2 storymode. It’s not inferior compare to my preference but it had its own unique style that made it better on some areas.

6.) Innovative Arcade mode which is better than any street fighter that exist in the past.

Am I wrong or right?

Anything did I forget?

What made SFV the worst?

1.) Agree with everyone SFV vanilla was a total disaster. Undeniably a failure in retail package in launch.
2.) DLC but they are compensating with it with promotional package re-releases in future updates.
3.) Fight Money… yeah this had been getting worse and worse. undeniable.

4.) Was it the lack of characters?

5.) Was it the graphics? This is actually more of personal choice. The stylistic choice is still modern and not dated compared to the other more recent FG titles

For the sake of hearing news lol, because other FG is releasing a new content so capcom should to. Lol that logic.

Things that cause the toxicity in SFV current state

The problem here is that there are fans that is hard to satisfy or are the whinners, ranters and haters without any original opinion other than echo the same thing without looking in the past and present this are the people that imitate this things because it’s mainstream to do so.

They can be divided into several groups

1.) The vulnerable and gullible that are not aware and familiar with the technical capabilities and possibilities in development that were taken advantage by ego eccentric individual which fooled them by feeding them false promises and misleading expectations with time and development restriction.

2.) People that believe things should be this and that for the sake of “idea” to be satisfied even those ideas wan’t even beneficial and would do contribution to what things should be.

a) Like they should release this character for the sake of this line up to be complete… Imagine those guys that BOTH hate SF4 for having SF2 majority a lot in vanilla but wanting honda to be in the game for sake being complete. It’s okay to be a completionist. if you are really that not some guy that bandwagons things.

-It’s okay for the for the person wanting honda to be in s4 but him ranting about that in Sf4 only proves that the guy has conflicting thoughts or just bandwagon stuff lacking self reason and personal interest what in the game is or would be other than ranting for the sake of things being a way.

b) Those that rant about DLC characters while believing a (UNSEEN) new characters would make the game better. Same with the guys that demands news about Capcom because another FG company has news on characters but doesn’t bother if Capcom release new characters when somebody else FG company isn’t. Its like he always obliged Capcom to compete with other but doesn’t care really anyway when Capcom show stuff.

3.) People that believe they hold control and manipulate Capcom or they are the threat and claim that they are feared by Capcom then claim it as bragging rights of being superior than them lol. First no-one controls Capcom except stockholders and owners.

That truth is. It is Capcom that holds them without Capcom they are nothing and for them to say in social media because they build a publicity based on a joke that kicks back on them. They cannot do the same thing in other companies even how many times they would threaten Capcom. because Capcom do care on people reaction but those that gather data and analyze it isn’t gullible enough to be fooled and oppress by this antics. Especially if person are inconsistent even being repetitive and lacking of dense on argument other than this thing should be that because of that or for the sake of that.

For the sake of hearing news lol, because other FG is releasing a new content so capcom should to lol,

4.) People that threatening Capcom to never play SFV again and will play NRS for storymode but continues to ask Capcom updates and repeat this thing every month rather than simply doing it. NRS did a fantastic job but threatening Capcom is ridiculous, If Capcom was reading that and your ranting the same thing every month, they maybe laughing at you. If you like just play it and don’t like it leave it then you can give honest reviews like Yagami does when it’s part of a discussion. It’s honest because it’s unique and personal straight forward rather than people that echoes the same thing and include unrelated stuff.

-I remembered the guy that threatens Capcom by having to purchase MVC3 url to buy it on him lol. He posted in unity that time laughing a Capcom. In the end it makes him look like a douche.

5.) Those that said they want quality content and decent standalone features but mostly ranting about costumes releases and character releases. Especially if this were the same guys that discourage Arcade Mode during SF4 and saying it wasn’t made for casuals lol.

Majority of the toxicity from those that are bandwagoning individual that were misled ego centric people or people that wants internet attention or something to brag on lol.

They are the noise and pollution in the community that believe they control stuff and believe they can oppressed Capcom. The truth is that they only produce conflicting results with data and reliable feed backs. The poll was the definite solution to filter it and did a great job.

The thing is this people wanting really storymode or they just care about characters? and the worst for the sake of this and that… then there another that does tons of wishlist because they were curios. This kind of people cannot be satisfied to begin with and only waste resources.

Are they just ranting and whinning for the sake of diversity, for sake of being different, for the sake to bandwagon a demand?

Look at Samurai Showdown? There were no toxicity with the few character in their game.

No to OMEGA MODE. or dev team spending time to input and do wacky moves but YES to Version Select or HyperSF2 a like.

First of all It’s a misconception that Omega mode is just putting in things without balance. It’s not balance that made thing play with it’s the choice of making it relevant to be picked compared to other available options.

This is why Kage and Decapre was designed wise not just the story but also the gameplay and profit because they are diverse but there is still an illusion of them being the same or the better counter part and replacement not just visually but also in gameplay, which aren’t really true lol but it did look like that to casuals because the moves are more edgier. They are not even poor translation and replace they are just more diverse and fixed version. Like Kage is the Evil Ryu we needed and Kage the fixed for Evil Ryu.

So even the it is Omega mode they still need to think of better implementation and the need to make thing unique and different from the current and previous to make an option standout and be Omega.

Was Omega mode something that we really need? No. everyone and even fake leakers tries to say that there would be an Omega mode and also a Rainbow edition mode. That’s not something that would help the game.

What we need with those time of resources and gameplay study is a new alternative Vskill and CA. Omega mode is only casualize mode nothing special with the new moves that aren’t supposed to be played legibly. It only divides the community in a way that is contesting with another preferred true and exact gameplay experience fancied.

Version select is better like HyperSF2 did because it’s just bring old familiar things to test with each player from different seasons that they were active. Unlike SF4 Omega that separates and takes time resources for a more better and priority new updates like new Vskill, new CA.

Yes Version select was included in Omega mode but the restriction and the lack of wackiness does not make the old players feel still familiar to return in SFV. The interesting stuff with this limitation is for them to see that they have just need a few thing to cope up and play the updated legibly experience rather than playing a fancied one.

This is a matter of power users options making things complicated to make a potential returning player because it can be discouraging and conflicting with the current game experience rather than to see what they need to adopt and change in their previous ways.

So that this previous player can reflect on clearly on the things they need to adjust and update by comparing what still works and what doesn’t work now to the current players. Which the Omega cannot give because it lacks that value of focus.

Plus it just need to put previous season version without the need to majorly think of something new or weird that would take time, divide and contest the present possible update to be better and more enjoyable.

So this will be goal:

To used the Version Select Mode to encourage them to return and be unified in the present version rather than to contest it and divide the player base to play another version of the game with exclusive features.

So what is the best solution

1.) Release character not based on internet rant but based on poll data and indivual opinions that are random not from people trying to reach out obviously.
2.) Add new Vskill… to atleast change the meta if they felt the game is boring so they having something to do so,
3.) Lower the FM requirements then return rewards from other modes for obtaining them.

What I fear Capcom would do instead and I hope they would not.

1.) Like the next future SF had many DLC characters planned but lessen the focus on single player content because of that no body was wanting it and because of MVCI problem.


Where is the Star Trek reboot now? The sequels were less successful with Beyond flat out flopping. Discovery is making no one happy. Merchandise partners don’t want to touch the new shit since fans only want to buy prime Star Trek stuff.

I don’t get where you get this idea of stripping a series of everything that makes it what it is will make it successful.


I agree with everything else but not this part. External people with no much knowledge/fucks given about SF are one of the flaws of SFV aesthetic

Star Trek reboot is dead. Which is why you are right and Magegg is wrong. You never want to shit on your diehard fans to appeal to new ones. You want to appease diehard fans while you reach out for new ones. Newer fans tend to be more fickle and if you prioritize them over diehards you end shit creek when they move on to the next thing.


That has absolutely nothing to do. Abram’s Star Trek was a roaring success and it made way more to renew the franchise than thelast 2 or 3 movies before it. Even if the sequels (for different reasons) weren’t able to keep with that high bar.

Discovery’s doing fine and still getting renewed with a high budget, whether old fans like the series or not.

And whatever, Star trek isn’t the obly example of a reboot/reimagining finding success. James Bond, Planet of the Apes, brought substantial changes upon the original material, and gave birth to some of the best and most succesful movies of thr whole franchise.

I know I’m on a Capcom forum so there’s a lot of people putting Darkstalkers in an altar. But still you have to renew the brand with a new spin in order to keep it relevant; it can’t be the same thing as before.

Remember when SF4 was announced and how a lot of old school Capcom fans they would never play a 3D graphics SF game? Or how KOF XIII barely made any money? A franchise must change if someone wants to keep ot alive.

Darkstalkers has potential appeal for a bigger market, a lot of elements that could evolve in many different directions. Anime’s way out past due, a breath of fresh air is what the franchise needs for Capcom to be able to capitalize on it.

I’m not even talking about doing something “completely different”. Just some tweaks to go more with what’s appealing for nowadays generations.

Killer instinct is gritty without being overky or completely dark; it’s a lot quirky and tongue in cheek in some matters. Killer Instinct a little less but still guys like Rash. DS was at the same time animeish and cartoonish, with basically every character having their wacky funny moments. You can start by redefining that, but that doesn’t mean changing the core of all the characters.

You can start to redefine the tone of the series by removing this kind of stuff without “betraying” it in any way.

DS was never widely popular in the US anyway, and nowadays with the arcade market dead, Capcom needs to appeal to the Western market the most. If they want to risk with a new AAA game/franchise.
The other option would be to become as niche as ASW with BB/GG… whose runs pretty much died by the middle of the decade. And we know Capcom isn’t like ASW.

What good is that roaring success if it can’t sustain it? Coming out the gate strong isn’t shit if you just going to come crashing down just as quick. Paramount can’t get a fourth movie off the ground because they can’t fund it on their own and two of their biggest stars dropped out because they wouldn’t accept a pay cut.

Discovery is not doing fine. It failed at it’s job of attracting people to CBS streaming service, the second season had to undergo a complete creative shaft because the first season was lackluster, Netflix isn’t overpaying for season two this time due to how disappointing season one so CBS has to pay most of the bill, licensees don’t want to touch Discovery. IIRC, it’s the first Star Trek series that launch without any kind of merch to go along with it and that’s fucking pathetic. The shorts they produced to promote season 2 create zero hype.

If you ask me Trek is in a worst state than Star Wars right now.

Those series didn’t shit on the pre-existing fanbase or strip them of their identities.

According to whom? I don’t see anything within the current market video game market to suggest this is remotely true. It’s ridiculous to suggest that a series that hasn’t had a new entry in over 20 years needs a breath of fresh air.

No one can put any objection on 2k9’s Star Trek. It was still a bigger money maker. There was a way it could still have worked with the sequels (each one failed for different reasons), but damn, it’s not easy to be perfect.

Bond did. It went away from the “badass/perfect/suave” indestructible agent to show someone more flawed and human. Tomb Raider (the games) did the same and were met with much success.

Are anime games doing good? Are there any AAA anime game franchise out there doing great numbers? Other than DB FighterZ (which is based in an already popular license, which is something Capcom doesn’t have), I don’t think so.
And Capcom’s aim is AAA titles.

That’s what Capcom did last gen and that lead to garbage like the Bionic Commando reboot, Dark Void, and Lost Planet 3. Keiji Inafune had this mindset and it lead to Capcom worst years.


None those were never popular or appealing games to begin with. Also, it wasn’t because of the change in “philosophy” why they failed; there are a ton of other factors (bad writing, bad quality, bad game design, etc.).

What I’m saying is, nowadays you show an anime/too Japanese video game to an international casual audience, most of them will frown their noses and look away. That’s the reason why SNK games are such niche and unable to triumph in US for example.
I wouldn’t change anything about Samurai Shodown or KOF, anyway, same for Rival School, they’re Japanese on their core; but Darkstalkers… it’s mostly based on Western monsters and concepts, and from all around the world; you can “de-over-Japanize” it and still get something with sustance and appeal.

So any more US cartoon CFN profiles or pics?

Humanizing Bond doesn’t strip him of the qualities people enjoy about the character and his stories.

Jump Force. It’s garbage but successful garbage. Jojo games that were made by CyberConnect2 by the end of the PS3 lifespan.

Bionic Commando Rearmed was a success for Capcom and even got a sequel. To say it wasn’t popular is wrong. It was the change of philosophy. Because wanting to appeal to the west is what lead them to outsource their IPs to western studios. It’s how we got the Bionic Commando reboot, Dark Void, Lost Planet 3, DmC and all that other trash.

I don’t buy this at all. A game like Nier Automata was successful in the west and that’s a fucking Yoko Taru game.

If I want to play a westernize Darkstalkers I’ll play KI.

It completely changes the character. And what kind of stuff do you think I’m suggesting about Darkstalkers? Turning everyone into gay trees? I’m not asking for any “super drastic” change.

Same. Based on extremely popular already existing anime franchises.

[quote=“Hawkingbird, post:1566, topic:586509”]Bionic Commando Rearmed was a success for Capcom and even got a sequel. To say it wasn’t popular is wrong. It was the change of philosophy. Because wanting to appeal to the west is what lead them to outsource their IPs to western studios. It’s how we got the Bionic Commando reboot, Dark Void, Lost Planet 3, DmC and all that other trash.
Rearmed wasn’t a AAA title. And the reboot wasn’t only the gritty/realistic tone; it was something entirely different to the original, even in genre (3D vs 2D, etc.); sort of a Bomberman Act Zero, so, it simply wasn’t relatable to whatever the original franchise meant (and Bionic Commando was never a popular brand anyway, so casual gamers didn’t give a shit about the game).
With Darkstalkers I’m calling for basically the same thing: a fighting game, albeit with some ‘tone’ and ‘aesthetic’ changes.

[quote=“Hawkingbird, post:1566, topic:586509”]
If I want to play a westernize Darkstalkers I’ll play KI.[/quote]
Game style is way too different.

Another thing I was thinking is simply… we as a culture have reached a point of exhaustion in the fighting game genre. Unless you bring something entirely different to fighting games (like what Smash Bros. did ), or rely in EXTREMELY popular/recognizable brands, people simply won’t play/buy a fighting game (even if its gameplay is the best you’ll ever seen) because they don’t find them appealing. There’s no way a new AAA “old school styled” fighting game brand can be created.

So, Capcom has no incentive on reviving more fg franchises; unlike SNK, Capcom’s pretty much in the AAA-only focus nowadays.

I’ll go with a Rival Schools 3 budget title, so.

What does it matter if it wasn’t a AAA game? Success is success. Not everything needs to be a AAA game. Capcom is one of those rare publishers that still puts out smaller games along with their big guns.

lol what? You think there’s an over saturation of fighters? We only get 2 or 3 releases at most a year for the genre. Shit ain’t battle royale or open world where there’s a new release every other month.